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Presentation on theme: "OF INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MITE INTERACTIVE REPRESENTATIONS 6323."— Presentation transcript:


2 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge About the Facilitator THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Faculty of Education Dr. Daniel Churchill Assistant Professor Email: Phone: +852.2859.1141 Web:

3 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge About the Module  This is 10 session module (two sessions are online)  This module deals with Interactive and Visual Displays of Information and Knowledge. We call these “representations”  You will learn to conceptualize and develop Interactive Visual Representations  This document presents outline of the module

4 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Some Housekeeping  Administration, Attendance and Photos

5 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Visualization  Visuals can communicate complex ideas with clarity, precision, efficiency and convey the most knowledge in the shortest time in the small space. ~ Tufte (1983)

6 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Why Visual Content?  Contemporary technology allow easy creation of powerful visual displays  We can present a lot of information in a small screen space, communicate complex ideas through visual simplicity…  …and allow information consumer to manipulate and explore it in search for understanding  Interactivity significantly expense these possibilities

7 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Visuals  Visuals might include maps, diagrams, drawings, images, icons, symbols, signs, flowcharts, etc  Computer-based visuals might be 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional  Color adds another dimension to visual communication

8 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Minard’s Map

9 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Minard’s Map (Tufte, 1983)  Forces visual comparisons (the upper lighter band showing the large army going to Moscow vs. the narrow dark band showing the small army returning)  Shows causality (the temperature chart at the bottom)  Captures multivariate complexity (size of army, location, direction, temperature, and time)  Integrates text and graphic into a coherent whole  Illustrate high quality content (complete and accurate data, presented to support Minard's argument against war)  Place comparisons adjacent to each other, not sequentially (people forget if they have to go from page to page )  Use the smallest effective differences (i.e., avoid bold colors, heavy lines, distracting labels and scales)

10 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Interactivity  Contemporary technology brings visualization to much higher level by enabling interactivity  In addition, through technology it is possible to create dynamic and animated displays and to add audio to visual displays.

11 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Minard’ Map – Interactivity and Visualization

12 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Visual and Interactive Elements Hot-spots Sliders Key-pressCheck-boxesRadio-buttons ButtonsHyper-links Haptic Input Text-inputs Pull-down Lists COLOURCOLOUR

13 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Some interesting examples

14 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Color as Information

15 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Intentional Information Search

16 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge


18 The Idea is Not New  Creativity is critical to design of interactive and visual representations  Every new representation is innovation

19 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge

20 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Visuals Thinking

21 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge

22 Visuals and Learning Read Hear Words Watch Pictures Watch Movies Watch Exhibits Watch Demonstrations Seeing it Done at Location Doing the Real Thing Simulating the Real Experience Discussing and Giving a Talk Doing a Dramatic Presentation *Modified Eager Dale’s Cone of Experience from Dale, E. (1969) Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, 3 rd ed, Holt Rinehart, Winston. We Tend to Remember 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we see and hear 70% of what we say or write 90% of what we say and do Passive Active Verbal Receiving Visual Receiving Hearing, Saying Seeing, Doing

23 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Create your Blog Blogger ( Xanger ( or Edublogs ( My blog is at: You must regularly read it…

24 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge About Blog  Blog is kind of reflective journal and platform for your to develop a portfolio that demonstrates your learning progress.  Although a lot of Blogs are textual, you must include other modalities to demonstrate your learning (eg.  Your Blog is the place where you:  Provide reflection indicating new things you learnt  Discuss changes in your thinking  Provide artifacts which you develop  Provide links to other resources  Invite class members to provide you comments and feedback

25 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Task for you  Design and single slide PowerPoint display of information introducing yourself. You can use text only for labeling, directing attention and facts.  You can make use of clip arts available form Microsoft Office On-line Library at  Once you finish, you should include this in your blog for other to view  Finish this task in time for the next class

26 Interactive Representations of Information and Knowledge Reading for This Week  Read Wikipedia article on Infographics at: Follow through links to explore associated concepts and issues  You should also read “Sailing to the future: infographics in the internet era” by Alberto Cairo available for download from: cairo/ cairo/


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