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1 Changes in O 2 over Earth’s History
2 Annual Cycle in Atmospheric O 2 Barrow 71ºN Samoa 14ºS C. Grim 43ºS (1 ppm O 2 = 5 per meg)
3 Oxygen Isotopes 16 O = 99.74%, 17 O = 0.05%, 18 O = 0.21% 18 O (‰) = [( 18 O/ 16 O) sample /( 18 O/ 16 O) std –1]*1000 17 O (‰) = [( 17 O/ 16 O) sample /( 17 O/ 16 O) std –1]*1000 17 Δ (per meg) = [ 17 O – 0.518* 18 O]*1000 Standards: SMOW or AIR 18 O of O 2 in air = +23.5 ‰ vs SMOW)
4 Molecular O 2 Cycle Important Processes - photosynthesis, respiration - air-water gas exchange, mixing, circulation Photosynthesis (O 2 is from the water molecule) CO 2 + 2H 2 O* +light CH 2 O + *O 2 (2NADP + 2H 2 O + light 2NADPH 2 + O 2 ) Respiration H 2 O + *O 2 + CH 2 O CO 2 + 2H 2 O* (2NADPH 2 + O 2 2NADP + 2H 2 O )
5 Isotope KIE during Photosynthesis (Guy et al., 1993) Fractionation effect during photosynthesis by S ynechocystis (Helman et al., 2005) Little or no fractionation during photosynthetic production of O 2 (<1‰)
6 18 O of Precipitation Globally Mean 18 O of precipitation ~ -4 ‰ (assuming mean temp = 15ºC)
7 18 O (‰) of Surface Ocean
8 Respiration KIEs for 18 O of O 2
9 Atmospheric Dole Effect 18 O of O2 in air is +23.5 ‰ (vs SMOW) At steady-state, the 18 O of O 2 produced by photosynthesis has to equal the 18 O of O 2 consumed by respiration. ( 18 O/ 16 O) water * photo = ( 18 O/ 16 O) O2air * resp Since photo = 1.000, then resp = ( 18 O/ 16 O) water / ( 18 O/ 16 O) O2air For marine photosynthesis: resp = 1.000 / 1.0235 = 0.9770 For terrestrial photosynthesis: resp = 1.008 / 1.0235 = 0.9849 For 50/50 split: resp = 1.004 / 1.0235 = 0.9809
10 Variations in 18 O-O 2 over glacial cycles (Petite et al., 1999)
11 Processes Affecting Concentration and 18 O of dissolved O 2 in Surface Layer g Advection, Inflow Air-Water O 2 Gas Exchange Turbulent Mixing, Entrainment, Upwelling, Eddies, etc. Organic Carbon Export (= P – R) Photosynthesis Respiration
12 Effects of Respiration, Photosynthesis and Gas Exchange on 18 O and O 2 O 2 Concentration - Photosynthesis decreases 18 O - Respiration increases 18 O - Gas Exchange drives 18 O toward equilibrium (24.2 ‰)
13 18 O-O 2 in Amazon Lakes and Rivers Lakes= squares; Amazon R. = circles; Tributaries = triangles
14 R/P of Amazon Lakes and Rivers Lakes= squares; Amazon R. = circles; Tributaries = triangles
15 Diurnal Cycles in O 2 and 18 O in Lakes Tonle Sap provides 75% of fish harvested in Cambodia (D. Lockwood, unpub data) Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia (vs AIR) Flooded Forest Pond, Canada To detect a diurnal O 2 and 18 O cycle typically high rates of photosynthesis, low gas exchange rates and shallow water body.
16 Seasonal Cycle in O 2 and 18 O in Mekong R.
17 18 O-O 2 in Oligotrophic Surface Ocean The overall range (variability) in 18 O (0.3 ‰) and O 2 saturation (1%) is much smaller than in freshwater systems because of lower photosynthesis rates and higher air-sea gas exchange rates.
