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Developing the Big Picture What Does Teaching Look Like Today? Jeffery Cassity Grand Canyon University: EDU-576 June 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing the Big Picture What Does Teaching Look Like Today? Jeffery Cassity Grand Canyon University: EDU-576 June 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing the Big Picture What Does Teaching Look Like Today? Jeffery Cassity Grand Canyon University: EDU-576 June 1, 2015

2 How many teachers are there in the U.S.? According to the U.S. Department of Education, there are approximately 3.5 million full-time-equivalent (FTE) elementary and secondary school teachers were engaged in classroom instruction in fall 2013. The 2013 projected number of FTE teachers includes 3.1 million public school teachers and 0.4 million private school teachers (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2015). A demographic breakdown of the race and ethnicity of teachers is very similar whether in a public or private school. A breakdown of each appears on the following slides.

3 The Demographics: Gender

4 The Demographics: Ethnic/Racial Public Schools

5 The Demographics: Ethnic/Racial Private Schools

6 Preparing to be a Teacher There are different ways to prepare yourself for the teaching field. Some individuals will complete a baccalaureate teacher education program. Others, who already have a bachelor’s degree in another field, may return to school to complete an alternative teacher preparation program (Webb, Metha, & Jordan, 2010,).

7 Preparing to be a Teacher Once you have successfully completed a teacher training program you must obtain a teaching certificate or license from the state you will teach in. Teacher certification requirements vary from state to state. If you will teach in a school that receives federal funding, you must be certified by that state(Webb…).

8 Preparing to be a Teacher To acquire a teaching certificate you must pass a state certification test. A teacher who decides to teach at the middle or high school level may also be required to pass a subject area test(Webb…).

9 Fostering Professional Development and Growth There are a number of things that educators can do to continue to grow and develop professionally: Read Books on Professional Development Take Professional Development Courses Take Additional College Courses Read Well-Established Websites and Journals Visit Other Teachers Classrooms and Other Schools Attend Teaching Conferences Join Professional Organizations (Kelly, M, 2015)

10 Education and Credentialing in a Teacher’s Success The biggest difference between education and credentialing in the success of an educator is that while a college or university can provide a person with the necessary classes and background to be a success as a teacher, the role of a credential agency is to makes sure the educator has the ability to apply that knowledge and meet the proper professional standards.

11 Education and Credentialing in a Teacher’s Success Anyone of reasonable intelligence can pass the required courses to become a teacher. The question is whether that person can apply that knowledge and maintain the correct professional demeanor as well as maintain the proper standards day in and day out.

12 References Kelly, M.(2015). Methods of Professional Growth for Teachers. Retrieved from t/tp/Methods-Of-Professional-Growth-For-Teachers.htm MediaWiki. (2011). WikiMediaCommons: Creative Commons Photos. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2015). Digest of Education Statistics, 2013 (NCES 2015-011) Webb, D., Metha, A., & Jordan, K. (2010). Foundations of American education. Columbus, OH: Pearson

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