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Java Coding in Eclipse 1 CS440. Eclipse basics  Written in Java  Based on Equinox frameworkEquinox  Modular Java specification OSGi (Open Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Java Coding in Eclipse 1 CS440. Eclipse basics  Written in Java  Based on Equinox frameworkEquinox  Modular Java specification OSGi (Open Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Coding in Eclipse 1 CS440

2 Eclipse basics  Written in Java  Based on Equinox frameworkEquinox  Modular Java specification OSGi (Open Services Gateway initiative)OSGi  Dynamically loaded modules: bundles  Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-in: Bundle CS440 2

3 Eclipse Environments  Java Runtime Environment  Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  Modify eclipse.ini  Java Compiler: .class files  Error messages, autocompletion (ctrl+space)  Application Runtime  Where the android emulator runs  Android Virtual Device (AVD) CS440 3

4 Eclipse basic ingredients  Workspace  File → Switch Workspace → Others  Perspective  Window → Open Perspective → Other  Views and Editors  Java Perspective and Package Explorer  More info at: #eclipsesui CS440 4

5 Eclipse Workspace  Keeps project state  Organized in directories  Different settings for different workspaces  Ex. AndroidProjects CS440 5

6 Eclipse Projects  Java Project vs Android Project  Different plugins  Builder: generates artifacts  Transforms.class files to.dex files  Association  Open with.. CS440 6

7 Eclipse Views and perspectives  Package explorer  Task list: todo list  Outline: code hierarchy  Problems: compiler errors, builder errors.  Other views? CS440 7

8 New Project: CarDealership  Classes  Car Public void drive(): prints “Going down the road”  Ragtop extends Car  JoyRide  driveCars  Test the Car class using: a main method in the drive cars class Create object: myCar test CS440 8

9 More Java: Object class 9 CS440

10 Objects and classes  Class:  Fields (data)  Methods (procedures)  Class that inherits from another: subtype or subclass  Parent class: supertype or superclass CS440 10

11 Class Trivial  Create a trivial class with:  Fields: private long ctr  Methods: public void incr(): Increases ctr by 1 every time it is called Constructor that takes as input ling initCtr Constructor that initializes ctr to 0 CS440 11

12 Object class and its methods  ng/Object.html ng/Object.html  toString  equals CS440 12

13 Objects, Inheritance, and Polymorphism  Objects of single type can have different behavior  Subtype are declared with extends keyword  Example: Cars! CS440 13

14 Continue Project: CarDealership  Classes  Car Public void drive(): prints “Going down the road”  Ragtop extends Car Extend drive method to: Print: “top down!” Use superclass method Print” “Got the radio on!”  Test ragtop CS440 14

15 Continue Project: CarDealership  Class Joyride: Fields: private Car myCar Methods: Public void park(Car) Assing field mycar to the argument Public Car whatsInTheGarage() Return car Public void letsGo() Call park to park a new Ragtop Call whatsInTheGarage and drive it!  Test JoyRide CS440 15

16 References  Programming Android by Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, Masumi Nakamura  Eclipse #eclipsesui CS440 16

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