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Effect of volatile on fungal spore germination 周秋伶 90134086 2004/12/28.

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Presentation on theme: "Effect of volatile on fungal spore germination 周秋伶 90134086 2004/12/28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effect of volatile on fungal spore germination 周秋伶 90134086 2004/12/28

2 前言 Fusarium oxysporum (尖孢鐮刀菌) 大孢子 鐮刀型 3~ 5 個隔膜 31.75 ×4.38mm 小孢子 單胞,長圓筒型至紡錘形 8.25 ×2.5mm 厚膜孢子 壁厚,近圓形 9.45 ×8.13mm

3 目的 揮發性物質對真菌孢子的影響

4 空培養皿 水 Acetate Methanol Ethanol 1% 5% 25% V 型玻棒 玻片 30 ℃ 1 天 三重複 流程

5 揮發性物質測試之裝置 玻片 孢子懸 浮液 V 形玻棒

6 結果 圖一. Fusarium oxysporum 大分生孢子 ( 左 ) 與小分生孢子 ( 右 )

7 圖二. 萌芽的 Fusarium oxysporum 小分生孢子


9 討論 孢子懸浮液濃度 孢子接觸揮發性物質面積 揮發性物質 pH 值 揮發性物質濃度

10 參考文獻 Rai, M.K., and D. Acharya. 1999. Screening of some Asteraceous plants for antimycotic activity. Compositae Newsletter. 34:37-43 Xavier, L.J.C., and J.J. Germida. 2003. Bacteria associated with Glomus clarum spores influence mycorrhizal activity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 35:471-478 Marullo, P., M. Bely, I. Masneuf-Pomarede, M. Aigle, and D. Dubourdieu. 2004. Inheritable nature of enological quantitative traits is demonstrated by meiotic segregation of industrial wine yeast strains. FEMS Yeast Reasearch. 4:711- 719

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