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INTRODUCTION VCE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Hopetoun Secondary College Nhill College Unit 3 – Corporate Management © Peter Frances Hughes 2012.

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1 INTRODUCTION VCE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Hopetoun Secondary College Nhill College Unit 3 – Corporate Management © Peter Frances Hughes 2012

2 Welcome to Year 12 VCE Business Management My name is Mr Peter Hughes and I will be your teacher next year. Apart from teaching, I have extensive experience as an Accountant in both small and large scale organisations. In 2010 I was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Management at Deakin.

3 The 2012 VCE Program Students will gain an understanding of how resources are managed in large scale organisations. Management of resources will be linked directly to the objectives of the organisation. Photo: Iluka Treatment Plant Hamilton Victoria. 2011

4 The 2012 VCE Program Students will engage with contemporary management theories and be able to apply them to real business scenarios. The dynamics of the course involves students gaining a deep understanding of an Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) top 100 Corporation.

5 The Australian Securities Exchange Add this link to your VCE Business Management favourites. Over the summer break, explore some of the features of the site.

6 Student’s Resources Text: Rouse, Morello-Urso, Whittaker Business Management Units 3 & 4 Pearson Heinemann Recommended: McNaughton Business Management Units 3 & 4 Notes 2 nd Edition Nelson Cengage Learning

7 Student’s Resources This website is the main source of information for the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority. sstindex.html This is the link for the study design booklet.

8 Teacher’s Resources management/ This webpage will contain the majority of information that I will make available for students next year. Here you will find our Power Point Presentations (PPT) and resource materials each week.

9 Holiday Break 2011 - 2012 Familiarise yourself with the VCAA website resources relating to VCE Business Management. Download a copy of the study design and read it. The study design outlines how the course will be delivered next year. Importantly, the study design indicates how this unit will be assessed both at school and in the final examination.

10 Holiday Break 2011 - 2012 Using the ASX website, research 2 top 100 corporations that are listed there. Note their 3 letter code: eg Iluka Resources is ILU Access their websites. Using the contacts tab of their website, request a copy of their 2010 Annual Report via post to your postal address.

11 Holiday Break 2011 - 2012 Read the Annual Reports for the corporations you have chosen to study. Familiarise yourself with the managers, organisational structure and vision of the corporation. Some corporations used in the past to success were: Ramsay Health Billabong Wesfarmers Iluka

12 What is Corporations Management? Business Management has evolved over time as a skill using; Economics Law Psychology Human Relations Business Communications

13 Corporations Management This year we will concentrate on Large Scale Organisations. There may not be many of these Large Scale Organisations operating in our area so we must look closely at the Annual Reports of the organisations we have decided to concentrate on this year.

14 Corporations Management VCE Studies require a balance of work, leisure and rest. Your studies are very similar to the activities of Business Managers. I wish you every success in your studies in VCE Business Management next year.

15 Course Delivery Each week you will receive a handout for the slides I will present during class time. The handouts are designed for you to add notes to as I deliver the classes. The actual Power Point Slides will be available from the website as I deliver them. This should be beneficial for those students who may miss a class.

16 Course Delivery Each Section of Unit 3 and Unit 4 is followed by a School Assessed Coursework (SAC) activity. In 2011 there were 3 SACs for Unit 3 and 3 SACs for Unit 4. Students receive ample time for revision between the end of the content delivery for each section and the SAC. SACs provide an excellent opportunity for exam technique and practice.

17 Revision Workshop 2011 had a one day revision workshop that covered Unit 3 & 4. The workshop was in Week 2 of the 3 rd Term Holidays. 2012 will see another revision workshop and accommodation is available for Nhill students. Hopetoun SC Students At the Gateway BEET Centre During September Workshop 2011

18 Questions, Questions, Questions? We have covered a lot of material here today in our first step up session. Pause now and reflect on any questions you may have about your course commitments. Do you understand the work that is required over the holiday break? QUESTIONS?

19 Chapter One Large-Scale Organisations The reading for this chapter is pages 2 – 35 Read the chapter and summarise the major points. Take note of the key terms and ensure you understand them and can provide a definition. Note the key knowledge components and the key skills that you will be required to learn for this chapter.

20 Large-Scale Organisations ORGANISATION Definition (Defn) – a system that enables people or groups of people to work together in a planned and coordinated way to achieve common goals and objectives. CORPORATION Defn – Either privately owned by individuals or a group of individuals, or publicly owned and listed on the ASX.

21 Large Scale Organisations Rip Curl Proprietary Limited In 2009 I worked with Rip Curl System Analyst Steve Ellis as part of my Postgraduate Studies. We worked in a group on a team assignment. Steve was in France and America during our work and we communicated online. Steve was analysing sales for the ‘SEARCH” campaign.

22 Rip Curl Pty Ltd – THE SEARCH ‘It might just be getting together with your mates and having fun’ ‘It could be a weekend trip looking for waves…’ ‘If you are travelling, you need products that are functional.’ ‘Innovative new stuff that works better.’

23 Managers in Large-Scale Organisations Managers: PLAN ORGANISE LEAD CONTROL P O L C

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