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第三部分 Approaches to solving conservation problems 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 教授

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1 第三部分 Approaches to solving conservation problems 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 教授

2 2 Brief contents I  Unit I Conceptual foundations ( 基礎觀念 ) Chap. 1. What is conservation biology? Chap. 2. Global biodiversity Chap. 3. Threats to biodiversity Chap. 4. Conservation values and ethics Chap. 5. Ecological economics and nature conservation  Unit II Focus on primary threats to biodiversity ( 對生物多樣性的威脅 )  Unit III approaches to solving conservation problems ( 化解保育問題的途徑 ) Groom, M. J., G. K. Meffe, D. R. Carroll (2006) Principles of conservation. 3 rd edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc.

3 3 Brief contents II  Unit I 基礎觀念  Unit II 對生物多樣性的威脅 Chap. 6. Habitat degradation and loss Chap. 7. Habitat fragmentation Chap. 8. Overexploitation Chap. 9. Species invasions Chap. 10. Biological impacts of climate change Chap. 11. Conservation genetics  Unit III approaches to solving conservation problems ( 化解保育問題的途徑 )

4 4 Unit III 化解「保育問題」的途徑  12 species and landscape approaches to conservation ( 物種與地景途徑 )  13 ecosystem approaches to conservation: responses to a complex world ( 生態體系途徑 )  14 protected areas: goals, limitations and design  15 restoration of damaged ecosystems and endangered populations ( 復原生態學 )  16 sustainable development ( 可持續發展 )  17 the integration of conservation science and policy ( 科學與政策的整合 )  18 meeting conservation challenges in the 21th century ( 新世紀的挑戰 )

5 Species and Landscape approaches 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 教授

6 6 Contents 1.Introduction 2.Populations and how they change 3.Modeling approaches for prediction and conservation planning ( 預測與保育規劃 ) 4.Challenges and opportunities of conservation at the landscape scale

7 7 Supplements I  Essay 12.1 metapopulations, extinction thresholds, and conservation  Essay 12.2 population viability analysis and conservation decision making  Essay 12.3 ecologically functional populations  Essay 12.4 landscape-level conservation for the sea

8 8 Supplements II  Case study 12.1 assessing extinction risk in neotropical migratory songbirds: the need for landscape-based demographic models  Case study 12.2 landscape conservation in the Greater Madidi landscape, Bolivia: planning for wildlife across different scales and jurisdictions  Case study 12.3 putting the pieces together: preserving cranes and their habitats around the world

9 9 Species and landscape approaches  Most efforts aimed at conserving biodiversity have focused on protecting individual populations or species, although the means pursued usually involve conservation of habitat.  On a global scale, the IUCN ’ s Red List of threatened species focuses worldwide attention on threats at the species level.  The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

10 10 Populations and how they change  Conservation biologists can track changes in populations by using principles and techniques of population demography.  These four factors, birth, immigration, death and emigration, are often referred to as the BIDE factors.  Life history characteristics, sex ratio, age- or stage-structure, time of first reproduction,

11 11 Mechanisms of population regulation  Density-independent factors  Density-dependent factors

12 12 Special problems of very small populations  Natural catastrophes  Inbreeding  Demographic uncertainty  Environmental uncertainty

13 13 source-sink concepts and their application to conservation  A population that consists of several subpopulations linked together by immigration and emigration is called a metapopulation.

14 14 Fig. 12.6 A schematic example of a meta- population structure affected by source- sink dynamics.

15 15 Metapopulation concepts, threshold responses and conservation  Rescue effect, the subpopulation in each patch can fluctuate in size, and when a subpopulation is very small, local extinction can be prevented by occasional immigrants that arrive from neighboring patches. (Brown and Kodric-Brown, 1977)  The rescue effect may also be important in maintaining high levels of species diversity. 例: Cougar( 美洲獅 ) (Felis concolor) population of the Santa Ana moutains of souther Califrnia.

