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Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Undulator Cavity BPM Status.

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1 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Undulator Cavity BPM Status

2 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Design Review Outline BPM System Design Overview Cavity Design Electronics and ADC Current status for phase II testing First article and production

3 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 LTU and Undulator BPM System Specification ParameterSpecification Limit Condition Resolution < 1  m 0.2 – 1.0 nC +/- 1 mm range Offset Stability < +/- 1  m 1 hour +/- 1 mm range 20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Offset Stability < +/- 3  m 24 hours +/- 1 mm range 20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Gain Error< +/- 10 %+/- 1 mm range 20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Dynamic Range, Position+/- 1 mm10 mm diameter vacuum chamber Dynamic Range, Intensity> 14 dBPC Gun 0.2 – 1.0 nC

4 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 In-Tunnel Receiver Block Diagram

5 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Design Development Cold Test Unit ITS Test Unit First Article Design

6 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 X-Band Cavity BPM Design Each BPM has position cavity and reference cavity SLAC selective coupling design utilized to reduce monopole mode Iris couplers are precisely EDM into Solid Copper Body Waveguide transition brazed to body

7 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Tuning Pins Feature Added Tuning pins prototyped and tested in lab Tuning pin simulations verify lab measurements Tuning pins will improve performance and production yield Tuning Pins

8 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Prototype BPMs for 3-BPM test

9 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Polished and re-surfaced All 4 bodies need rework Argonne surface laboratory provided polishing and measurements of critical surfaces (0.1 micron rms) 1 st unit brazed Altair Inc.

10 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Preliminary Cold Test Test fixtures designed and built for preliminary tuning before brazing Critical tuning experience gained Encouraging cold test results after rework/tuning

11 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Cold Test Before Brazing (11.384 GHz Goal) Serial #R/01010203 Position Cavity Freq. GHz) 11.35911.38111.37711.381 Reference Cavity Freq. GHz) 11.36711.38211.38511.407

12 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 X-Band Receiver Development

13 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 X-Band Receiver Packaging Design Receiver enclosure 12.5 wide by 15 deep by 2.5 thick (inches) with integral heat sink Houses input filters local oscillator and down- converter 3-WR75 Inputs, 3-type “N” outputs, LO ref. input Type “N”, power and control cable

14 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 X-Band Receiver Chassis 4 receivers chassis built and tested High/Low gain feature (28/0dB) to extend dynamic range Integrated self-test Multi-mode operation with phase locked LO

15 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 X-Band Receiver Chassis Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) design Local status interface indicators for power, operational mode, gain range, self-test Integral EMI chassis design

16 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Receiver Test Fixture Development Test fixture developed for bench testing Multi-mode operation with phase locked local oscillator or free-run test capabilities Test fixture inspected before operated

17 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Prototype Receiver Specification ParameterSpecification Limit Condition RF Frequency11.384 GHz20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Dx, Dy, Intensity Input Peak Power50 watts peakNo damage (limiter protection) LO Frequency11.424 GHz (2856 MHz*4) 20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius 1nC, 1mm offset, 200fs BL LO Power Range+10 dBm Max.Provide LO for 3 down converters IF Frequency50 MHz Min.20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Noise Figure Dx and DY2.7 dB Max.20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Noise Figure Intensity (reference)4.0 dB Max.20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius LO to RF Isolation40 dB Min.20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius LO to IF Isolation45 dB Min.20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius Output Power+14 dBm1 dB compression Conversion Gain25 dB typical20.0 +/- 0.56 Celsius

18 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Dynamic Range Testing

19 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 System Response Frequency Sweep

20 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 BPM System Test Approach Phase I Injector Test Stand ITS Install single X-Band Cavity and modified off- the-shelf down converter receiver Mount BPM on two-axis translation stage Phase II LEUTL test with PC gun Install three X-Band Cavities BPMs Mount all 3 BPMs together on a two-axis translation stage

21 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Injector Test Stand (ITS) Beam Parameters Charge- 1 nC single- bunch Bunch length- ~ 3 - 4 ps FWHM for ps laser Spot size on final screen at 5.5 MeV ~ 0.75 mm rms, ps laser

22 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 (Phase I) ITS BPM Test Results BPM setup on X/Y translation stage Aligned BPM Pitch and Yaw to < 25  m Initial beam spot size 2-3 mm rms at low charge (0.05 nC) at faraday cup before adding new focusing magnets to reduce to 200 um rms Beam stability limited to 50  m rms. Laser improvements ongoing

23 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Prototype Cold Test (Dipole cavity 500 micron offset) Parameter (500 µm offset) PredictedMeasured Prototype # 1 bolted end caps Measured Prototype # 2 brazed end caps Frequency TM 010 8.262 GHz8.271 GHz8.243 GHz Coupling TM 010 -53 dB-69 dB-62 dB Frequency TM 110 11.364 GHz11.344 GHz11.357 GHz Coupling TM 110 -32 dB-28 dB-24 dB Q (loaded) TM 110 270420862391 X/Y Isolation TM 110 -26 dB-33 dB-23 dB Dipole to Monopole cavity Isolation <-80 dB<-85 dB<-89 dB Frequency TM 020 15.825 GHz15.767 GHz15.785 GHz Coupling TM 020 -78 dB-64 dB-50 dB

24 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 ITS Data Processing Development Cavity BPM and electronics tested using ITS beam line First raw cavity voltage outputs captured on scope 6/9/06 Mover system calibration Ref. Hor. Vert.

25 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Waveforms acquired with sampling scope and processed via Epics

26 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Phase II Testing Objectives 3 BPM Test Test three BPM separated by fixed distance to determine single-shot Evaluate First Article Prototypes Complete test matrix to prove compliance to specification

27 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 In-Tunnel Progress 2-axis translation stage installed and tested Stages provide sub- micron controllable horizontal and vertical motion Multiple experiments planned to verify operation

28 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 LEUTL 3 BPM Test Readiness Mid-May Testing Scheduled PC gun beam 325 MeV to dump 33 Hor. and 23 Vert. micron normalized emittance Compressed beam less than 1 ps

29 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 SLAC ADC Development The PAD (Phase and Amplitude Detector) being considered for Cavity BPM ADC Linear Technologies LTC2208 16 bit digitizer chip specified to run up to 130MHz

30 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Stability Testing

31 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 PAD Dynamic Range

32 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 System Layout and Planning X-band receiver LRU Beam

33 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 BPM SUT Hardware Cavity BPM mounted for SUT testing Receiver mounting hardware prototyped

34 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Production Schedule

35 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Production Phase Production of 2 BPMs for LTU 07/07 Production of 6 BPMs for undulator 07/07 Production of 10 BPMs for undulator 09/07 Production of 11 BPMs for undulator 11/07 Production of 7 BPMs for undulator 01/08 Spares 4 BPMs 01/08

36 Bob Lill Undulator Cavity BPM System April 16, 2007 Summary X-Band Cavity BPM Development Ongoing 4 Cavity BPM machined 1 st unit waiting brazed 3 other units are being brazed 3-BPM test planned for mid-May Receiver Prototype Development 3-BPM test prototype design incorporates high/low gain, self-test and final packaging First 4 Prototypes assembled with good results Data Acquisition and Test Collaborating with SLAC to use the same ADC as SLAC LINAC BPM upgrade Testing is on going at this time with promising results

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