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Lecture 8: Altera Tools For Your Project (no textbook)
EECE476 Lecture 8: Altera Tools For Your Project (no textbook) The University of British Columbia EECE 476 © 2005 Guy Lemieux
Altera Tools Overview Quartus II Nios-II Development Kit ModelSim
simulates, compiles Verilog into gates version 5.0 (web edition) Nios-II Development Kit compiles C into NIOS code version 5.0.1 ModelSim Verilog simulator for advanced users download from Altera
Important Notes about Tools
Remember, this course is about Computer Architecture, not tools You need to learn these tools for your homework & project You must display competency with tools during your project demonstration This shows you did the work yourself I will not test your knowledge of the tools on a test I will not test your detailed knowledge of Verilog However: You should be able to read and understand simple Verilog You may have to write small amounts of (mostly correct) Verilog
Where Are They? At school… At home…
Only PCs in MCLD402 have the tools installed Lab is available when not booked for courses (eg: eece353, 379) At home… Free licensing (web registration required during installation) Obtain the software Bring a blank CD-R to MCLD402 Browse C:\ISO\ and double-click on the ISO image file. This should launch NTI software and burn the image file on your CD-R. Note: do not copy the ISO file onto the CD-R, burn it directly as an image file. If you do copy it, you can use Warning: the Altera Tools need a powerful computer 1GB free disk, 512MB+ RAM, powerful CPU
Installing Altera Tools
Obtain software on CD-R. First, install Quartus II software. Insert your burned CD-R into your computer. If it autorun starts an install program, press EXIT. Browse the CD-R drive, run ‘quartusii_50_sp1_web_edition_single.exe’ Follow detailed installation instructions on course web site. Note special instructions on disabling software firewalls, etc. (Don’t skip this step!) Second, install NIOS-II software. Browse the CD-R drive, run ‘Launcher.exe’ Choose ‘Install Altera NIOS II Development Kit’ Accept all default options
Altera Quartus II Flow: Create a “new project”
Add Verilog code to the project Edit your Verilog code Compile it Simulate it Debug it Go to step 3
Quartus: New Project File New Project Wizard Next
Choose a working directory Name your project (eg, my_xor) Name your top-level design file (eg, my_xor) Add design files: eg, my_xor.v Press Next a few times Choose ‘Cyclone’ device family Choose ‘7’ as the speed grade, then select ‘1C20F400C7’ Finish
Verilog Example: XOR Gate
module my_xor( C, A, B ); output C; input A, B; assign C = (A ^ B); endmodule Convention: Outputs come first in the “parameter list” Operation Operator ~ Bitwise NOT & Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR ^ Bitwise XOR
Quartus: Initial Settings
File New.. .Verilog HDL File Copy my_xor contents, save as my_xor.v File New … Other Files … Vector Waveform File Save as ‘my_xor.vwf’
Quartus: Compile & Simulate Your Design
Processing Start Compilation (wait a while) Open my_xor.vwf Right-click in the ‘Name’ column (white area) Insert Node or Bus… Node Finder… Press List button Under ‘Nodes Found’, choose inputs ‘A’ and ‘B’ Press ‘>’ button to move them to ‘Selected nodes’ Press OK You now have two input waveforms Try to change their value (select region, right-click or press buttons) Save Processing Start Simulation (wait a bit)
Quartus: Timing Waveforms
Quartus: Timing Waveforms
inputs gate delay (~8ns here) output glitch
Quartus: Faster Compile & Simulation – Using Functional Mode
By default, Quartus compiles into gates Slow mapping process Often, only want “function”, not precise gate-level timing “Functional simulation” runs faster Also removes gate delay and glitching Processing Generate Functional Simulation Netlist Assignments Settings… Select Simulator Simulation mode: Functional As your project grows… may have to switch to Timing, recompile, then back to Functional
Quartus: Functional Waveforms
Looks perfect!
Altera Nios II NIOS Development Kit (NDK)
Four key components: NIOS II IDE Integrated Development Environment for Windows, GUI-based programming environment Based on Eclipse Start Programs Altera Kits NIOS II DevKit Nios II IDE Cygwin “Linux” layer on top of Windows Start Programs Altera Kits NIOS II DevKit Nios II SDK Shell GNU C Compiler Tools ‘gcc’ A popular, free C compiler that targets many different CPUs Integrated into the IDE Documentation Start Programs Altera Kits NIOS II DevKit NIOS II Documentation Click ‘full documentation’ under item 4. Click ‘The Nios II Processor Reference Handbook’ These are already installed as part of the NDK!
