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By Prof. Lydia Ayers. MasmudiMasmudi Belly Dance from Lebanon Starts in 5/8, A'raj TurkiStarts in 5/8, A'raj Turki Changes to MasmudiChanges to Masmudi.

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Presentation on theme: "By Prof. Lydia Ayers. MasmudiMasmudi Belly Dance from Lebanon Starts in 5/8, A'raj TurkiStarts in 5/8, A'raj Turki Changes to MasmudiChanges to Masmudi."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Prof. Lydia Ayers

2 MasmudiMasmudi Belly Dance from Lebanon Starts in 5/8, A'raj TurkiStarts in 5/8, A'raj Turki Changes to MasmudiChanges to Masmudi Changes back to 5/8, A'raj TurkiChanges back to 5/8, A'raj Turki Ends in 3/8, YurukEnds in 3/8, Yuruk Oud and Durbecki Rhythm and melody Is some of the rhythm in Masmudi? A'raj Turki Yuruk

3 TalasTalas Indian rhythm cycles, from 3 to 108 beats!Indian rhythm cycles, from 3 to 108 beats! TeentalTeental 16 beats per cycle (4 measures of 4 beats)16 beats per cycle (4 measures of 4 beats) Clap X... 2... O... 3... Count 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 4

4 JhaptalJhaptal 10 beats per cycle10 beats per cycle Clap X. 2.. O. 3.. Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ustad Alla Rakha and Ravi Shankar Ustad Alla Rakha and Ravi Shankar Ustad Alla Rakha Ustad Alla Rakha drum syllablesdrum syllables fast playingfast playing

5 EktalEktal 12 beats per cycle12 beats per cycle [ii:29] Zakir Hussain and Ustad Alla Rakha, Tabla Duet, with Ustad Sultan Khan, Sarangi [ii:29] Zakir Hussain and Ustad Alla Rakha, Tabla Duet, with Ustad Sultan Khan, Sarangi Syncopations, glissandi, syllables, playing near unisonSyncopations, glissandi, syllables, playing near unison Clap X. 2. O. 3. 4. O. Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Zakir Hussain & Ustad Alla Rakha leftright frequently ends with:

6 Compound Meter 6/8 — sextuple meter6/8 — sextuple meter in slow musicin slow music eighth note = one beateighth note = one beat six beats per measuresix beats per measure subgroups of three and three beatssubgroups of three and three beats in fast musicin fast music dotted quarter note (three eighth notes) = one beatdotted quarter note (three eighth notes) = one beat two beats per measuretwo beats per measure subgroups of 3 and 3 beatssubgroups of 3 and 3 beats

7 Compound Meter fast 6/8 El Jarabe Tapatío El Jarabe Tapatío ( (Mexican Hat Dance)

8 Compound Meter 6/86/8 In 6/8 meter, the accents are different from 3/4 even though the duration values appear to be the same:In 6/8 meter, the accents are different from 3/4 even though the duration values appear to be the same:

9 Septuple Meter 7/87/8 seven beats per measureseven beats per measure eighth note = one beateighth note = one beat in subgroups of 3 and 2 and 2 eighth notes (less frequently in subgroups of 2, 2 and 3in subgroups of 3 and 2 and 2 eighth notes (less frequently in subgroups of 2, 2 and 3 Greek folk music: Bournovalia [i:17] Greek folk music: Bournovalia

10 Turkish Music 9/8 Rhythm 9/8 Rhythm Zaibek dance from Turkey Zaibek dance from Turkey shows actions of warriors in battleshows actions of warriors in battle Instruments:Instruments: OudOud QanounQanoun DoumbekDoumbek

11 Blue Rondo A La Turk Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck Turkish rhythm: 9/8Turkish rhythm: 9/8 nine beats per measurenine beats per measure eighth note = one beateighth note = one beat subgroups of 2, 2, 2 and 3 eighth notessubgroups of 2, 2, 2 and 3 eighth notes RondoRondo Main theme alternates with other themesMain theme alternates with other themes Main theme usually lively and easy to rememberMain theme usually lively and easy to remember AAABC

