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Upending Stock Market Structure Using MPC CHARANJIT S. JUTLA IBM RESEARCH.

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Presentation on theme: "Upending Stock Market Structure Using MPC CHARANJIT S. JUTLA IBM RESEARCH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Upending Stock Market Structure Using MPC CHARANJIT S. JUTLA IBM RESEARCH

2 Talk Outline What exactly is the purpose of the stock market? Is there a problem with the stock market? Demand and Supply (Eco-101) Modeling (Private) Information in Equilibrium Pricing Price Discovery Mechanisms Novel (or antiquated) Structure of Stock Market Illustrative Analysis

3 Stock Market Purpose Price Discovery ◦Important for investment decisions ◦Effectively centralizes distributed information Liquidity – it is a market! NYSE vs NASDAQ (Double Auctions) Is there a problem? ◦What’s with all the day traders and HFT? Liquidity? ◦Trusting the Specialist to hide your bids? ◦Let’s Model


5 Walrasian Equilibrium (1877)

6 Walrasian Equilibrium

7 Grossman-Stiglitz Critique (1980) Impossibility of Informationally efficient markets ◦Efficient Markets Hypothesis – Prices reflect all the information ◦Even “Informed” Traders “Private” Information? ◦Then informed traders have no incentive. ◦So, in “equilibrium” no one is doing any research! ◦But, that is not an equilibrium! ◦CONCLUSION: Prices do not reflect all the information.

8 Easley-O’Hara Model (2004)

9 price Cumulative Demand and Supply BUY SELL Market price buy Market price sell CLEARING PRICE DOUBLE AUCTION (CPDA)

10 price Cumulative Demand and Supply

11 price Cumulative Demand and Supply s

12 Upshot If there is no private signal, or “signal” is public knowledge: ◦converges to Walrasian equilibrium. ◦incentivizes “uninformed”. Private Information is clearly not revealed till auction is over. ◦Informed are further incentivized. ◦Uninformed continue to get a return (so liquidity providers remain). ◦If everyone does research, faster equilibrium pricing!

13 Open Questions? ◦Mostly Finance Questions. ◦But, Additional Leakage - Performance Tradeoffs. ◦Treating Buyers and Sellers symmetrically in analysis. ◦Volume reveals signal after auction is over in simple model. ◦Periodic CPDA.


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