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LORD NOVGOROD THE GREAT. NOVGOROD  Founded in 8 th century  Important stop on trade route  With decline of Kiev, rose in importance  Came to rule.

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2 NOVGOROD  Founded in 8 th century  Important stop on trade route  With decline of Kiev, rose in importance  Came to rule vast territory  Reached height of power in 14 th century

3 LORD NOVGOROD THE GREAT POLITICAL SYSTEM  Rule by Veche & Boyar Duma  Invited & dismissed princes  Selected archbishops  Decided all important issues  After 1136, prince more like hired official  Most important official = POSADNIK

4 LORD NOVGOROD THE GREAT JUDICIAL SYSTEM  Well-developed, elaborate & complex  Jury trials  Court-appointed mediators  Most punishments = monetary fines

5 LORD NOVGOROD THE GREAT ECONOMY  Largely based on trade  Became member of Hanseatic League in 13 th c.  But land also very important  Generally prosperous Hanseatic League

6 LORD NOVGOROD THE GREAT SOCIETY & CULTURE  Highly literate population  Important chronicles written  Art & architecture well-developed

7 LORD NOVGOROD THE GREAT DEFENDING NOVGOROD  Conflict with other Russian territories (esp. Suzdal)  Invasions from external enemies  Alexander Nevskii & Teutonic (German) attack Battle of Lake Chud: “Miracle on the Ice” Defense of Novgorod against Suzdal

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