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Presentation on theme: " Education and Training 2010 in Hungary Anita Krémó 29 November 2004, Madrid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and Training 2010 in Hungary Anita Krémó 29 November 2004, Madrid

2 Concrete strategic objectives n Increasing the quality and effectiveness of education and training n Facilitating the access of all the education and training systems n Opening up education and training systems to the wider world

3 Increasing the quality and effectiveness of education and training n Improving education and training for teachers and trainers n Developing skills for the knowledge society n Ensuring access to ICTs for everyone n Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies n Making best use of resources

4 Working methodology n Hungarian delegates in EU working groups n Co-ordination unit in the Ministry n Analysis of EU recommendations: regular meetings of national working groups –policy makers, teachers, researchers, civil organisations n Proposals for action, recommendations for the national decision- makers on working group recommendations and benchmarks n Dissemination: February 2003, 22 October and 8 November 2004 n Planning: Mid-term strategies, National Development Plan n Implementation:National Development Plan – EU Structural Funds, national programmes

5 Improving education and training for teachers and trainers n Key figures in LLL n CHALLENGES: Social status, public perception,adaptability of initial education to new challenges,content,evaluation,promotion, new skills : ICT, European dimension

6 Improving education and training for teachers and trainers n STRATEGY: evaluation, differentiated salaries and other incentives, content and structure development in initial and in-service training, uniform teacher training system, resources for further training, european dimension n REALISATION: National Development Plan: in-service training in methodology of LLL skills development, ICT skills, 2002 salary n RECOMMENDATIONS:comprehensive teacher training strategy,the domestic use of the open method of coordination - best pracises, peer review

7 Developing skills for the knowledge society Benchmark: reducing the number of 15 year olds with weak literacy skills by 20 % n CHALLENGES: PISA results, moving from content- centred education to skills development n STRATEGY:development of skills necessary for LLL, evaluation and assessment n REALISATION: National Development Plan Human Resources Development Operational Programme (content, teacher training, methodology, World- Language Programme

8 Ensuring access to ICTs for everyone n CHALLENGES: infrastructure, content, methodology, teachers’ skills, motivation, n STRATEGY:Educational ICT Strategy n REALISATION: priority area, infrastructural development: broadband access & computers to schools, incentives: tax reducation, SDC, NDP, teacher training, innovative projects

9 Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies n Benchmark: increasing the number of graduates in science and maths by 15% n CHALLENGES: Low entrace number, lower number of graduates n STRATEGY: recommendations in the National Curriculum, action plan,

10 Making best use of resources n CHALLENGES: argumentation for increasing investments (decision makers at different levels, private and public sector), funding (e.g. universities) n REALISATION: institution and learner identification system, intelligent student ID, quality assurance system for HE and VET, and pilot-projects for compulsory education, partnership with local economy

11 Thank you for your attention!

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