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Sacred 2 Pathfinding Error Player wants to mount spider on the front side but an object is in the way (the horse). Result: infinite tries of the same paths.

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Presentation on theme: "Sacred 2 Pathfinding Error Player wants to mount spider on the front side but an object is in the way (the horse). Result: infinite tries of the same paths."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sacred 2 Pathfinding Error Player wants to mount spider on the front side but an object is in the way (the horse). Result: infinite tries of the same paths Frank Evers

2 Video Frank Evers

3 Cause / Solution? The character can't access the area in front of the spider, but it tries for infinity... (trapped in local minima?) Solutions: Conclude that the goal can't be reached, or Make the dynamic objects respond to the character, for now they seem static. Sidenote: The camera pathfinding 'cheats' in making closeby objects transparent Frank Evers

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