About NIOS II Licensing…
Purpose of NIOS The NIOS CPU is an embedded CPU Altera’s business is to sell hardware Sell you a big FPGA: NIOS + logic for rest of system Altera documentation Describes how to build a NIOS computer system on an FPGA Includes a “reference design” for an entire NIOS II computer system This is not really useful to you The NIOS CPU itself is encrypted, you cannot view or modify it Licensing The NIOS software tools are “free” BUT, you don’t have a license to use Altera’s encrypted CPU netlist (SoPC builder) Don’t use it. It won’t really help you in this course.
NIOS IDE: New Project File New Project…
Altera NIOS II, C/C++ Application, Next Select Project Template: Dhrystone Select Target Hardware: Browse… C:\Altera\nios2\examples\verilog\niosii_cyclone_1c20\full_featured\full_1c20.ptf Next/Finish …wait a bit…
NIOS IDE: Compile & Run Project Build All
(wait a little while… the first time is slow!) Run Run As NIOS2-ISS (Instruction Set Simulator) or Run Debug As NIOS2-ISS Slick GUI... You can play, but this tool won’t help your project much Command-line tools are what you really need
NIOS Cygwin What is it? Why? Unix command-line shell under windows
Unix utilities: ls, less, grep, sed, awk, etc… You’ll need to ‘brush up’ on your Unix Why? Can use gcc to compile C to NIOS code Can assemble/disassemble NIOS code Use it to write test cases for your CPU Writing NIOS programs in binary is painful! Let the tools help you
GCC and Objdump Compiling and Disassembling:
% nios2-elf-gcc –O –c dhrystone.c compiles program, optimizes code, writes object file dhrystone.o % nios2-elf-objdump –S dhrystone.o disassembles object file (or executable file) to screen (stdout) shows instructions, labels, memory addresses, and binary machine code Compiling to Assembly and Assembling: % nios2-elf-gcc –O –S dhrystone.c compiles program, optimizes code, writes assembly file dhrystone.s shows labels and instructions only (no addresses or binary code) % nios2-elf-gcc –c dhrystone.s assembles program, writes object file dhrystone.o
Sample NIOS Assembly C Code Assembly Code int main() { int a = 1;
int b = 1; int c; int i; for( i=2; i <= 100; i++ ) { c = a + b; a = b; b = c; } return c; Run these commands: % nios2-elf-gcc –O2 –S fib.c % cat fib.s Output is shown in next column. % nios2-elf-gcc –c fib.s .file "fib.c" .section text .align 3 .global main .type main: addi sp, sp, -8 movi r4, 1 stw fp, 4(sp) mov r5, r4 mov fp, sp movi r3, 98 .L6: add r2, r5, r4 addi r3, r3, -1 mov r4, r2 bge r3, zero, .L6 ldw fp, 4(sp) addi sp, sp, 8 ret .size main, .-main .ident "GCC: (GNU) (Altera Nios II 1.0 b316)"
Sample NIOS Disassembly
C Code Disassembled Code int main() { int a = 1; int b = 1; int c; int i; for( i=2; i <= 100; i++ ) { c = a + b; a = b; b = c; } return c; Run these commands: % nios2-elf-gcc –O2 –c fib.c % nios2-elf-objdump –S fib.o Output is shown in next column. fib.o: file format elf32-littlenios2 Disassembly of section .text: <main>: 0: defffe addi sp,sp,-8 4: movi r4,1 8: df stw fp,4(sp) c: 200b883a mov r5,r4 10: d839883a mov fp,sp 14: 00c movi r3,98 18: a add r2,r5,r4 1c: 18ffffc addi r3,r3,-1 20: 200b883a mov r5,r4 24: a mov r4,r2 28: 183ffb0e bge r3,zero,18 <main+0x18> 2c: df ldw fp,4(sp) 30: dec addi sp,sp,8 34: f800283a ret
Writing your own NIOS Programs
Software flow for writing NIOS test programs Write in C % vi foo.c Compile into assembly % nios2-elf-gcc –O –S foo.c Modify assembly code (eg, remove unsupported instructions) % vi foo.s Assemble % nios2-elf-gcc –c foo.s Disassemble % nios2-elf-objdump –S foo.o > foo.txt Extract binary machine code % vi foo.txt
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