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Information Society Technologies In the 6th Framework Programme Context, rationale, Content of IST in FP6 WP2003-2004 main features R.F. de Bruine, Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Information Society Technologies In the 6th Framework Programme Context, rationale, Content of IST in FP6 WP2003-2004 main features R.F. de Bruine, Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Society Technologies In the 6th Framework Programme Context, rationale, Content of IST in FP6 WP2003-2004 main features R.F. de Bruine, Director, DG INFSO

2 Outline of presentation FP6 Overview FP6 Overview –Structure, budget & timetable –The European Research Area The IST Priority The IST Priority –Overview of objectives, vision & content Outline of IST workprogramme 2003-2004 Outline of IST workprogramme 2003-2004 –Response to IST Expressions of Interest –Focus and priorities –Roadmap of calls and budget Next steps & sources of information Next steps & sources of information

3 The 6th Framework Programme Instrumental for creation of a ‘European Research Area’... Instrumental for creation of a ‘European Research Area’... Towards a European research policy,Towards a European research policy, an ‘internal market’ for science & technology R&Dan ‘internal market’ for science & technology R&D Community funding to help aggregate RTD effortCommunity funding to help aggregate RTD effort EU, Member State & private funded effort(s)EU, Member State & private funded effort(s) ‘open coordination’:‘open coordination’: European initiatives + FP + National / regional activitiesEuropean initiatives + FP + National / regional activities Basic principles Basic principles Focus and integration, ‘critical mass’, improve impactFocus and integration, ‘critical mass’, improve impact Fewer prioritiesFewer priorities Lasting, structuring impactLasting, structuring impact to avoid ‘end of project, end of consortium’to avoid ‘end of project, end of consortium’ Multiple projects  coherent programmesMultiple projects  coherent programmes

4 Develop Europe-wide approaches Develop Europe-wide approaches –making sure that Community funding helps aggregate EU, Member State & private funded effort(s) –it is not just supporting a particular RTD work… New instruments New instruments –“Integrated Projects” & “Networks of Excellence” –More “strategic” thinking Different way of describing content and calls Different way of describing content and calls –a lighter workprogramme, different sequencing of calls,... FP6 is not business as usual! ERA - implies a new way of “thinking”

5 The components of FP6

6 FP6 Budget breakdown Focussing and Integrating Focussing and Integrating –Genomics 2255M€ –Information Society Technologies3625M€ –Nanotechnologies, int.. 1300M€ –Aeronautics and space1075M€ –Food quality and safety 685M€ –Sustainable development2120M€ –Citizens and governance.. 225M€ –Anticipation of S&T needs Anticipating needs 555 M€Anticipating needs 555 M€ SMEs 430M€SMEs 430M€ Specific INCO 315M€Specific INCO 315M€ 16270 M€ ~200M€ for GEANT/GRID ~100M€ for GEANT/GRID Strengthening ERA foundations 320M€ Strengthening ERA foundations 320M€ Joint Research Centre 760M€ Joint Research Centre 760M€ Structuring ERA Structuring ERA –Research and Innovation 290M€ –Human resources1580M€ –Research Infrastructures 655M€ –Science/Society 80M€

7 Outline of presentation FP6 Overview FP6 Overview –Structure, budget & timetable –The European Research Area The IST Priority The IST Priority –Overview of objectives, vision & content Outline of IST workprogramme 2003-2004 Outline of IST workprogramme 2003-2004 –Response to IST Expressions of Interest –Focus and priorities –Roadmap of calls and budget Next steps & sources of information Next steps & sources of information

8 ICT Context The Context for ICT has changed in the last year The Context for ICT has changed in the last year –Burst of the financial bubbles –Economic slowdown The importance of ICT for the economy and the whole society remains vital The importance of ICT for the economy and the whole society remains vital –Essential for competitiveness –Key for societal challenges –Major role for all other science and research fields ICT underpins the “race” to knowledge ICT underpins the “race” to knowledge –The EU invests less than its competitors in RTD in ICT

9 IST in FP6 - objectives & strategy Main objectives Main objectives –Strengthening Europe’s competitiveness & technology base –Building the information and knowledge society for ALL Strategy Strategy –Concentration and focus, building critical mass –Capitalise on Europe’s strengths –Visionary, forward looking (longer term / high risk) –Combine flexibility with greater speed in implementation –Scope of activities: Core technologies & “pull-through” applications

