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Paper Tangos by Julie Taylor Based on a presentation by: Natalie Collins and Jamelle Wilcox Edited by: Dr. Kay Picart and Donna Gallagher.

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Presentation on theme: "Paper Tangos by Julie Taylor Based on a presentation by: Natalie Collins and Jamelle Wilcox Edited by: Dr. Kay Picart and Donna Gallagher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paper Tangos by Julie Taylor Based on a presentation by: Natalie Collins and Jamelle Wilcox Edited by: Dr. Kay Picart and Donna Gallagher

2 Key Terms Contradanza: Quilombos: Tango: Tanguedia: Milonga: El mufarse: “bandoneon”:.

3 bandoneon

4 Julie Taylor Former dancer, Professor of Anthropology at Rice University Other works include: Aesthetics, Politics: The Case of Brazilian Carnival,(1982), Tango, Cultural Anthropology, (1987) Major interests aesthetics, national and transnational cultures, war and politics.

5 Argentina

6 Review Question The argentines refer to themselves as the ______ nation. What are their reasons for this?

7 Argentina Located in southern South America, bordering the south Atlantic ocean, between Chile and Uruguay. Majority of population consists of people between ages of 15-64 years of age. Tango originated in Buenos Aires and Montevideo. Considered one of the 10 richest nations until the early 1950’s while it declined until 1985. In 1985 the global economy considered it “an emergent market.” During 1976-1983, the “Dirty War” occurred making it impossible to continue their social world of dance because of fear that it was a form of opposition to the dictatorship that was taking place.

8 The Dirty War 1976-1983 On March 24, 1976, in a well-planned coup, the Argentine armed forces overthrew the government of President Isabel Martinez de Peron (1931-), who was held in "protective custody." A three-man military junta, head by General Jorge Rafael Videla (1925-), took charge and began a ruthless campaign against liberals, leftists, and political terrorists. Anyone suspected of favoring these groups was subject to arbitrary arrest, and those who had illegally profited from the former corrupt Peronist government were prosecuted.

9 Dirty War, contd. People were kidnapped on the streets and never seen again; the prisons overflowed with so-called political prisoners, and torture was common; there were no trials or pretense of legal process. An estimated 11,000 Argentines disappeared between 1976 and 1982, and the flagrant violations of human rights caused the US government under President James E. Carter, Jr., to stop sending military aid to Argentina. Several prominent prisoners were freed and allowed to leave the country, and gradually the security forces decreased their "dirty war" activities in response to adverse worldwide public opinion. The nine military leader who led the “dirty war” were prosecuted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

10 Review Question Why was the tango so important to the foreign immigrants of Argentina?

11 The Tango How is the tango a reflection of the Argentine Culture and a symbol the culture? Where was the tango inititially danced? What is Mufarse? Why is the tango an emotional dance?

12 Words of Dance What are the lyrics of the tango songs symbolic of: How did the lyrics change as the dance became more popular in the international spectrum?

13 “Toda mi vida”, Jose Maria Contursi ….si un dia por mi culpa una lagrima vertiste porque tanto me quisiste se que me perdonaras Se que mucho me has querido tanto, tanto como yo. …if one day it ever was my fault that you shed a tear because you loved me so I know you will pardon me. I know you have loved me deeply, as much as I have loved you.

14 Gender Roles in the Tango What are the roles of men and women dancing the tango?

15 Discussion Questions???? What types of gazes are incorporated in the Tango? Why do you feel this way? How is the dance appealing to the audiences and the dancers themselves? How did this same appeal spread the “craze” to other nations?

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