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Plasmon applications in PhC Metamaterials and superfocusing effects Daniele Masciarelli 25 July 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Plasmon applications in PhC Metamaterials and superfocusing effects Daniele Masciarelli 25 July 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plasmon applications in PhC Metamaterials and superfocusing effects Daniele Masciarelli 25 July 2007

2 Daniele Masciarelli2 Outline What plasmons are –Plasmon modes coupling –Plasmon Grating What metamaterials are –How plasmons can be used to build metamaterials Practical applications

3 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli3 1.What are PLASMONS? Coupled oscillations of charge carrier density and electromagnetic field (plasmon polariton) Solutions of Maxwell’s equation for metals

4 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli4 1.What are PLASMONS? First evidences Found solving Maxwell’s equations for telegraphic metal wires –J. Zenneck, Annalen der Physik, 23, 846 (1907) –A. Sommerfeld, Annalen der Physik, 28, 44 (1909)

5 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli5 2.Plasmon coupling: Bulk Plasmons Bulk plasmon modes Calculation of propagation constant for a metal (free charges) Dynamic Drude-Sommerfeld model –P. Drude, Annalen der Physik, 1, 566 (1900)

6 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli6 2.Plasmon coupling: Bulk Plasmons E. J. Prucha, Handbook of optical constants of solids (1998)

7 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli7 2.Plasmon coupling: Surface Plasmons Surface plasmon modes Solution of Maxwell’s equation for a dielectric/metal interface

8 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli8 2.Plasmon coupling: Surface Plasmons

9 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli9 2.Plasmon coupling: Surface Plasmons

10 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli10 2.Plasmon coupling: Surface Plasmons They can be excited just using special configurations a)A. Otto, Zeitschrift für Physik, 216, 398 (1968) b)E. Kretschmann, Untersuchungen zur Anregung und Streuung von Oberflächenplasmaschwingungen an Silberschichten, Ph.D. thesis (1972)

11 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli11 3.How to exploit plasmon modes? CAN PLASMON MODES BE EXPLOITED?

12 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli12 3.How to exploit plasmon modes?

13 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli13 3.How to exploit plasmon modes? Lycurgus cup, 4th century AD (British Museum, London) Particle plasmon modes: colors from embedded metal nanoparticles –Trasmitted light is red –Surface scattered light is green

14 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli14 3.How to exploit plasmon modes? Plasmons proprieties are geometry-dependent

15 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli15 4.Combining PhC with Plasmon WHAT HAPPEN COMBING PhC WITH PLASMONS?

16 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli16 4.Combining PhC with Plasmon

17 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli17 4.How to combine PhC with Plasmon METAMATERIAL

18 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli18 5. Metamaterials and their applications Metamaterial –From Greek metà (beyond) + Latin materia (material) –To-the-letter meaning: material that doesn’t exist in nature –Physics meaning: material with negative refractive index V.G. Veselago, Sov. Phys.-Usp. 10, 509 (1968)

19 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli19 5. Metamaterials and their applications: superlens J.B. Pendry, D.R. Smith, The quest for the superlens, Sci Am (2006) J.B. Pendry, Negative refraction makes a perfect lens, Phys Rev Lett (2000) D.R. Smith, How to build a Superlens, Science (2005)

20 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli20 5. Metamaterials and their applications: superlens

21 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli21 5. Metamaterials and their applications: supertransmission Surface-Plasmon-Enhanced Optical Transmission through a silver grating L. Lin, R. J. Blaikie, R. J. Reeves Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2005)

22 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli22 5.Metamaterials and their applications: supertransmission

23 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli23 6.How to build a metamaterial Metamaterials can be built using periodic arrays F.J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martín-Moreno, J.B. Pendry, J. Opt. A (2005)

24 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli24 6.How to build a metamaterial

25 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli25 6.How to build a metamaterial

26 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli26 6.How to build a metamaterial J. A. Porto, F. J. García-Vidal, J. B. Pendry, Phys Rev Lett (1999)

27 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli27 6.How to build a metamaterial

28 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli28 6.How to build a metamaterial S. Linden et al., Costas M. Soukoulis, Science (2004)

29 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli29 6.How to build a metamaterial

30 25 July 2007Daniele Masciarelli30 6.How to build a metamaterial

31 Thanks for your kind attention!!! Question-time!!!

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