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Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 1 The 3 rd Pass Back Rejection Analysis using V7R3P4 (repo) 1)Training sample: Bkg: Runs 1-10000 (SLAC) v7r3p4.

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Presentation on theme: "Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 1 The 3 rd Pass Back Rejection Analysis using V7R3P4 (repo) 1)Training sample: Bkg: Runs 1-10000 (SLAC) v7r3p4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 1 The 3 rd Pass Back Rejection Analysis using V7R3P4 (repo) 1)Training sample: Bkg: Runs 1-10000 (SLAC) v7r3p4 (redo) (7518 Sec.) AG: 50k from final 103k/2M run v7r3p4(redo) first 2M 2)All "CTcut": Excludes the following ACD Veto: (AcdActiveDist3D > 0 || AcdRibbonActDist > 0) && Tkr1SSDVeto < 2 Corners: AcdCornerDoca > -5 && AcdCornerDoca<50 && CTBTkrLATEdge < 100 Require: Probs: CTBBestEnergyProb >.1 && CTBCore >.1 3) Exclude from Training Sample: e + with cos(  ) < -.2 (MM-Shield&ThrmBlnk Conversions) Goal to meet SRD: ~.035Hz * 7518 sec = 263 events at 50% CT - Prob. (in Training Sample) (Including Blanket & MMS Conversions)

2 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 2 Discussion of Pre-Selection Cuts The "CTcuts" 1) ACD Veto: (AcdActiveDist3D > 0 || AcdRibbonActDist > 0) && Tkr1SSDVeto < 2 This is the very minimum ACD requirement – The reconstructed trajectory "hits" a Tile or Ribbon and there are isn't a full Tracker Layer to back it up. 2) Corner leakage: No ACD Ribbons running vertically – Cut out a small piece of Phase Space AcdCornerDoca: signed DOCA to vertical edge of corner. Signing by "handedness": counter-clockwise +, clockwise – Require Track to start within 100 mm of the edge. AcdCornerDoca > -5 && AcdCornerDoca < 50 && CTBTkrLATEdge < 100 Cost:.6% loss of All Gammas Back Ground Leakage All Gammas 3) Require minimal quality Recon for both Energy & PSF: CTBCORE >.1 && CTBBestEnergyProb >.1

3 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 3 Remove Irreducible Background from CT Training Sample A large portion of the residual backgrounds are unavoidable. These are photons produced in the material outside the ACD. These pollute the training sample with "signal" in the background sample. Residual Background Direction Correlated Events Blanket Conversion Tile Conversion Remove All e+ with McZDir < -.2 from Training Sample

4 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 4 Analysis Bins Divide and Conquer: 2 Topological Bins: VTX (VtxAngle > 0) and 1Tkr (VtxAngle == 0) 6 Bins in CalEnergyRaw: 10000 MeV Note: Previously there was another bin 10-35 GeV – its been eliminated 2 Bins in Conversion Location (lowest Energy Bin only) : Thick Layers (Tkr1FirstLayer < 6) Thin Layers ( Tkr1FirstLayer > 5) This results in 14 separate analysis bins Strategy: In each Bin, identify obvious cuts – reduce background by Follow this by a Classification Tree analysis - Min. Statistic Req.: Node must have > 20 events to be split and and resulting leaves must have > 7 events - Use Ensembles of Trees: when possible grow > 3 trees (typ. 5) and average results (this is similar to Random Forests) - Adjust AG & Bkg. sample sizes to result in Trees with appropriate rejection power at the same Prob. levels across all bins. - Try Trees based on the full set of variables as well as a reduced set of the most powerful variables