12 Blue Rondo A La Turk Section A: Main theme, nine beats per measureSection A: Main theme, nine beats per measure Section B: contrasting melody and variationsSection B: contrasting melody and variations …

13 Blue Rondo A La Turk Section C: contrasting rhythmSection C: contrasting rhythm Section D: melody in 4/4 alternates with main theme in 9/8Section D: melody in 4/4 alternates with main theme in 9/8

14 Blue Rondo A La Turk Blue Rondo A La Turk Section E: Saxophone improvisation, followed by piano improvisation, both in 4/4Section E: Saxophone improvisation, followed by piano improvisation, both in 4/4 Section D: melody in 4/4 alternates with main theme in 9/8Section D: melody in 4/4 alternates with main theme in 9/8 Section A: Main themeSection A: Main theme Section B: contrasting melody and variationsSection B: contrasting melody and variations Section C: contrasting rhythmSection C: contrasting rhythm

15 TempoTempo how fast the notes move - often given in Italianhow fast the notes move - often given in Italian metronomesmetronomes measure the tempo in beats per minutemeasure the tempo in beats per minute scores often have metronome markings for the temposcores often have metronome markings for the tempo

16 Common Tempo Names

17 Other Tempo Names for translations of other Italian tempo names, look in any music dictionary, such as:for translations of other Italian tempo names, look in any music dictionary, such as: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians

18 loud vs. softloud vs. soft specify loudness, usually for groups of notes:specify loudness, usually for groups of notes: DynamicsDynamics

19 Listening Practice listen to Dave Brubeck, Unsquare Dance M1366 B778 C4K52945 v. 3 (RESERVE) (2:02)listen to Dave Brubeck, Unsquare Dance M1366 B778 C4K52945 v. 3 (RESERVE) (2:02) listen to the selection twicelisten to the selection twice write down everything you hear in itwrite down everything you hear in it make a guide to what you hearmake a guide to what you hear hint: notice the basshint: notice the bass read the Listening Guide and listen again, noting anything about it that you didn't hear beforeread the Listening Guide and listen again, noting anything about it that you didn't hear before

20 Meter Drills Insert the time signature:Insert the time signature:

21 Meter Drills Insert the time signature:Insert the time signature:

22 SourcesSources BooksBooks Ralph Turek, The Elements of MusicRalph Turek, The Elements of Music Kamien, Music, An AppreciationKamien, Music, An Appreciation Machlis & Forney, The Enjoyment of MusicMachlis & Forney, The Enjoyment of Music Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi, Twice Times Then is Now in Arabic and Persian Poems in English by Omar S. Pound

23 SourcesSources Videos Gamelan Degung on JVC Video Anthology of World Music and Dance [M1627.J4 1991 v. 10] Ravi Shankar in ConcertRavi Shankar in Concert [ML419.S49 R38 1994] Imperial Splendors, Great Splendors of the World, v. 3 [G468.G74 1996, v. 3]Imperial Splendors, Great Splendors of the World, v. 3 [G468.G74 1996, v. 3] Istanbul [DR728.I772 1994]Istanbul [DR728.I772 1994] TurkeyTurkey [DR416.T875 1995]

24 SourcesSources LiveLive Hava Nagila, Chants et danses d'Israel, M1810 C43 824952Hava Nagila, Chants et danses d'Israel, M1810 C43 824952 Mexican Hat DanceMexican Hat Dance BournovaliaBournovalia CDsCDs Ustad Alla Rakha and Zakir Hussain, Tabla Duet in TeentalUstad Alla Rakha and Zakir Hussain, Tabla Duet in Teental Scott Joplin: Piano Rags, Joshua Rifkin, piano, M22 J67 9791592Scott Joplin: Piano Rags, Joshua Rifkin, piano, M22 J67 9791592

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