18 Diurnal 18 O-O 2 Cycle in Coastal Ocean Sagami Bay, Japan (Sarma, 2005) (vs AIR)
19 Depth Trends in 18 O and O 2sat at ALOHA
20 18 O vs O 2sat Trend in Thermocline of the Pacific Ocean Red = Rayleigh predicted KIE of 0.9945 for respiration
21 Calculated KIE for Respiration Assumes open system at steady-state.
22 Oxygen Cycle: Use of Triple Isotopes A mass independent reaction during ozone production in the stratosphere causes an anomalous isotopic composition of atmospheric O 2 (and CO 2 ). This O 2 isotopic anomaly is a very useful tracer to estimate photosynthesis (productivity) rates on land and in aquatic systems (ocean, lakes, rivers, etc.). Potentially, this method could make a significant impact on our understanding of the ocean’s biological pump
23 Anomalous 17 O and 18 O Composition of Atmospheric O 2 and CO 2 2O 2 + energy O 3 + O( 1 D) O( 1 D) + CO 2 CO 2 + O Result: Small amount of O 2 (CO 2 ) in stratospheric has an anomalously low (high) 17 O/ 18 O. This O 2 mixes into troposphere. Lab ExperimentsField Measurements
24 Isotopic Notation for 17 O Anomaly Express the 17 O/ 16 O anomaly using 17 Δ notation 17 Δ = ( 17 O – 0.518* 18 O)*1000 Units are per meg, 1 per meg = 1 ‰ / 1000 AIR is the standard and has a 17 Δ = 0 per meg Since air is depleted in 17 O/ 16 O, most other species will have positive 17 Δ values on this scale The coefficient of 0.518 was chosen to equal the slope of 17 O vs 18 O observed during respiration. (Luz and Barkan, 2000)
25 Slope of 17 O vs 18 O during Respiration
26 17 Δ of O 2 in water equilibrated with Air (Luz and Barkan, 2003) (Sarma et al, 2006)
27 17 Δ of Photosynthetic O 2 Lab Experiments 17 Δ (per meg vs AIR) Marine Plankton 244±20; 252±5 Sea of Galilee Plankton159±10 Puget Sound Plankton~ 200
28 Ocean Range of 17 Δ Values Purely Photosynthetic O 2 249 per meg Purely Atmospheric O 2 16 per meg Half Photo + Half Atmos O 2 130 per meg Measuring 17 Δ yields a direct estimate of the proportion of O 2 from air and photosynthesis.
29 Measured 17 Δ in the Surface Ocean Oligotrophic N. Pacific (Quay)20-40 Oligotrophic N. Atlantic (Luz) 30-50 Southern Ocean (Hendricks)20-50 Equatorial Pacific (Hendricks, Juranek)50-90 Sagami Bay (Sarma)80-100 California Current System (Munro)25-100 Sea of Galilee (Luz and Barken)100-140 17 Δ (per meg)
