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Russ Laher (1) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 Downlink Segment Test Status (S16.0) Russ Laher January 17, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Russ Laher (1) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 Downlink Segment Test Status (S16.0) Russ Laher January 17, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russ Laher (1) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 Downlink Segment Test Status (S16.0) Russ Laher January 17, 2007

2 Russ Laher (2) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 Summary of S16.0 D/L Work Performed D/L-group software changes implemented for S16.0 (all critical level 3 or 4)  33 pipeline-related CRs/AIs (Cf. 56 for S15.0)  No database-related CRs/AIs (Cf. 3 for S15.0)  8 ARs (Cf. 24 for S15.0) D/L segment-testing to check specific downlink software changes  Moderately-sized cluster of pipeline-drones (mini “ops-like” environment)  Solaris-10 operating system  Used the same database that was used in S15 testing (there are no database changes that affect downlink software)  Product archiver run on pipeline results for end-to-end verification ISTs doing science verification of pipeline products QA team verification of QA sub-system upgrades Test plan documents written by the Cog. E.s to help I&T

3 Russ Laher (3) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – IRAC Created the new “artiflags” module to flag column pulldown and banding, which has been added for execution in the post-BCD plScriptId=25 pipeline (CR #7427) Fixed a bug in the “muxbleedcorr” module (CR #7426) Modified the “fowlinearize” module to correctly flag saturated pixels (CR #7425) Fix the sky-dark-selection problem with HDR AORs (CR #7328)

4 Russ Laher (4) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – IRS Modified the “profile” module  To write zeroes instead of NaNs in the output table (CR #7523)  To increase maximum cuts to 2000 (increases positional accuracy, which is needed for the SPICE GUI’s “optimum” module) (CR #7452) Modified the “ridge” module to handle profiles with 2000 values (CR #7452) Modified the “extract” module  To remove extra line in the output overlay file (AR #7522)  To add option to generate only an overlay file and no extraction file (CR #7484)  To not use values from replaced NaNs to compute values for replacement values for other NaNs (CR #7456) Modified the “radhit” module to optionally skip the bottom N samples in a ramp during the detection of outliers (radiation hits) (CR #7346)

5 Russ Laher (5) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – MIPS:Si Changes related to the “stacklayer” module (part of the new AOR-flat functionality to be activated later, in S17.0) :  Fixed bug introduced into recent changes (AR #7552)  Added new –c option to copy the first index keyword (CR #7460)  Modified to handle an indefinite number of layers (CR #7444)  Modified to use first layer of NxNx2 file (CR #7443)  Added new fftw library to “common” CVS repository (CR #7519) Created new “mediank” module to compute FITS-cube median (CR #7450)

6 Russ Laher (6) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – MIPS:Ge Changes to the “mipsdark” module:  For portability, modified the “mipsdark” module to use the platform- independent iznand() function instead of the platform-dependent isnan() function (CR #7441)  Included for compiling on Mac under gcc 4.0 (CR #7445) Added a C++ declaration to sortutil.h, in order to make the “sortutil” C-library callable from C++ (CR #7409) Made changes to “cvtir4g” in parallel with those done previously for the “cvti2r4” module (CR #7494)

7 Russ Laher (7) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – Generic Modified the “tranhead” module  To compute and write Spitzer spacecraft component positions and velocities in the heliocentric ICRS reference system to output FITS header (CR #7404)  To compute and write the heliocentric modified Julian date to the output FITS header (CR #7363)  Requires Spitzer S/C and planetary ephemeris data (sirtf.bsp and de.bsp in $CSPICE_LIBRARY_KERNELS) SPTZR_X = 6084048.364647 / Heliocentric J2000 x position (km) SPTZR_Y = -138993559.088106 / Heliocentric J2000 y position (km) SPTZR_Z = -62551818.282086 / Heliocentric J2000 z position (km) SPTZR_VX= 29.396946 / Heliocentric J2000 x velocity (km/s) SPTZR_VY= 0.639668 / Heliocentric J2000 y velocity (km/s) SPTZR_VZ= 0.729644 / Heliocentric J2000 z velocity (km/s) SPTZR_LT= 508.824176 / One-way light time to Sun's center (s) SCLK_OBS= 837186592.637 / SCLK (~sec. since 1/1/1980) at ramp start. ET_OBS = 205991150.144 / Ephemeris time (seconds past J2000 epoch) DATE_OBS= '2006-07-12T15:44:44.960' / UTC date & time at ramp start. MJD_OBS = 53928.6560759 / Mod. Julian Date (UTC) (days) at ramp start. HMJD_OBS= 53928.6558680 / Corresponding Heliocen. Mod. Julian Date UTCS_OBS= 205991084.960 / UTC seconds past year 2000 at ramp start.

8 Russ Laher (8) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – Generic (cont.) Modified the “tranhead” module (continued from previous page)  To no longer automatically average “D” keywords when “E” keywords are blank or missing (CR #7332), which requires corresponding changes to tranhead’s input keyword-include lists for all instruments (AIs #2205, #2213, #2212, and #2214) Upgraded JPL “CSPICE” library to version 60 from version 52a (CR #7436) Refinement to the “cvti2r4” module to handle MIPS-70 DCEs with less than four data planes (as found in IOC data) (CR #7480)

9 Russ Laher (9) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – MOPEX For portability, modified the “medfilter” and “detect” modules to use the platform-independent iznand() function instead of the Solaris isnan() function (AR #7517) Modified the “sourcestimate” and “sourcestimate_1frame” modules to include a correction factor for the error covariance matrix, which solves a rare data- dependent problem that manifests itself in a downstream bandmerge error (AR #7507) Made extensive changes to the “sed_fif” module, in order to fix the MOPEX SED pipeline for cases with PA_SLT near zero (AR #7349) Modified the perl script “” to fix the problem of MOPEX ignoring the specified list of input Rmask files located elsewhere than the default location (AR #7342) Modified the perl scripts “”, “”, and “”, in order to propagate special exit code=10 for cases where APEX is unable to find any point sources (AR #7225) Modified the perl script “ to not unset run_detect whenever run_detect_medfilter is unset (AR #7467)

10 Russ Laher (10) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 What’s New for S16.0 – Bandmerge Created new post-BCD modules to support completeness & reliability (C&R) analysis of bandmerge output:  “randposn” module (CR #7462)  “detfilt” module (CR #7463)  “combdets” module (CR #7464)  “comprel” module (CR #7465)  These new modules are documented in the post-bandmerge-tools users guide, which is now available on the Spitzer public website.  These new modules were recently used to analyze the SWIRE data set, and will eventually become available in the bandmerge GUI package.

11 Russ Laher (11) S16.0 Test Readiness Review, January 11, 2007 Issue S16.0 D/L software will be built with the optimization level increased from -xO3 to -xO5, in order to address the reported slower performance of S15.0 pipelines (CR #7557)

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