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Presentation Outline - Objectives - Workshops - Survey Results - Themes Dianne Cmor Paul Lee Rebekah Wong.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Outline - Objectives - Workshops - Survey Results - Themes Dianne Cmor Paul Lee Rebekah Wong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Outline - Objectives - Workshops - Survey Results - Themes Dianne Cmor Paul Lee Rebekah Wong

2 Determine if discipline-specific approaches to promoting/teaching about eBooks is effective Gain knowledge about faculty attitudes, perceptions and behaviours e.g. –Do faculty use eBooks? –What do they like and not like? –What, if any, are the barriers to use?

3 Generic –easy to develop and deliver Platform specific –support materials from vendors –timely –can cover functions in detail Discipline specific –meaningful –cross-platform perspective

4 Attract attendees Focus on appropriate platforms AND cross-platform access Highlight features relevant to research workflow of that discipline Ease of discussion/questions/feedback

5 Individual emails to faculty highlighting the one workshop relevant to them Promotional flyers sent to each faculty member General announcement of all workshops via website and university announcement system


7 eBook Basics Subscription Models Discipline-Specific Collections –Accessing, Searching, Browsing, Printing –Value-Added Features e.g. Notes –Features for Teaching/Research Future Directions for eBooks

8 Use & Attitude – Before & After –Pre-Workshop Survey –Post-Workshop Survey –Recording of Discussion/Questions

9 How often do you use e-books? DailyWeekly MonthlyIrregular Use Never Use Percentage of Respondents 0% 7% 50% 36% Pre-Survey

10 How often do you use e-books? Daily Pre-Survey Weekly MonthlyIrregular Use Never Use Percentage of Respondents 0% 7% 50% 36% 16% 32% 26% 27% 0% eIRS Survey 2001 (108 respondents) How often do you use e-journals / databases?

11 Do you plan to use more e-books in the future? Yes NoDon’t know Percentage of Respondents 79% 0% 21% Post-Survey

12 How do you currently use e-books? Search for sections in a book Encourage students to use Use for course reading/ reserves Percentage of Respondents 54% Read entire book Use note taking/ highlighting functions Make links in BUMoodle OtherDon’t use 14% 7% 11% 0% 39% Pre-Survey

13 How do you plan to use e-books? Search for sections in a book Encourage students to use Use for course reading/ reserves Percentage of Respondents 79% Read entire book Use note taking/ highlighting functions Make links in BUMoodle OtherDon’t use 54% 21% 46% 0% 4% Post-Survey Dropped from no.3 to no.6

14 How do you currently use e-books? Search for sections in a book Encourage students to use Use for course reading/ reserves Percentage of Respondents 54 % Read entire book Use note taking/ highlighting functions Make links in BUMoodle OtherDon’t use 14 % 14 % 7% 11 % 11 % 0% 39 % Pre-Survey Post-Survey 79 % 54 % 46 % 21 % 54 % 46 % How do you plan to use e-books? 25%40%32%10%43%39% 4% 35%

15 Agree Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.7 Do you agree with the following statements? If both electronic & print versions of books are available, I prefer using e-books. E-books are generally easy to use for me. E-books generally provide more convenient access for me than print versions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.1 3.7 2.8 3.4 3.0 2.7 0.7 0.1 Pre-Survey Post-Survey

16 I feel the faculty specific focus of this workshop is more useful than a workshop for all faculties. Strongly Agree Percentage of Respondents 36% 7% 0% Post-Survey 54% 3% AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree No Comment

17 This workshop helped me understand more about e- book trends, technology, and the ways to use e-books. Strongly Agree Percentage of Respondents 32% 0% Post-Survey 64% 4% AgreeDisagree Strongly Disagree No Comment

18 Most agree – convenient access and multiple user access (when available) is an advantage Space-saving and environmentally friendly However …. Printing, printing and printing! No one reads on screen – want to print one chapter easily

19 “Feel of a book” (digital immigrants vs digital natives?) Not overly impressed with highlighting, notes, etc. Electronic format not as useful for books as it is for journals – can download and print whole article Excessive downloading, copyright, and plagiarism concerns Dependent on speed of network to “turn a page”

20 Attendance good – improve by offering multiple time slots per discipline Good discussion and questions – greater depth than solicited by survey Individual contact person and personal email prompted questions, requests for personal consultations, etc. Promoted eBooks even to those who could not attend

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