5 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 5 The largest Back Ground Bin Bin 1, 1Tkr, Thick Radiators (AcdTileCount + AcdRibbonCount) > 0 | CalEdgeEnergy > 10 | CalELayer7 > 10 | CalBkHalfRatio >.3 | CalTrackDoca > 250 | abs(CalLongRms) > 75 | CalTransRms > 60 | CalMIPRatio > 1. | CalLyr0Ratio >.95 | TkrSurplusHitRatio > 1 | TkrUpstreamHC > 5 | Tkr1ToTFirst > 4 | Tkr1ToTTrAve > 2.2 | Tkr1FirstChisq > 20 | TkrNumTracks > 2 | (CTBBestEnergyProb + 1.5*CTBCORE) < 1. Pre-FIlter Reject if "Hermitically Seal" LAT CAL Pattern Tkr Pattern If you have to loose – loose bad ones All Training Sample OutputInput Training All CT Varibles 3 Trees Prob. Distributions Classification Agreement 20% of remaining Bkg lives here

6 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 6 Some Linear Combinations of Variables for Back Ground Rejection CTBBestEnergy > 3500 CTBTkrCoreCalDoca = CalTrackDoca – 2.5*Tkr1CoreHC Another example: CTBTkrSHRCalAngleSq = (CalTrackAngle -.2*TkrSurplusHitRatio) 2 also... CTBCalTransTCCD = CalTransRms +.1*CTBTkrCoreCalDoca

7 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 7 FoV On-Axis SRD: 8000 cm 2 (On-Axis) 1.6 m 2 -str A eff x  High Energy Fall Off in A eff Persists The Last Bin: CalEnergyRaw > 10000 MeV Issue: Self Veto Pass 1 Results: Look at AcdActiveDist3D vs AcdActDistTileEnergy CTcut Each bin is an SSD-Veto Layer 4X in Y

8 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 8 PASS 3 1Tkr, Bin 6 PreFIlter: Exclude A page from my analysis note book* * These will be posted to a confluence page Bkg. Rej.: 108X AG Eff: 91%

9 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 9 Two Effects giving lower A eff Results 1)Normalization Error in 2M AG set (1.91M vs 2.0M) - 5% 2) Training bias (see Plot) - 3% Training- SLAC Unbiased- Lyon Lyon Data Sets Results: SRD – CTBGAM >.55 A eff x FoV = 2.35 m 2 -str A eff = 9270 cm 2

10 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 10 Base Class 2: CTBGAM >.55 CTBCORE >.1 CTBBestEnergyProb >.1

11 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 11 Analysis Classes We easily meet the SRD. That's not necessarily the best science! Back Off CTBGAM until no further gains... A eff x FoV = 2.45 m 2 -str and Aeff = 9800 cm 2 CTBGAM >.35 At CTBGAM >.35 we're at 2X SRD (.07 Hz) No Loss in Image Resolution Energy Acceptance - Flatter Base Class 1: CTBGAM >.35 CTBCORE >.1 CTBBestEnergyProb >.1

12 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 12 Other end of Knob Space Go as far in Energy & Image as necessary to get to SRD Background Rejection After considerable searching I arrived at: CTBCORE Contour Rate of gain in both Image and Energy Res. slow and similar. Finally settle on: Base Class 3: CTBGAM >.50 CTBCORE >.35 CTBBestEnergyProb >.35 A eff = 8200 cm 2 ; A eff x FoV = 1.72 m 2 -str

13 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 13 Thin Layers Thick Layers All Layers

14 Bill Atwood, SCIPP/UCSC, Jan., 2006 GLAST 14 Summary: To start the discussion: 3 Base Classes Proposed A eff (cm 2 )A eff x FoV (m 2 -str) PSF 100 PSF 95/68  E/E Noise% Bkg/Diffuse Base Class 198002.453.33.511.2 Base Class 292702.353.3 11.1 Base Class 382001.723. Comments: At high energy – need additional rejection for high energy electrons – This was incorporated in this analysis – more later At low energy – limitations imposed by large gaps between CAL modules. Does not allow for hermetic sealing from below. Hand scan (not discussed here) suggested problems in ACD digi. / analysis. More then 50% remaining events are IRREDUCIBLE – They're gammas d### it!

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