16 16  A metapopulation simulation model showed that the overall population in the region is heavily dependent on movement by individual cats through the corridors to colonize empty areas.  One of the first theoretical analyses to consider the persistence of metapopulations is that of Hanski et al. (1996) who estimated “ minimum viable metapopulation size ” (the number of subpopulations required to support metapopulation persistence). (essay 12.1)

17 17 Modeling approaches for prediction and conservation planning  Population viability analysis (PVA), examines the demographic effect of different threats or management practices on a population, or set of populations, by projecting into the future. PVA is a quantitative risk analysis aimed at refining our understanding of the factors that influence population fate. To generate a prediction of extinction risk.

18 18 Essay 12.2 PVA and conservation decision making  Count-based PVAs Treat all individuals in the populaiton as though they were identical.  Demographic PVAs Species in which individuals differ substantially in age, size, developmental stage, social status, or any other attribute Structured PVAs

19 19 Table A potential uses of PVA “ products ”  Assessment of extinction risk Shaffer 1981, Shaffer and Samson 1985, Lande 1988, Forsman et al. 1996, Menges 1990, Allendorf et al. 1997, Menges and Gordon 1996, Gerber et al. 1999  Guiding management Shaffer 1981, Armbruster and Lande 1993, Bustamante 1996, Howells and Edwards-Jones 1997, Marshall and Edwards-Jones 1998, South et al. 2000, Nantel et al. 1996, Ratsirarson et al. 1996, Tufto et al. 1999, Caswell et al. 1998, Menges 1990, Lindenmayer and Possingham 1996

20 20 The value of Hierarchical analysis for understanding population change Fig. 12.10 population dynamics should be understood as resulting from a hierarchy of processes affecting populations at different levels.

21 21 Landscape models for conservation  Because populations in the various patches are linked by movement of dispersing individuals, the fates of the populations are interconnected.  The landscape approach recognizes the interconnectedness of populations and incorporates this concept into models and management plans.  The growth, or lack thereof, of the population is determined not only by the quality of the individual microsites occupied, but also by the spatial and temporal distribution of suitable and unsuitable microsites or patches of habitat.

22 22 Fig. 12.11 distribution of suitable breeding habitat for Bachman ’ s sparrow in (A)1970, (B) 1990, and © 2010

23 23 Spatially explicit population models  Spatially explicit population models (SEPM), incorporate the actual locations of organisms and suitable patches of habitat, and explicitly consider the movement of organisms among such patches. Three major elements: a landscape map, a scenario of how the landscape will change in the future and a population dynamics simulation. GIS (geographic information systems)

24 24 Challenges and opportunities of conservation at the landscape scale  As landscape become increasingly dominated by human-altered habitats, conservationists not only need to evaluate the viability of species across a large spatial scale, but also to project ecological, social, and economic influences that will alter how humans interact across the landscape. Tracking changes in human use (such as land- use change or decreases in the trophic level targeted by fisheries) Alternative-future analysis

25 25 Alternative-futures analysis  Makes use of spatially-explicit( 清晰的 ) landscape-scale projections of several distinct options for future development within a region and predicts socioeconomic and biodiversity outcomes of each option.  A consortium of conservation biologists, city and regional planners, and local citizens work together to examine probable consequences of distinct decisions visually through an iterative process of creating and analyzing integrative landscape maps of change and impact.  Alternative futures?

26 26 Fig. 12.13 the alternative-futures analysis process for the Willamette River Basin.

27 27 Fig. 12.15 combining a human and biological landscape reveals areas of threat to a landscape species, as well as areas that are already well protected.

28 28 Supplements II  Case study 12.1 assessing extinction risk in neotropical migratory songbirds: the need for landscape-based demographic models  Case study 12.2 landscape conservation in the Greater Madidi landscape, Bolivia: planning for wildlife across different scales and jurisdictions  Case study 12.3 putting the pieces together: preserving cranes and their habitats around the world

29 29 問題與討論

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