10 The IST vision Bringing the users, “people”, to the foreground….. ….. to the “centre of our attention” Bringing the users, “people”, to the foreground….. ….. to the “centre of our attention” –building trustful technologies for the background (almost invisible) Moving to an era where ….. “ Our surrounding is the interface’ to IST applications & services” Moving to an era where ….. “ Our surrounding is the interface’ to IST applications & services” Exploring beyond “the PC, screens & keyboard interfaces”... Exploring beyond “the PC, screens & keyboard interfaces”... Enabling multi-sensorial dialogues ….. Enabling multi-sensorial dialogues ….. –supported by computing & networking –‘everywhere’, embedded in everyday objects (e.g: furniture, clothes, vehicles, smart materials, …)

11 Towards an “all inclusive knowledge society” IST today PC based ………………………………… “Writing and reading” ….…………….…. “Word” based information search ….…… Low bandwidth, separate networks …..…. Mobile telephony (voice) ……………….. Micro scale ……………………………… Silicon based ….………………………… eServices just emerging ………………… Only 5% of global population on-line …. “Ambient Intelligence” tomorrow “Our surrounding” is the interface Use all senses, intuitive Context-based knowledge handling Infinite bandwidth, convergence,.. Mobile/Wireless full multimedia Nano-scale + new materials Wide adoption (eHealth, eLearning, …) >70% of world-wide population on line

12 Anywhere anytime natural and enjoyable access to IST services for ALL Miniaturised, low cost low power components & µsytems Natural interactions with ‘ knowledge ’ with ‘ knowledge ’ Pervasive, mobile, wireless, trustful infrastructures Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges Specific Generic integration Building blocks IST priority in the Specific Programme Three technology building blocks + applied research

13 Future & Emerging Technologies More exploratory and visionary research More exploratory and visionary research Helping new IST-related S&T fields and communities to emerge Helping new IST-related S&T fields and communities to emerge Complementary to Complementary to –other IST strategic objectives –other FP6 ‘Anticipating S&T needs / frontier research’ (new fields / multidisciplinary work) Open scheme: openess to unforeseeable ideas Open scheme: openess to unforeseeable ideas Proactive initiatives: critical mass where focus is needed Proactive initiatives: critical mass where focus is needed –e.g. ‘beyond robotics’, ‘complex systems research’

14 GEANT + GRIDs in FP6 GÉANT International GRIDs Test-beds 10Gigabit/s, EU + NAS Mediterranean & Latin America Initial pilots IPv6, Quality of Service FP5 results 100+ Gigabit/s, Terabit/s, - progressive inclusion in schools Global connectivity Large scale GRIDs platforms (virtual communities) Next Generation Internet solutions for the Research Community FP6 goals

15 Outline of presentation FP6 Overview FP6 Overview –Structure, budget & timetable –The European Research Area The IST Priority The IST Priority –Overview of objectives, vision & content Outline of IST workprogramme 2003- 2004 Outline of IST workprogramme 2003- 2004 –Response to IST Expressions of Interest –Focus and priorities –Roadmap of calls and budget Next steps & sources of information Next steps & sources of information

16 Workprogrammes in FP6 - main content Provides further details on … the Scientific and technical content of the calls Provides further details on … the Scientific and technical content of the calls –based on the Specific Programme text Defines the evaluation and selection criteria Defines the evaluation and selection criteria –common set derived from the rules for participation –additional criteria depending on objectives Defines the terms of the calls for proposals Defines the terms of the calls for proposals –objectives to be called for –distribution of budget between old and new instruments –weights and thresholds of criteria to be used including participation eligibility criteriaincluding participation eligibility criteria Updated as appropriate Updated as appropriate –every year for IST

17 Workprogramme 2003-4: Process Legal basis Legal basis –Framework Programme, Specific Programme –Rules for Participation Wide consultation Wide consultation –ISTC - IST Committee –ISTAG - IST Advisory Group –Programme Consultation Meetings –Call for Expressions of Interest –‘Internal Reflection Groups’ and workshops Portfolio & Lessons Learned Portfolio & Lessons Learned –IPPA - Integrated Programme Portfolio Analysis –Responses to previous Calls for Proposals –Experience from past and on-going projects Reports on the WEB

18 IST Workprogramme - approach A two year WP to ensure concentration of effort and visibility for the research Community A two year WP to ensure concentration of effort and visibility for the research Community More limited number of calls (three over two years) More limited number of calls (three over two years) Concentration on a limited set of « Strategic Objectives » Concentration on a limited set of « Strategic Objectives » –selection and focus based on Europe’s options.. A total of 23 strategic objectives for the two years A total of 23 strategic objectives for the two years –12 in 2003, 11 in 2004 (one of which in common with Priority 3) Addresses technologies and applications Addresses technologies and applications Instruments Instruments –~2/3 of budget to new instruments –for each Objective: ~2 to 3 IPs, 2 to 3 NoEs and some STREPS,..

