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VoiceXML Basic COCOMO Calculator By Greg Kutcher.

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Presentation on theme: "VoiceXML Basic COCOMO Calculator By Greg Kutcher."— Presentation transcript:

1 VoiceXML Basic COCOMO Calculator By Greg Kutcher

2 The ‘XML’ in VoiceXML stands for: EXtensible Markup Language XML is a meta-markup language, a set of rules for creating semantic tags used to describe data. An XML element is made up of a start tag, an end tag, and data in between. The start and end tags describe the data within the tags, which is considered the value of the element.

3 VoiceXML takes this a step further, to the world of telephony! Several voice browser providers: TellMe, Pipebeach, VoiceGenie, BeVocal, etc.  Most let you sign up for free or a nominal charge, provided your application is small.  Most come with file management, a text editor and even a VoiceXML validator

4 VoiceXML vs. Graphical Web Browsers Courtesy of

5 Typical VoiceXML application Courtesy of

6 User Interface Input Output Process Self-test and maintenance Voice browser interface VoiceXML Basic COCOMO Estimated project effort User's ID and PIN coefficients System back-up and administrator verification ID's and PIN's Prompts, queriesUser entries Estimated project duration Estimated project staffing Project type and size Context level ACD High level ACD

7 User prompts for help User taken to help menu Wait state Prompt for project size COCOMO calculations performed Prompt for project type Prompt for ID Prompt for PIN Welcome Results given Help utility User dials in to system System accepts call User hears greeting System prompts user System receives PIN System prompts user System receives ID System prompts user System receives project type System prompts user System receives project size System processes data Calculations finished results delivered System thanks user System logs off High level STD

8 Created by tutee Form is a single basic document… Field or Block is an element of the form that performs some function, like prompting a user, doing a calculation, or receiving an utterance… Grammar is the defined “language” that the system will understand, (either pre-defined grammar, or one that can be defined ‘in-line’) TTS is Text To Speech, for audio response, (opposed to recordings organic semi-detached embedded

9 So how does the VoiceXML Basic COCOMO calculator work? Dial 877-33-VOCAL Listen for the prompt, then enter 4251 Listen for the prompt, then enter 2313929 Listen for the prompt, then give the project type Listen for the prompt and give the estimated KLOC Receive those glorious metrics!!

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