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Jeff Sheen and Nonie Lancaster Emergency Preparedness for All Utahns: Preparing Your Family.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Sheen and Nonie Lancaster Emergency Preparedness for All Utahns: Preparing Your Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Sheen and Nonie Lancaster Emergency Preparedness for All Utahns: Preparing Your Family

2 Introductions Who are you? What do you hope to get from this training? What experience do you have with emergency preparedness? How prepared is your family?

3 Overview of Our Time Together Before we go to far- Green Survey. What else is in your packet? Ask questions and give us your opinions. We’ll discuss practical tools and strategies- and a basic action plan.

4 Training Objectives 1) Learn about at least 3 new strategies/tools that you can use to help your family prepare for a disaster/emergency. 2) Identify 2 specific tasks you will complete within the next month to be better prepared. 3) Know where to find additional resources to help you become better prepared.

5 Keys to Getting Started and Following Through 1)Take it one step at a time- don’t get overwhelmed. 2)Establish clear priorities- decide what you should do first.

6 Possible Disasters / Emergencies Fire/wild fire Tornado Blizzards Flood Toxic spill Hurricane Hostage situation Earthquake Bombing Electricity outage Tsunamis Terrorist attacks Health Epidemics / pandemics

7 Disaster Management Cycle Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery

8 Key Points Effective emergency preparedness always begins with the individual/family; Everyone should have the basic necessities to sustain life for three days without outside assistance; Plans should be complete but as simple as possible;

9 Review of Sample Guide -Thinking Ahead Checklist -Creating a Disaster Supply Kit -Creating a Personal Support Network -Developing a Communication Plan -Deciding to Stay of Go

10 Priority Scale HP = High Priority MP = Medium Priority LP = Low Priority HD = High Difficulty MD = Medium Difficulty LD = Low Difficulty

11 Thinking Ahead Checklist

12 Creating a Disaster Supply Kit

13 Creating a Personal Support Network

14 Developing a Communication Plan

15 Deciding to Stay of Go

16 Action Form What will you do after today to be better prepared?

17 Summary Don’t get overwhelmed- do one thing at a time. Prioritize- use the scale to help you start planning now. Use the sample guide to get started, but adapt them to meet your needs. Visit the links on the Additional Resources handout for more information to support your planning.

18 Before You Go! Please help us by: Completing the training feedback survey; Signing the “Consent to be Contacted” form; Making sure you signed the role; Making sure you completed the “Pre-Training form.

19 For More Information Jeff Sheen- (435) 797-8113

20 That’s All Folks!

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