19 IST Workprogramme - budget phasing Year2003200420052006 Indicative Budget 835,000891,000935,000964,000 Calls per year One call drawing on 2005 budget First WP covers all topics of the SP Planning over 4 years Two calls drawing on 2003 and 2004 budgets Second WP (covers also all topics of SP) with updated focus

20 Key objectives and breakthroughs to aim at, e.g. Key objectives and breakthroughs to aim at, e.g. –‘to develop semiconductor devices shrunk by an order of magnitude down to the 5 nm size’ Demanding research tasks to focus on, e.g. Demanding research tasks to focus on, e.g. –‘pushing the limits of lithography including mask-less pattern transfer’ Guidance on types of instruments to be used, e.g. Guidance on types of instruments to be used, e.g. –‘Integrated Projects on ‘lithography’ including equipment assessments’ Reference to related member states’ and int’l activities, e.g. Reference to related member states’ and int’l activities, e.g. –‘enhance and complement work under EUREKA/MEDEA’ Identification of links with related policies, e.g. Identification of links with related policies, e.g. –‘satellite communications versus space policy’ Strategic Objectives: what do they describe?

21 Reinforce leadership where Europe has demonstrated strengths, e.g. Reinforce leadership where Europe has demonstrated strengths, e.g. –mobile communications and services, broadband communications –micro-opto electronics & µsystems, –networked audiovisual systems... Seize new opportunities that arise from the ‘AmI’ vision and address weaknesses / threats critical for its realisation, e.g. Seize new opportunities that arise from the ‘AmI’ vision and address weaknesses / threats critical for its realisation, e.g. –embedded systems, integration of sensing & actuating devices,... –multimodal interfaces, semantic-based knowledge handling, content... –Security and dependability, open standards and development tools –Knowledge and computing GRIDs Defining the SOs: Five main groups (1)

22 Defining the SOs: five main groups (2) Continued support to leading / challenging applications, responding to emerging needs, e.g. Continued support to leading / challenging applications, responding to emerging needs, e.g. –eHealth, eInclusion, IST for safety in transport, risk management,.. –eLearning and culture, Entertainment and leisure content –business support tools, networked organisations,... Support to research at the frontier of knowlegde Support to research at the frontier of knowlegde –FET open –FET proactive –Cognitive science Support to infrastructure development Support to infrastructure development –Research networking test beds –Open platforms –Safety, etc…

23 Indicative call sequence & topics (1) Strategic objectives addressed in Call 1 1.Pushing the limits of CMOS, preparing for post-CMOS 2.Micro & nano-systems 3.Broadband access for All 4.Mobile & wireless systems beyond 3G 5.Towards a global dependability & security framework 6.Multimodal interfaces 7.Semantic-based knowledge systems 8.Networked audiovisual systems & home platforms 9.Networked business & government 10.eSafety for road and air transport 11.eHealth 12.Technology-enhanced learning & access to cultural heritage + FET proactive + Accompanying actions + FET proactive + Accompanying actions SectorialApplications Technology components Integrated systems

24 Strategic objectives covered in Call 2 1.Advanced displays 2.Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components 3.Open development platforms for software and services 4.Cognitive systems 5.Embedded systems 6.Applications & services for the mobile user & worker 7.Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment 8.GRID-based Systems & solving complex problems 9.Improving Risk management 10.eInclusion + Research Networking + Accompanying actions + Joint call with Priority 3: “Products and service engineering2010” Indicative call sequence & topics (2) SectorialApplications Technology components Integrated systems

25 ‘anywhere, anytime, anywhere, any service, for all’ core technologies & “pull-through” applications Components & microsytems Knowledge & interface technologies Communication, computing & software technologies - mobile: beyond 3G - broadband access - networked audio- visual systems - software & services development - embedded systems - [post-]CMOS - optical, opto-el., photonics photonics - micro & nano systems systems - displays - semantic-based knowledge - cross-media content - multi-modal interfaces Applied IST research for major societal and economic challenges - dependability & security - eHealth - eInclusion - eSafety of transport - environmental risk mgmt - learning & culture - networked organisations - services for mobile user - service & product engineering - GRID-based systems & complex pb solving & complex pb solving - cognitive systems WP 2003-4: Strategic Objectives and the SP

