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Key Recovery and Secret Sharing -- Towards balancing the interests of individuals and those of governments --

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1 Key Recovery and Secret Sharing -- Towards balancing the interests of individuals and those of governments --

2 2 Outline n the need of balance between the interests of individuals and those of governments n key escrow as a possible solution n controversy over key escrow n commercial key escrow (a positive use of key escrow) n secret sharing

3 3 Use & Abuse of encryption n Proper use: çprotects privacy of individuals çprotects commercial interests of companies n Abuse: çorganised crimes (s.a. drug trafficking) çfraud and corruption çterrorism ç......

4 4 Conflict of interests n individuals’ freedom of speech & communications v.s. n needs of law enforcement

5 5 Different directions n Banning cryptography, i.e., the use of encryption is prohibited. çlaw enforcement is happy, but individuals are not n Free and un-controlled use of encryption çindividuals are happy, but law enforcement may be in trouble

6 6 Spectrum of crypto-usage Total ban of encryption Free use of encryption ?

7 7 US proposal n Key escrow was proposed by US government in 1993 as “something in between”, with the aim to balance between the interests of individuals and those of governments

8 8 Basic idea behind the proposal n Individuals (and companies) are allowed to use encryption n But, keys used by a individual must be available to law enforcement when they wish to monitor the individual’s communications

9 9 “Escrow” 1. n. written legal engagement to do something, kept in third person’ custody until some condition has been fulfilled; money or good so kept; 2. v.t. place in escrow

10 10 Key escrow n A key used by an individual is “split into two halves” n One half is stored in Escrow Agency A n The other half is stored in Escrow Agency B n Both agencies are organisations independent of governments

11 11 Key escrow (2) n When police wish to monitor an individual’s communications, they first obtain a court order from judges (the court system) n Police then present the court order çto Escrow Agency A to obtain the 1st half of the individual’s key çto Escrow Agency B to obtain the 2nd half of the individual’s key

12 12 Key escrow (3) n Now police can put the 2 halves together and get the individual’s key n With the key in their hands, police can now monitor all communications of the individual

13 13 Escrowed key E Network or Storage Plain Text Cipher Text D Original Plain Text Bob Secret Key Alice Secret Key Escrow Agency A Escrow Agency B

14 14 Analogue n you are allowed to lock your door n but you have to leave a copy of your key, half of which is kept by Locksmith A and the other half by Locksmith B n When police wish to break into your home, they get a court order with which they can get the two halves of the copy and hence your key

15 15 Controversy n does it really work ? çhow about double encryption by a “bad” guy ? çwhat happens if Escrow Agencies A and B conspire çhow do governments trust each other ? n where is freedom of individuals ? çdoes a government have the right to intrude into individuals’ privacy ? çother implications ?

16 16 A positive use of key escrow n Encrypted data become useless if the key is lost or forgotten ! çHave you ever forgotten your password ? n To prevent loss of corporate information, a company can build a company-wide “key escrow” system çQuestion: HOW ? (hint: no police or court system is involved in this case.)

17 17 How to “split” a user key n bad way(s): çK = K a K b, K a is kept by Escrow Agency A, K b is kept by Escrow Agency B n good ways:  K = K1 XOR K2, K1 is kept by Escrow Agency A, K2 is kept by Escrow Agency B çsecret sharing schemes

18 18 An exercise & a question n an exercise çHow to “split” a key if there are 3 or more escrow agencies ? n In the above discussions, all agencies have to be consulted in order to recover a key. An important question: çIs it possible to design a system so that some of the agencies, say 4 out of 5, can recover a key ?

19 19 Secret sharing in a bank n a real world problem: çA bank branch has a safe and 3 senior tellers. çThe safe can be opened only by senior tellers, but they do not trust each other. çCan we design a system for the branch whereby any 2 of the 3 senior tellers together can open the safe, but NO individual teller can do so.

