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SQL Tutorials To understand some of the topics please analyze the following tutorials: The following tutorials will help:

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3 Tutorials To understand some of the topics please analyze the following tutorials: The following tutorials will help:

4 What can we do with SQL Querying Data Single Table Multiple Tables Inserting Data Updating Data Deleting Data

5 Querying Data Querying Single Tables Basic Query Format Search Conditions Querying Multiple Tables

6 Querying Single Tables Basic Format: SELECT column(s) FROM table WHERE condition(s) Rules: SELECT must be first clause FROM must be second clause table/column names must be spelled as in the database

7 Selecting All Rows SELECT column(s) FROM table; Example: SELECT Customer_IDFROM Order_t;

8 Selecting Unique Rows SELECT DISTINCT column(s) FROM table; Example: SELECT DISTINCT Customer_ID FROM Order_t;

9 Search Conditions For retrieving specific rows: Comparison Operators Boolean Operators Other Operators Wildcards Expressions Functions Nulls SELECT column(s) FROM table WHERE ;

10 Comparison Operators SELECT Order_ID, Order_Date FROM Order_t WHERE Customer_ID = 1;

11 Comparison Operators, con’t... Comparison Operators: =equal to >greater than <less than >=greater than or equal to <=less than or equal to <>not equal to

12 Boolean Operators ANDall search conditions must be met ORany search condition must be met NOTa search condition must not be met SELECT Customer_ID, Order_ID, Order_Date FROM Order_t WHERE (Customer_ID = 1) AND (Order_ID > 1005);

13 Other Operators BETWEEN The BETWEEN... AND operator selects an inclusive range of data between two values. These values can be numbers, text, or dates. SELECT Customer_ID, Order_Date FROM Order_t WHERE Customer_ID BETWEEN 1 AND 5;

14 Wildcards * SELECT * FROM Order_t WHERE Customer_ID IN (1, 3, 5) You can use a "*" to select all columns. LIKE Like is a very powerful operator that allows you to select only rows that are "like" what you specify. The percent sign "%" can be used as a wild card to match any possible character that might appear before or after the characters specified. SELECT Customer_Name, Customer_ID FROM Customer_t WHERE Customer_Name LIKE (‘%furn%’); SELECT Customer_Name, Customer_ID FROM Customer_t WHERE Customer_Name LIKE (‘%furn_____’);

15 Min and Max Finds minimum/maximum value of attribute SELECT MAX(Order_Date) FROM Order_t; SELECT MIN(Order_Date) FROM Order_t WHERE Customer_ID > 8;

16 Nulls Means: unknown not applicable SELECT Customer_Name FROM Customer_t WHERE Customer_address IS NULL;

17 Querying Multiple Tables Joins Brings data together from multiple tables Same column in multiple tables Use table_name.column_name to distinguish columns Use WHERE clause to join tables Example SELECT Customer_t.Customer_ID, Customer_t. Customer_Name, Order_date FROM Customer_t, Order_t WHERE Order_date > (‘11/01/98’,’MM/DD/YY’) AND Customer_t.Customer_ID = Order_t.Customer_ID; ****Notice that the Customer_ID is the primary Key for Customer_t and Foreign key for order_t table**** This is the only way you can connect two tables !!!

18 Inserting Data INSERT INTO table_name [(column1_name, column2_name, …)] VALUES (column1_value, column2_value, …); Examples: INSERT INTO Order_t (order_id, customer_id) VALUES (9000,8);

19 Updating Data UPDATE table_name SET column1_name = new_value [,column2_name = new value,…] WHERE condition(s); Example: UPDATE Order_t SET Customer_ID = 2 WHERE Customer_ID = 1;

20 Deleting Data DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition(s)]; Examples: DELETE FROM Order_t WHERE Customer_ID = 2;

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