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SuperDARN Scheduling Working Group Report Tim Yeoman for Gareth Chisham and the Scheduling Working Group SuperDARN Workshop 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "SuperDARN Scheduling Working Group Report Tim Yeoman for Gareth Chisham and the Scheduling Working Group SuperDARN Workshop 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 SuperDARN Scheduling Working Group Report Tim Yeoman for Gareth Chisham and the Scheduling Working Group SuperDARN Workshop 2011

2 Scheduling has once again run smoothly over the last year with very few scheduling conflicts The only conflicts at present are between the scheduling of THEMIS Common Time and Discretionary Time (with THEMIS Time generally having priority) SuperDARN Scheduling in the Last Year

3 SuperDARN Time Usage 2010/11 20112010 6789101112123456 Discretionary Time Common Time (1-min) Common Time (THEMIS)

4 01/0207/08 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 SuperDARN Time Usage Yearly Variation Common Time (2-min) Common Time (1-min) Discretionary Time Special Time Common Time (THEMIS) 08/09 09/10 10/11 Year

5 Issues for Consideration/Discussion E-mail: (1) Should THEMIS Common Time continue as it is at present? Should THEMIS Common Time still be scheduled with the highest priority? How much THEMIS Common Mode data has been used in combination with spacecraft observations? (How many papers?) Given that it is not exclusively all THEMIS-related time, should it be renamed Spacecraft Common Time or something similar? Is the present mode (2-min scan with single camping beam – 100 range gates) still the best mode for coordinated analysis?

6 SuperDARN scheduling challenges for 2012: Radar support for RBSP Radar conjunctions with RBSP can be scheduled as for THEMIS/Cluster Storm times are of prime interest. How do we organise a scheduling system which can respond to storm alerts/forecasts

7 SuperDARN scheduling challenges for 2012: Radar support for RBSP What radar modes should be run for: Network-wide support during storm times Apogee conjunctions with individual radars

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