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OFFICE OF SCIENCE Review Committee for the NuMi Off-Axis Neutrino Appearance (NO A) Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory August 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF SCIENCE Review Committee for the NuMi Off-Axis Neutrino Appearance (NO A) Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory August 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF SCIENCE Review Committee for the NuMi Off-Axis Neutrino Appearance (NO A) Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory August 9, 2011 Kurt W. Fisher Review Committee Chair Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy

2 2.1 Accelerator and Beamlines Quintana, ANL 2 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 2.Technical: Are accomplishments to-date and remaining activities planned sufficient to meet baseline scope objectives? 4.Has the project responded satisfactorily to the recommendations from the previous independent project review? ■ Findings ■ Comments ■ Recommendations

3 3 2.2 Detector Wisniewski, SLAC/Denes, LBNL Loveless, U of Wisc OFFICE OF SCIENCE 2.Technical: Are accomplishments to-date and remaining activities planned sufficient to meet baseline scope objectives? 4.Has the project responded satisfactorily to the recommendations from the previous independent project review? ■ Findings ■ Comments ■ Recommendations

4 4 3. Cost and Schedule Merrill, DOE/SC 1.Baseline Cost and Schedule: Is project’s plan and performance consistent with the approved baseline? Are remaining cost contingency and schedule float adequate for the risks? 4.Has the project responded satisfactorily to the recommendations from the previous independent project review? ■ Findings ■ Comments ■ Recommendations OFFICE OF SCIENCE

5 5 Project Status Merrill, DOE/SC OFFICE OF SCIENCE PROJECT STATUS Project TypeMIE / Line Item / Cooperative Agreement CD-1Planned:Actual: CD-2Planned:Actual: CD-3Planned:Actual: CD-4Planned:Actual: TPC Percent CompletePlanned: _____%Actual: _____% TPC Cost to Date TPC Committed to Date TPC TEC Contingency Cost (w/Mgmt Reserve)$_____% to go Contingency Schedule on CD-4b______months_____% CPI Cumulative SPI Cumulative

6 6 4. Management 4. Management *Gilchriese, LBNL/ Merrill, DOE/SC OFFICE OF SCIENCE 3.Management: Are the management resources adequate to deliver the project within specifications, budget and schedule, including management and mitigation of remaining technical, cost and schedule risks? 4.Has the project responded satisfactorily to the recommendations from the previous independent project review? ■ Findings ■ Comments ■ Recommendations

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