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Perspectives on Training Miami Symposium April 6-7, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives on Training Miami Symposium April 6-7, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives on Training Miami Symposium April 6-7, 2006

2 Part 1 Training is Covenantal

3 Training Is Covenantal It is best accomplished in the context of a relationship with God I will be your God, You will be my people Obvious? Why do we so readily tend to rely on transmission of concepts?

4 Heirs of Plato The World of Ideas Privileged/elevated concepts –above activity –above character –Above the changing world This is idolatry

5 Over-depend on Gifts? Reformed churches are good at doctrine Maybe we depend more on our good doctrine than on Christ If so, this is idolatry

6 Heirs of Kant Concepts become objective science Everything is quantifiable God can’t be there Add another realm –Provides “freedom” –Must act as if God existed. Freedom God Religion Objective Science

7 Technique plus God Training becomes “neutral” and “scientific” God not needed Content makes it religious Add personal piety Training Add Biblical content & personal piety

8 Harry Blamires (1961) We think about Christian things But do we think Christianly? With a Christian worldview? The Christian Mind

9 Nancy Pearcey (2004) Total Truth Liberating the Church from it’s Cultural Captivity

10 Covenantal Training: Dt. 6:5-8 Content –God’s WORDS Context –Relate them to every situation –Everything you DO Character/Motivation –LOVE the Lord –Commands On your HEART

11 God’s Trifold Revelation Mouth HandName Words WorksCharacter What he says What he doesWho he is Voice: Authority Arm: Power Face: Presence Prophet KingPriest CHRIST Epistemology: How do we know? Ethics: What should we do?Ontology: What is there?

12 Reflection in Creation

13 Reflection in Person

14 Knowledge Requires Obedience

15 Obedience Requires Love

16 Love Requires Knowledge

17 Covenantal Integration Ps. 119:100 You understand when you obey Ps. 119:34 You obey when you understand Ps. 119:55 Experience of God’s Name leads to obedience Ps. 119:68 Experience of God’s goodness leads to understanding

18 Not a Balance Balance?

19 Balance becomes Mediocrity

20 Christ the Integrator CHRIST

21 Idolatrous Integrator KNOW

22 Idolatrous Integrator SUCCESS

23 The Biblical Spiral of Growth

24 Christ-Centered “Come to me and drink.” John 7:37-39

25 Three General Models of Training




29 Modification of Ward’s Split-Rail Fence Know Do Be

30 Modification of Ward’s Split-Rail Fence Know Do Be Mt. 28 “Make disciples” Eph. 4 “Equip the saints for ministry”

31 Henry Mintzberg (2004) Managers Not MBAs

32 Peter B. Vaill Learning as a Way of Being

33 Integration of Training & Ministry Current Common Model –Pastor & staff as providers of spiritual goods & services –Congregation as consumers –Separates training & ministry

34 Integration of Training & Ministry Need to take more seriously Ephesians 4:11ff –God gave evangelists, pastors & teachers –To prepare God’s people for ministry –Result is growth & maturity

35 Integration of Training & Ministry Need to take more seriously Matthew 28:16ff –Not just transmit doctrine –Not just give skills –Make disciples: people who follow Jesus Teach To obey In union with the Trinity

36 Integration around Christ

37 Training is Covenantal Teach them God’s words To obey God’s words in every situation Out of love for God So that Christ is their hero

38 Part II Training must be Contextualized

39 How many of you would say… I like to get my work done before I feel good about taking time to enjoy life. I do better work when I take time off to enjoy life. I need more information before I can make a good decision about what new projects to undertake or whether to take time off.

40 Where do you start? CHRIST

41 Priority to Doing?

42 Priority to Being?

43 Priority to Knowing?

44 Denominational Cultures What is true of people is also true of organizations Name a church denomination that leads out with knowing…. Name a church denomination that leads out with doing…. Name a church denomination that leads out with being….

45 National Cultures What is true of people and organizations is also true of cultures Name a culture that leads out with knowing…. Name a culture that leads out with doing…. Name a culture that leads out with being….

46 Question! What happens when…. A North American, Presbyterian missionary comes to plant churches/train in Latin America?

47 What is Culture? A Window on God’s Glory

48 Different Perspectives

49 Culture has Deep Layers

50 Culture is a Priority System Latin American Culture Value: Relationships Assumptions: Relationships take priority over efficiency. Good relationships lead to accomplishment Affects “customs” US Culture Value: Efficiency and goals Assumptions: accomplishment of goals takes priority over relationships Accomplishment leads to relationship Affects “customs”

51 Why are Cultures Different? Three Views

52 Developmental View If cultures are different it’s because they are At different stages of development.

53 Functional View Cultures are different because they are independent systems that meet different sets of needs

54 Biblical View: Reflection Cultures Reflect Different but Complementary Aspects of Christ’s Glory

55 Fishbowl Effect


57 A Personal Testimony Me: INTJ

58 Christ vs. Idols What has captivated your gaze as a culture? One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord…. Ps. 27:4

59 Cultural Idolatry! Dangers abroad And at home

60 An Example Latin Perspective Fellowship first & during work Make sure everyone is on board Americans are too focused on the task US Perspective First work, then fellowship Have to get things done Latins are too unfocused & relational

61 We Design around our Strengths Doing: planning, management by objectives Knowing: Classroom as centerpiece

62 Common Result Attract people who like our priorities Produce churches with a foreign ring No movement

63 Missions as Learning Work daily Side by side With national peers Learn to love and appreciate

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