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1 PCI transaction ordering verification using trace inclusion refinement Mike Jones UV Meeting October 4, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PCI transaction ordering verification using trace inclusion refinement Mike Jones UV Meeting October 4, 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PCI transaction ordering verification using trace inclusion refinement Mike Jones UV Meeting October 4, 1999

2 2 Outline How PCI works What we are trying to verify Why the verification is so hard How we did the verification Discussion

3 3 How PCI works AgentBridge Bus p d d c Delayed Posted completion

4 4 Posted transactions Posted transaction, P, from A to B. A puts p on “the rest of the network” and forgets about it. B receives P and that’s it. A B p The Rest of the network

5 5 Posted transactions Pretend there are 2 bridges between A and B With the other transaction shown. Here’s how P gets from A to B... A B p cdp’

6 6 Posted transactions P goes to bridge 1. P is now complete at A. P can pass delayed transaction d A B p cdp’

7 7 Posted transactions Next, P completes to bridge 2. A B p cdp’

8 8 Posted transactions P is now complete at bridge 1. P can pass the completion trans. C. P can not pass the other posted trans. A B p cdp’

9 9 Posted transactions P waits until P’ completes on bridge 2 A B p cdp’

10 10 Posted transactions Pretend that P’ went to another bridge (not shown). P can now complete to destination B. A B p cd

11 11 Posted transactions No acknowledgement is sent to A. P is now complete at B. A B p cd

12 12 Delayed transactions Delayed trans., d, from A to B. A puts d on “the rest of the network” and waits for a completion. B receives d and sends a completion,c. A B d The Rest of the network

13 13 Delayed transactions 2 bridges between A and B Other transactions as shown. d tries to latch to bridge 1. d is now committed (called d’). A B d’ cdp’

14 14 Delayed transactions Eventually, d’ latches to bridge 1. bridge 1 has an uncommitted copy of d d can pass the other d entry already in bridge 1. A B d’ cdp’ d

15 15 Delayed transactions d can attempt to latch to bridge 2. d will then be committed at bridge 1. A B d’ cdp’ d

16 16 Delayed transactions Eventually, d’ latches to bridge 2. A B d’ cdp’ d’

17 17 Delayed transactions d can pass completion entry c. A B d’ cdp’ d’d

18 18 Delayed transactions But, uncommitted d entries can be dropped at any time... A B d’ cdp’ d’d

19 19 Delayed transactions bridge 1 has to resend d’ to bridge 2 d’ can not be deleted A B d’ cdp’ d’

20 20 Delayed transactions d can be dropped again... pretend it passes C again. d can not pass posted transactions. d waits till p’ completes. A B d’ cdp’ d’d

21 21 Delayed transactions d commits then latches to agent B. B creates a completion entry C. A B d’ cd d

22 22 Delayed transactions d’ in bridge 2 can complete with the completion in B. d’ will be deleted from bridge 2. c will move into into bridge 2. A B d’ cd c

23 23 Delayed transactions d is now complete at bridge 2. d’ in bridge 1 can complete with c in bridge 2. c can be deleted too... A B d’ cd c

24 24 Delayed transactions d is now complete at bridge 1. finally, d’ in agent A completes with c in bridge 1. A B d’ cd c

25 25 Delayed transactions d is now complete at A. no more actions! A B cd d’ c

26 26 Reordering and deletion P can pass anything except P. D and C can pass either D or C. uncommitted D can be dropped. oldest C in a queue can be dropped. P and committed D never dropped.

27 27 Producer/Consumer property if a producer agent writes a data item and the producer sets a flag and if the consumer reads the flag then the consumer will read the new data item.

28 28 Producer/Consumer property More formally...  p,c: agent master, d,f: agent target dw,fw: write trans, dr,fr: delayed read trans. {(p issues dw before fw)  (c issues fr before dr)  (dw completes at p before fw)  (fr completes at c before dr)  (fw completes at f before fr)}  dw completes at d before dr

29 29 Verifying P/C Theorem proving effort –PVS theory of PCI using NASA library –several person months of effort –too hard. Model checking effort –long-ish Promela model –does not generalize to arbitrary cases –does finish though

30 30 Theorem proving difficulties unconstrained environment big induction principle several months of effort... some properties were proven

31 31 TP contribution any configuration of p,c,d,f is in one of the following infinite classes: pd c f pc d f pd c f

32 32 Model checking difficulties check sample networks from each class. included only P/C transactions model checker works in finite domain couldn’t convincingly generalize the results.

33 33 Missing generalizations arbitrary unrelated agents, paths and transactions arbitrary path lengths pd c f... p c d f ???

34 34 Verification solution Use some TP properties to create an abstract model of PCI called PCI A abstract away: –arbitrary unrelated agents, paths –arbitrary unrelated transactions –arbitrarily long paths

35 35 Verification solution show that PCI  PCI A  s:PCI execution trace. {(s = [(i1,e1),(i2,e2),...) =>  s’:abstract PCI execution trace. (s’ = [e1,e2,...])} where e1 = abstraction of i1

36 36 Verification solution show that all executions of PCI A satisfy P/C Therefore, no executions of PCI violate P/C pencil & paper refinement proof model checked P/C in PCI A

37 37 Unrelated paths and agents... p c d f p c d f 

38 38 Unrelated Transactions p... fwdwdwc cdwp d’cp pc pdd dp dwc dw fw cdw 

39 39 Unbounded Path Lengths Ignore bridge boundaries But stacks of committed delayed transactions represent the path length. p... fwdwdwc cdwp d’cp pc pdd dp dwc...dwc dw fw cdw 

40 40 Unbounded path lengths Theorem from TP model: –behind any committed D transaction, there is a continuous stack of D transactions back to the issuing master agent.

41 41 Unbounded Path Lengths Keep only the newest committed entry! How to do completions? –where is the new newest entry after a completion?... fwdwdwc cdwp d’cp pc pdd dp  ???

42 42 Unbounded path lengths Which transactions behind dwc were in the same queue as dwc? New newest dwc appears behind them. frc fr dwc fw cdw frc dwc fr fw cdw dwcfrpfrcdwc p frpfrcdwc p cdw 

43 43 Unbounded path lengths lost queue boundaries, so don’t know consider all interleavings going to visit all states anyway... frc fr dwc fw cdw frc dwc fr fw cdw frc fr dwc fw cdw dwc frc fr fw cdw frc fr fw cdw

44 44 Refinement Proof internal state next internal state abstract state next abstract state next internal state next internal state next abstract state PCI transition PCI A transition   

45 45 P/C in PCI A SML model of PCI A SML explicit state model checker state P/C as a safety property check all 3 path configurations in 30 sec. less than 2000 states

46 46 Discussion combination of TP and MC Novel abstraction –unbounded branching paths –unbounded transactions Small and finite abstract model –can even be checked in a toy model checker

47 47 Abstract model

48 48 Abstract model keep only significant transactions –all forms of dw,dr,fw,fr –only the newest committed entry keep only significant agents –p,c,d,f agents keep only significant paths –paths connecting p,c,d,f ignore bridge and queue boundaries

49 49 Transition abstraction There is an abstract transition for each concrete transition that changes the external state. a set of 10 transition rules. see the paper for details.

50 50 Delayed transactions most difficult case

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