20 20 (t,n)-threshold secret sharing n Consider a group of n participants (=people). Let t <= n. n A (t,n)-threshold secret sharing scheme is a method of sharing a key K among n participants, such that çany t or more participants from the group can recover the key K, and çany t-1 or less participants from the group can NOT do so.

21 21 Real world problems n bank branch çto design a (2,3)-threshold secret sharing n key escrow agency ç(2,2)-threshold secret sharing çmore generally, (t,n)-threshold secret sharing. E.g. (4,5)-threshold secret sharing n millionaire’s will ça millionaire with 8 children of which 5 of them are there when the will is read.

22 22 Shamir’s (t,n)-threshold scheme n Key disposing --- by the dealer çinitialisation çdistributing a share to each of the n participants in the group n Key recovery --- by participants çgathering shares from t participants çreconstructing the key from the t shares

23 23 Shamir (3,5)-threshold scheme n Assume that K=13 is a key. n Initially the only person who knows K=13 is the dealer ! n The aim is to construct a threshold scheme so that 3 our of the 5 participants can recover the key K. n Parameters: çK=13, t=3, n=5

24 24 Key Disposal -- by dealer n Initialisation çchooses a prime p > K & p > n+1. Say p = 17. çchooses 2 (=t-1) random non-zero integers [1,...,p-1], i.e., [1,...,16]. Assume that the following are chosen: la 1 = 10 la 2 = 2  Form a polynomial of degree t-1: p(x) =K + a 1 *x + a 2 *x 2 =13 + 10*x + 2*x 2

25 25 Key disposal -- by dealer n Share distribution çfor Participant 1 l p(1) =13 + 10*1 + 2*1 2 = 8 (mod 17 ) l gives 8 to Participant 1 as his share çfor Participant 2 l p(2) =13 + 10*2 + 2*2 2 = 7 (mod 17 ) l gives 7 to Participant 2 as his share çfor Participant 3 l p(3) =13 + 10*3 + 2*3 2 = 10 (mod 17 ) l gives 10 to Participant 3 as his share

26 26 Key disposal-- by dealer çfor Participant 4 l p(4) =13 + 10*4 + 2*4 2 = 0 (mod 17 ) l gives 0 to Participant 4 as his share çfor Participant 5 l p(5) =13 + 10*5 + 2*5 2 = 11 (mod 17 ) l gives 11 to Participant 5 as his share

27 27 Key recovery -- by 3 participants n Assume that 3 participants, say Participants 1, 3 and 5 decide to recover the key K. n Share gathering çthe 3 participants put together their shares, namely 3 numbers 8, 10, 11

28 28 Key recovery -- by 3 participants n Key reconstruction  solve the following equations K + a 1 * 1 + a 2 * 1 2 = 8 (mod 17) K + a 1 * 3 + a 2 * 3 2 = 10 (mod 17) K + a 1 * 5 + a 2 * 5 2 = 11 (mod 17)  the result a 1 = 10 a 2 = 2 K = 13 n K = 13 is indeed the key !

29 29 Questions n With the the (3,5)-threshold scheme çCan 2 or less participants recover the key K ? çWhat if more than 3 participants wish to recover the key ?

30 30 The Dealer n The dealer has to be honest ! çcan be a person trusted by all participants. çcan also be a dedicated program which erases all relevant information on the key K after the shares are distributed successfully.

31 31 Combination Lock n Assume that a key K is a 4-digit number, i.e., K is in [0000,…,9999] n Initially the only person who knows the key K is the dealer! n Construct a Shamir(2.6)-threshold scheme so that 2 out of the 6 participants can recover the key K. n Hint: choose a 5 digit prime number (say 10007)!

32 32 Escrowing DES keys n Assume that a key is a 56-bits DES key (abut 17 digits) n Initially the only person who knows the key is the dealer! n Construct a Shamir(5.10)-threshold scheme so that 5 out of 10 escrow agencies can recover the key K. n Hine: choose a prime number > 2 56 !

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