26 Budget allocation 80% of budget pre-allocated 80% of budget pre-allocated 20 % flexible, to be allocated after evaluation 20 % flexible, to be allocated after evaluation Five groups of objectives Five groups of objectives –Strengthening leadership Marked increase (~27%) –Seizing opportunitiesSubstantial increase (~45%) –Applied ResearchSame level –InfrastructuresFollowing decision –FETFollowing commitment Allocation only for the first two years: To be revised for 2005-2006 Allocation only for the first two years: To be revised for 2005-2006 ~2/3 of budget on new instruments (all together not per objective) ~2/3 of budget on new instruments (all together not per objective)

27 Call1Pre-allocated 1-Strategic Objectives Pushing the limits of CMOS, preparing for post-CMOS75 Micro and nano systems85 Broadband for all60 Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G90 Towards a global dependability and security framework55 Multimodal Interfaces65 Semantic-based knowledge systems55 Networked audio-visual systems and home platforms60 Networked businesses and governments75 eSafety of road and air transport65 eHealth70 Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage65 2- Future and emerging Technologies Proactive initiatives: (i) Beyond robotics (ii) Complex systems research (iii)The Disappearing Computer 40 3- General Accompanying 2.3.6 General Accompanying actions8

28 Call 2 Pre- allocated 1- Strategic Objectives Advanced displays25 Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components45 Embedded systems50 Open development platforms for software and services55 Cognitive systems25 Applications and Services for the Mobile User and worker60 Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment55 GRID-based Systems and solving complex problems45 Improving Risk management30 eInclusion30 2- Research Networking Research Networking test beds25 3- General accompanying actions General Accompanying actions8

29 Instruments to be used in the IST priority All strategic objectives are open for all instruments All strategic objectives are open for all instruments –With the exception of Products and service engineering (joint call) From the outset, IPs and NoEs will be the priority means From the outset, IPs and NoEs will be the priority means –for implementing themes where it is deemed appropriate –For IST: 2/3 of the budget while maintaining the use of specific targeted research projects, coordination actions and Specific Support Actions while maintaining the use of specific targeted research projects, coordination actions and Specific Support Actions –1/3 of the budget

30 Integrated Projects - purpose Designed to generate the knowledge required to implement the priority thematic areas of FP6 Designed to generate the knowledge required to implement the priority thematic areas of FP6 –by integrating the critical mass of activities and resources needed –to achieve ambitious, clearly defined scientific and technological objectives of a European dimension Each IP should Each IP should –integrate the types of activities needed to obtain the goals –integrate the critical mass of resources needed to obtain the goals –integrate all elements of technology chain to attain high-impact goals –support industry-academia collaboration including SME’s

31 Networks of Excellence - objectives to reinforce or strengthen scientific and technological excellence on a given research topic to reinforce or strengthen scientific and technological excellence on a given research topic –by integrating the critical mass of expertise needed to provide European leadership and be a world force –around a Joint programme of activity (JPA) to help structuring European research by integrating research capacities across Europe. to help structuring European research by integrating research capacities across Europe. –Durable integration –So as to progress knowledge on a particular theme to Overcome the fragmentation of European research to Overcome the fragmentation of European research to act as a “Virtual Centre of Excellence” to act as a “Virtual Centre of Excellence” to spread excellence beyond the partners to spread excellence beyond the partners

32 Participation in FP5 IST programme: ACCs and MSs Around a 1000 Participants (7% of total) Present in 1/3 of the projects

33 Participation in FP5 IST programme: ACCs

34 Who is participating: Poland

35 Conclusions: Opportunities & challenges Realising ERA requires ….. Realising ERA requires ….. –new “thinking” –concentration, critical mass & flexibility are key FP6 provides a key opportunity to shape and improve the impact of IST research in Europe FP6 provides a key opportunity to shape and improve the impact of IST research in Europe –A new generation of technologies & applications is emerging –Europe is well positioned to shape the future & compete –The pace of development is increasingly fast –The aim is “people first” in all-inclusive knowledge society Simplification of procedures and fast reactivity Simplification of procedures and fast reactivity –an extensive effort needed to mobilise the constituency –to address the (steep) learning-curve FP5  FP6

36 IST in FP6: Sources of Information IST on CORDIS FP6 web main page New Instruments Model Contracts Frequently asked Questions The European Research Area CORDIS RTD beyond 2002 ISTAG on CORDIS IST in FP6 (including consultation meeting reports & workshops) IST helpdesk IST helpdesk Fax : +32 2 296 83 88 E-Mail : i

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