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Volunteers and Grassroots Campaigns Sunshine Swinford SF Environment November 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteers and Grassroots Campaigns Sunshine Swinford SF Environment November 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteers and Grassroots Campaigns Sunshine Swinford SF Environment November 4, 2009

2 Why Volunteers for Grassroots Campaigns?



5 Grassroots Campaigns Neighborhood Compost Campaign Food Service Ware Ordinance –“Styrobusters” Energy Watch/PGE Campaign Green Apartment Campaign Bayview Neighborhood Campaign –Phoning –Canvassing

6 Neighborhood Compost Campaign Delivery Method- “Door to Door” SF Environment Staff and 150 Volunteers over a 2 month period.

7 Styrobusters in the news The Styrofoam Police Are Out On A Mission Thursday, November 01, 2007 One Restaurant At A Time By Wayne Freedman SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2007 (KGO) (KGO) - - The city of San Francisco has changed the law on using Styrofoam at restaurants, but changing old habits can be a bit more difficult. To that end, a group of volunteers is roaming the city to spread the word.

8 s/interests.html?ssi=3&ti=4&ii=127 Styrobusters—video clip link

9 Green Apartment Campaign Mandatory Recycling and Composting ordinance

10 Volunteers are recruited and trained to: Educate residents about the proper use of green composting carts Reinforce and encourage proper usage of blue recycling carts

11 Volunteer Wendy Bauer, right, delivers a compost bin to Davis and Elaine Nordby. Workers have been canvassing thousands of apartment dwellers to explain the nuts and bolts – or potato peels and table scraps – of the city's new composting program. Sacramento Bee- October 4, 2009

12 Other Volunteer Opportunities Work at Farmer’s Markets Intern within one of our programs Work at Festivals as a Cart Monitor in exchange for a free ticket Other SFE events such as Sunday Streets, Arbor Day, Green Festival, Coastal Clean up





17 Where do we find recruit volunteers? Colleges, Universities, and High Schools Community groups Corporations In the community while canvassing/tabling at events or at the door On-line --website, craigslist, facebook, volunteer center,

18 How do we retain volunteers?

19 United We Serve is President Obama's call to service challenging all Americans to engage in sustained, meaningful community service. United We Serve initially runs from June 22 through a new National Day of Service on September 11, but will grow into a sustained, collaborative and focused effort to promote service as a way of life for all Americans. United We Serve is led by the Corporation for National and Community Service. For more information, visit

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