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Ryotaro Arita Dept. Applied Phys., Univ. Tokyo Theoretical materials design of ferromagnets comprising non-magnetic elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Ryotaro Arita Dept. Applied Phys., Univ. Tokyo Theoretical materials design of ferromagnets comprising non-magnetic elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ryotaro Arita Dept. Applied Phys., Univ. Tokyo Theoretical materials design of ferromagnets comprising non-magnetic elements

2 R.Arita Collaborators Dr. Y. Suwa Prof. K. Kuroki Prof. H. Aoki (Univ. Tokyo)(Adv. Res. Lab. Hitachi)(Univ. Electro-Cummun.)

3 R.Arita Itinerant ferromagnetism in purely organic polymers ? C 60 -TDAEAlkali-metal loaded zeoliteRadical polymers (Al, Si, O) + KC, H, NT c ~16K T c ~8K Known materials (localized spin systems) T c ~O(1) K Theoretical materials design of ferromagnets comprising non-magnetic elements Motivation

4 R.Arita Guideline for materials design of ferromagnets : Rigorous results (theorem) for the Hubbard model Materials design by first-principles calculation + model calculation Flat-band ferromagnetism by Mielke & Tasaki (‘91,’92) Strategy

5 R.Arita (1) Half-filled dispersionless band at the bottom of the band structure (2) Connectivity condition satisfied (Wannier functions overlap no matter how they are linearly combined.) MaxLoc Wannier (Marzari&Vanderbilt) has overlaps with its neighbors ・・・ Overlapping “Wannier” orbits parallel spins favored due to Pauli’s exclusion rule Example: 1D triangular lattice ・・・   = -1 t=1 (1) (2) Ferromagnetism guaranteed for U > 0 when Mielke 91, Tasaki 92 Flat-band Ferromagnetism

6 R.Arita ・・・ t=1  Robustness of Flat-band Ferromagnetism ε 0 =-1 ε 0 ≠-1 Flat-band F Penc et al (1996) F survives : not pathological Finite band dispersion Ferromagnetic phase

7 R.Arita ・・・ t=1  Robustness of Flat-band Ferromagnetism U  Sakamoto-Kubo (1996), Watanabe-Miyashita (1997) 024 0 1 FM n=0.375 Flat-band Carrier doping ε 0 ≠-1 n=0.5 n≠0.5 Metallic ferromagnetism

8 R.Arita In realistic situations… Flat band ferromagnetism: Proved for the case where the flat band is at the bottom of the Band structure Flat band is not always at the bottom

9 R.Arita (RA et al, PRB 57 R6854(1998))  Ferro Ferro guaranteed only for U < U c Strong coupling regime: AF favored Ferromagnetism only for U<U c  Connected square lattice t’ When flat bands is in the middle of the band structure :

10 R.Arita In realistic situations… Flat band F: Proved for the case where the flat band is at the bottom of the Band structure Flat band is not always the bottom Stability of the flat-band ferromagnetism depends on the position of the flat band

11 R.Arita Asymmetric DOS favors F F fragile F robust Not only D(  f ) but also the position of the peak is in D important cf) Stoner criterion: UD(  f ) > 1 DMFT study by Wahle,Bluemer,Schlipf,Held, & Vollhardt (1998) F not favored F favored

12 R.Arita Materials design of flat-band ferromagnetism in real materials (1)Construct a tight-binding model having flat bands (2) Search for materials which correspond to the tight-binding model (first-principles calculation) (3) Ferromagnetic ground state ? (LSDA) Estimate U c and check that U c is not too small (model calculation)

13 R.Arita Five membered rings: connectivity condition satisfied for realistic parameters of t and  Chain of five-membered rings Energy Design of flat-band ferromagnetism in organic polymers  0 = +1 t  Many known polymers: polypyrrole, polyazole, polythiophene, etc Flat band N n S n N n NN H.. H Versatile possibilities of putting on various functional bases

14 R.Arita GGA calculation (TAPP, Tokyo Ab-initio Program Package) Plane wave basis + ultra-soft pseudo-potential  0 = +1 t  = N n N n NN.. XX or X=Na, K, Cl, F, OH, CH 3 (low electron affinity) No flat band ? dispersive Polymers of five-membered rings Difficult to make  0 ~+1

15 R.Arita = N n N n NN.. or X X X=CN, COOH, NH 2 (bases with  electrons) Flat band for polyaminotriazole N n NN.. NH 2 Polymers of decorated five-membered rings RA et al., PRL., 88,127202 (2002) Difficult to make  0 ~+1 Flat band for  0 < 0 ?

16 R.Arita tight-binding model Electronic Structure of Polyaminotriazole GGA calculation ( connectivity condition satisfied )

17 R.Arita Connectivity condition satisfied ?: How to see it Maximally localized Wannier fn. < size of unit cell Periodic part of Bloch fn. (u k ) = Same for all k

18 R.Arita Connectivity condition satisfied ?: How to see it Maximally localized Wannier fn. > size of unit cell Periodic part of Bloch fn. (u k ) depends on k

19 R.Arita Comparison of the Bloch wave functions connectivity condition satisfied for GGA GGA Tight-binding model Connectivity condition satisfied for the tight-binding model  X

20 R.Arita comparison of the total energies The ferromagnetic state is most stable Peierls instability is weak LSDA for doped PAT PAT = promising candidate for flat-band F with an appropriate carrier doping cf) polyethylene

21 R.Arita Magnetic phase diagram for the Hubbard model Ferromagnetism stable unless U is not too strong

22 R.Arita 4-Amino 1,2,4,Triazole color state melting point white crystals 86.3 - 87.3 C° commercially available: Polymerization? N N N H2NH2N

23 R.Arita Polymethylaminotriazole Related materials Oligomer of Methylaminopyrrole Ferro ~ AF < P Flat band Ground state = High spin state (S=1) Suwa, RA, Kuroki, Aoki, PRB68 174419 (2003) Suwa, RA, Kuroki, Aoki, in prep. (2009)

24 R.Arita N NMe 2 N NMe 2 N NMe 2 n N NMe 2 N NMe 2 N NMe 2 n m m SbCl 6 - Experiments (actual synthesis) Nishihara group, Univ. Tokyo 4 holes/ 8 rings dimethylaminopyrrole

25 R.Arita N NMe 2 N NMe 2 N NMe 2 n N NMe 2 N NMe 2 N NMe 2 n m m SbCl 6 - Experiments (actual synthesis) Nishihara group, Univ. Tokyo 4 holes/ 8 rings dimethylaminopyrrole ESR

26 R.Arita N NMe 2 N NMe 2 N NMe 2 n N NMe 2 N NMe 2 N NMe 2 n m m SbCl 6 - Experiments (actual synthesis) Nishihara group, Univ. Tokyo 4 holes/ 8 rings dimethylaminopyrrole

27 R.Arita Polyaminotriazole: promising candidate for flat-band ferromagnetism Related materials: Oligomer of dimethylaminopyrrole: High-spin state ? Conclusions

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