30 Near HawaiiNear Bermuda L. Juranek (U.Washington)B. Luz (Hebrew U.)
31 Mixed Layer O 2 and 17 Δ*O 2 Budget dO 2 /dt = k am *Sol*pO 2atm – k am *Sol*pO 2ml + Photo – Resp - where k am = air-sea gas transfer rate and Sol=O 2 solubility d( 17 Δ*O 2 /dt) = k am *Sol*pO 2atm * 17 Δ air – k am *Sol*pO 2ml * 17 Δ diss + Photo* 17 Δ photo – Resp* 17 Δ diss -assume respiration doesn’t change the 17 Δ of the dissolved O 2 -ignore mixing and advection fluxes for now Substituting for k am *Sol*pO 2ml yields an expression for gross Photo: Photo = k am *pO 2atm *Sol*( 17 Δ air – 17 Δ diss )/( 17 Δ photo – 17 Δ diss )
32 If one estimates air-sea O 2 gas transfer rates (k am ) from wind speed measurements, then one can calculate the gross Primary Production (PPg) rate from a single measurement ( 17 Δ of dissolved O 2 ) PPg = k am * O 2sat * ( 17 air – 17 diss ) ( 17 diss – 17 photo ) Estimating gross Photosynthesis rates from 17 Δ
33 Advantages of 17 Δ-PP over 14 C-PP Method a.In situ PP rates not in vitro PP rates -there are no bottle effects. b.Much simpler field method -no time consuming bottle incubations c.Integrates over the lifetime of O 2 in the mixed layer -typically 10-20 days (i.e., 50-100m / 5m/d) d.Measures gross PP rates -not an ambiguous rate between gross and net PP -recycling of 14 C-labeled OC in the bottle and use of non- 14 C labeled CO 2 during photosynthesis yield biases in PP rates that are difficult to quantify
34 Disadvantages of the 17 Δ-PP Method a.Measures gross PP rate integrated over the mixed layer depth, not the photic layer depth. b.Uncertainty of method is significant and depends primarily on uncertainty of gas exchange rate ( 30%) and 17 Δ measurement. c.Need to convert from O 2 production to organic carbon production -a 10-20% reduction for Mehler reaction and photorespiration -divide O 2 production by the Photosynthetic Quotient (PQ) of ~1.1 (NH 4 based PP) to ~1.4 (NO 3 based PP) d.In some situations, upwelling, mixing or entrainment can bias the 17 Δ in the mixed layer causing an overestimation of gross PP.
35 17 Δ Gross PP rates in the Surface Ocean Oligotrophic N. Pacific (Juranek)800 - 1500 Oligotrophic N. Atlantic (Luz) 300 - 1000 Southern Ocean (Hendricks)600 - 3000 Equatorial Pacific (Juranek)1000 - 2000 Sagami Bay (Sarma)1500 - 3000 California Current System (Munro)100 - 3000 Sea of Galilee (Luz&Barkan)1600 – 16000 Global Ocean (at 1 gmC/m 2 /d)130 PgC/yr Gross PP (mg C m -2 d -1 )
36 Comparison of 17 O-PPg versus bottle 14 C-PP BATS and HOTS = 1.6±0.4; CalCOFI = 2.7±1.6
37 Estimating the ratio of net to gross PP Photo = k am *pO 2atm *Sol*( 17 Δ air – 17 Δ diss )/( 17 Δ photo – 17 Δ diss ) dO 2 /dt = k am *pO 2atm *Sol*(1 – pO 2 /pO 2atm ) + Photo – Resp -assuming net community productivity (NCP) = gross Photosynthesis – total Respiration and substituting for k am *pO 2atm *Sol yields: NCP/ Photo = (O 2 /O 2atm – 1)* ( 17 Δ photo – 17 Δ diss ) / ( 17 Δ air – 17 Δ diss ) the NCP/PPg ratio yields an estimate of the efficiency of organic carbon recycling in the ocean -if all photosynthetically produced organic carbon was respired to CO2 in the mixed layer then NCP/PPg = 0
38 Estimates of NCP/PPg from 17 Δ and O 2 /Ar Measurements
39 Ratio of NCP/PPg in Surface Ocean -at HOT and BATS:0.13±0.03 -Southern Ocean: 0.17±0.13 -Equatorial Pacific: 0.12±0.11 -California Current0.16±0.12 Coastal Ocean has NCP/PPg ratio that is similar to open oligotrophic ocean. (Unexpected). Could be our most accurate estimate of the efficiency of ocean’s biological pump.
40 Estimates of Carbon Export (NCP) Rates -at HOT and BATS: 10±5 mmols C m -2 d -1 -in the Southern Ocean: 13±4 -in the Equatorial Pacific: 6.9±6.2 -California Current (CalCOFI): 14±10 -Globally, at 10 mmols m -2 d -1, yields 16 Pg C/yr (higher than previous estimates of 6-10 Pg C/yr)
41 Future of 17 Δ and O 2 /Ar Ocean Research Improved ability to detect PP events. Applicable to obtain large scale synoptic surveys of ocean PP rates. Improve resolution of short spatial and temporal scale variability in marine PP in certain regions (e.g., coastal). Useful for validation of satellite PP rates.
42 Basin Scale Trends in 17 Δ-PPg in Pacific Ocean (using a container ship as sample collection platform)
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