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Spring 2008 CSE 591 Compilers for Embedded Systems Aviral Shrivastava Department of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2008 CSE 591 Compilers for Embedded Systems Aviral Shrivastava Department of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2008 CSE 591 Compilers for Embedded Systems Aviral Shrivastava Department of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University

2 Embedded Systems □“An embedded system is a special-purpose system in which the computer is completely encapsulated by the device it controls”computer □Very broad definition □More than 90% of the processors built are used in embedded systems □Definition blurring with new devices e.g. PDAs □Also called Ubiquitous systems □Performs one or a few pre-defined tasks □Emissions control system in a car □Senses air temp, pressure, etc.. □controls the air flow, idle speed. etc.

3 Characteristic of ES □Design Constraints □Multi-dimensional □Power, performance, code size, weight, etc. □Stringent □Tighter constraints, highly resource constraint □Application Specific □Radiation level, operating temperature, available wattage

4 □Embedded Systems market is huge □$45 billion in 2004 □> $90 billion by 2010 □Clear trend in Embedded systems □Increase in Complexity □Increasing demands □Convergence of Functionality Increasing Complexity

5 Programmable ES □Increasing Complexity □Shrinking Time-to-market □Designer Productivity is the key issue □Programmable Embedded Systems □Increase designer productivity □Software provides □faster development □easier reusability and upgrade-ability Embedded Processor On-Chip Memory Synthesized HW Interface Off-Chip Memory

6 Can I use existing Compilers? □Design Constraints □Multi-dimensional □Power, performance, code size, weight, etc. □Stringent □Tighter constraints, highly resource constraint □Application-specific □Radiation level, operating temperature, available wattage “Highly-customized” designs of embedded systems □Different ISAs □e.g. ARM, MIPS 16, micro-controllers □Missing architectural features □e.g. missing caches, branch predictors □Design idiosyncrasies □e.g partitioned register file, hardware loop counters □“Light-weight” versions of standard architectural features □e.g partial register renaming, limited support for prefetching, partial predication Functionality – Maybe (Different ISAs) Optimizations – NO Compiler for Embedded Systems Meet all design constraints simultaneously

7 Compiler for ES □Highly Customized embedded processor architecture □Compiler’s job is tough □Limited compiler technology □Difficult and costly analysis □2-fold job of Compiler □Exploit existing design features □Avoid loss due to missing design features □However, Compiler can be very effective □Significant impact on power, performance etc.

8 Compiler Issues □Code size □Performance □Power, Energy □Real-time guarantees □Security □Reliability □Robustness

9 Course Objectives □Understand Design and Software Issues in Embedded Systems □Power □Performance □Reliability □Robustness □Code size □Security □Develop novel compiler and microarchitecture techniques □And demonstrate their effectiveness

10 Course Structure □Lectures and Papers □Lecture, Discussion, Presentation □Project □Project Idea □Paper-pencil demonstration □Proposal □Paper/Report □Presentation

11 Grading □Lectures □Paper presentation: 20% □Class participation: 20% □Project: □1-2 page proposal: 20% □6-10 page paper: 20% □Final Demonstration: 20%

12 Check Frequently □Class Webpage □ ching/CES/CES.html ching/CES/CES.html □Make a bookmark □Any changes/announcements will be made at the beginning of lecture

13 Yoda Says… □Luke: I can’t believe it. □Yoda: That is why you fail

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