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AGRICULTURAL NAVIGATION Group 4. Goals  To create the system which will be so convenient, flexible, understandable and available to farmers to be used.

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2 Goals  To create the system which will be so convenient, flexible, understandable and available to farmers to be used in each field in Finland.  Company have to sell not only HW but services:  help with infrastructure - how to effectively place BS, how many, etc;  SW upgrade (lets only one year SW upgrade subscription be free of charge, then €).

3 Technical solution

4 System infrastructure  Tractor  Tractor which has Positioning Terminal (Mtt 130)  Base station  Should have base station coverage can provide 3G or GPRS signals for the tractor to provide DGPS.  Service center  Collect position information of the tractor design route for each tractor  Send feedback to the each tractor.

5 System Infrastructure T BS T T SC T Position Feedback DGPS signal SC: Service center which provides to farmlands the information to Tractor(T) according to their position. For instance, which sort of the grain should be sowed according to the position.

6 Tech specs  Base station at the customer’s or operator’s premises  Differential correction transmitted over the Internet  DGPS positioning connects to the base station using 3G  Multi-system differential correction: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass -> good reliability

7 Technical Constraints What we have to provide:  Distance of action: 10 km It’s approximately the area of 44 000 football fields!  Accuracy of positioning: ±0,2 m 10 km Field

8 Marketing solution

9 Current market and competition  In 2009, there were 69 071 farms in Finland  DGPS navigation for agricultural purposes already offered  American systems using WAAS/EGNOS correction  Not reliable in Finland, connection lost during nighttime  Accuracy range 10 – 30 cm  Finnish farmers are buying these and loving them  Price range 2400-4000 euros, no annual subscription fees  Automation possible as an add-on, no RTK required  RTK systems are offered for < 1 cm accuracy  Requires more equipment  More expensive, prices in the area of 15 000 euros  The high accuracy is only needed for sowing

10 Service offered to end-users  A reliable navigation and positioning system for agricultural solutions  A way to improve efficiency and lower costs  Accurate fertilizing and laying of crops is made a lot easier  Ability to track and plan work  Lower price than RTK systems, better reliability than systems relying on EGNOS

11 Potential customers  Tractor companies  Sell the positioning terminal to them  Company can rent the tractor to the farmer  Farmers who have large area  Can build whole system for those farmers  They more will to pay for the whole system  Build the service center to provide the service for the area which has several farmers.

12 Marketing Constraints How to organize sales promotion well?  Divide customers: - let A be a group of big farms; - let B - small and middle farms.  We have to show the benefits of system usage for both of the groups: - for A it’s an opportunity to control and organize processes in the farm (more equipment - more problem); - for B it’s a way to simplify work and make it easier.

13 Marketing Constraints  The main marketing problem is to convince customers of a gain of the product. What we can do? - make a market research; - make a promotion: first project for the big farm for free and count the profit.

14 SWOT analysis StrengthsWeaknesses - it’s possible to create an infrastructure which customer wants, so product expect to be more flexible, as the system is more close to customer; - possibility for farmers join their efforts and buy one station for several farms. - lack of accuracy of the product; - SW compatibility. OpportunitiesThreats - low market price (comparing with RTK devices); - scope for further development and improvement with the same HW; - easy SW download and upgrade; - get money from services purchase. - high competition on this part of market; - probable increasing pressure from bigger competitors; - constant change in technology.



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