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CAWSES December 10, 2005 1 CMEs H.S. Hudson Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley.

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2 CAWSES December 10, 2005 1 CMEs H.S. Hudson Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley

3 CAWSES December 10, 2005 2 Organization of talk Definitions Resources Properties (key observations) Data analysis and interpretations Conclusions

4 CAWSES December 10, 2005 3 What is the solar corona? Low-beta plasma in a concentric cavity Slowly-varying lower boundary condition imposing vertical currents Body currents (and current sheets) in an electrically isopotential volume Massive solar wind forming a lumpy upper boundary Flaring (flares and CMEs)

5 CAWSES December 10, 2005 4 What is the solar corona? Low-beta plasma in a concentric cavity Slowly-varying lower boundary condition imposing vertical currents Body currents (and current sheets) in an electrically isopotential volume Massive solar wind forming a lumpy upper boundary Flaring (flares and CMEs)

6 CAWSES December 10, 2005 5 G. A. Gary, Solar Phys. 203, 71 (2001) (v A ~ 200  -1/2 km/s at coronal temperatures) CH Distribution of coronal plasma 

7 CAWSES December 10, 2005 6 Definitions Flare: a chromospheric transient observed in H  CME: a coronal transient observed in a white-light coronagraph

8 CAWSES December 10, 2005 7 Definitions Flare: a coronal transient observed in soft X-rays CME: a coronal transient observed in a white-light coronagraph

9 CAWSES December 10, 2005 8 Definitions Flare: a coronal transient observed in soft X-rays CME: a coronal transient observed in a white-light coronagraph ICME: a flare/CME product observed in interplanetary space

10 CAWSES December 10, 2005 9 CME Resources The CUA LASCO catalog Other coronagraphs (Mauna Loa, El Leoncito) Many non-coronagraphic databases (e.g., Nobeyama) My cartoon archive

11 CAWSES December 10, 2005 10

12 CAWSES December 10, 2005 11

13 CAWSES December 10, 2005 12 Typical catalog entries - July 5, 2005

14 CAWSES December 10, 2005 13 Ways to infer the presence of ICMEs Hudson & Cliver, JGR 26, 25,199 (2001)

15 CAWSES December 10, 2005 14 Key observations

16 CAWSES December 10, 2005 15 Movie of dimming (Aug 28, 1992) (1) Coronal Dimming

17 CAWSES December 10, 2005 16 1600A 171A Shrinkage, dimming, destruction, oscillation Helix, ribbons (separatrices?) TRACE

18 CAWSES December 10, 2005 17 Zhang et al., 2001 Timing

19 CAWSES December 10, 2005 18 (2) RHESSI  -ray imaging

20 CAWSES December 10, 2005 19 2 -1.79x10 20 Mx -1.02x10 20 Mx +1.91x10 20 Mx +0.19x10 20 Mx +0.63x10 20 Mx -0.27x10 20 Mx I II III IV V VI Courtesy Y.H. Yang; cf H.M. Wang et al., ApJ 576, 497 (2002) (3) MAGNETIC FIELD CHANGES X-ray Flare

21 CAWSES December 10, 2005 20 Field changes are now observed with essentially every X-class flare, and they match the flare ribbon locations Survey of 15 flares by Sudol & Harvey (2004)

22 CAWSES December 10, 2005 21 Note that the B field changes correspond with the impulsive phase, GOES rise to maximum

23 CAWSES December 10, 2005 22 (4) BOLOMETRIC DETECTION OF SOLAR FLARES (Kopp et al. 2004)

24 CAWSES December 10, 2005 23 Dennis et al., 2005

25 CAWSES December 10, 2005 24 If these SEPs are accelerated by CME-driven shocks, they use a significant fraction of the shock kinetic energy (~3% to 20%) (Mewaldt et al., 2005; see also Emslie et al. 2005).

26 CAWSES December 10, 2005 25 Two analysis directions: 1. Timewise development of magnetic reconnection

27 CAWSES December 10, 2005 26

28 CAWSES December 10, 2005 27 Bogachev et al., ApJ 630, 561 (2005) Study of HX footpoint motions I II I. Motion away from NL: 13% II. Shear motion: 26% III. Parallel motion: 35%

29 CAWSES December 10, 2005 28 Bogachev et al., ApJ 630, 561 (2005) Study of HX footpoint motions I II I. Motion away from NL: 13% II. Shear motion: 26% III. Parallel motion: 35% Unpredicted!

30 CAWSES December 10, 2005 29 Why is the footpoint motion so important? The HXR footpoints show the photospheric anchors of the coronal field. They thus map to the energy source of the flare The motion of the footpoints measures the rate and direction of magnetic reconnection, hence maybe identifying the mechanism

31 CAWSES December 10, 2005 30 Evidence for a large-scale coronal current sheet? Sui & Holman, 2004 Anzer & Pneuman, 1982

32 CAWSES December 10, 2005 31 First “modern” flare cartoon (Hirayama, 1974)

33 CAWSES December 10, 2005 32 MDI magnetic artifacts

34 CAWSES December 10, 2005 33 “Opacity minimum” flare IR (1.56  ) (Xu et al., 2004)

35 CAWSES December 10, 2005 34 Apparent source motion correlates with energy release (Krucker et al., 2003)

36 CAWSES December 10, 2005 35 Reconnection electric field Given a large-scale reconnection geometry, one can calculate E = v x B and find it to be of order v/cm (eg, Kopp & Poletto 1984) This field, if it exists, is unidirectional and does not explain double footpoints It is necessary to understand the microscopic plasma physics during reconnection

37 CAWSES December 10, 2005 36 Good news: We can estimate the V x B electric field, and it is very large (> v/cm). Bad news: A V x B electric field electric field won’t accelerate particles, since it is perpendicular to B and the particles don’t gain energy directly. cf. Litvinenko, Solar Phys. 212, 379 (2003) and references cited there

38 CAWSES December 10, 2005 37 2. The “collapsing trap”

39 CAWSES December 10, 2005 38 Shrinking magnetic field? Sui & Holman 2004 Veronig et al. (2005) now have ~5 RHESSI events RHESSI black->white 9:46-10:01

40 CAWSES December 10, 2005 39 “Isomagnetobars” Before After Cartoon from Hudson & Cliver, 2000

41 CAWSES December 10, 2005 40 “Collapsing trap” - Karlicky & Kosugi, 2004

42 CAWSES December 10, 2005 41 “Collapsing trap” - Aschwanden, 2004

43 CAWSES December 10, 2005 42 LATE PHASE ACCELERATION X17 flare of 2005 Sept. 7 17:17 UT (courtesy S. Krucker) cf. Qiu et al. 2004

44 CAWSES December 10, 2005 43 A “Collapsing Trap” analysis may help to understand both for the thermal plasma (the flare loops) and also for the non-thermal particles.

45 CAWSES December 10, 2005 44 Coronal magnetic field Quantitative before/after magnetic models Aly conjecture Use of images (“data assimilation”) Problems - focusing the energy, accelerating particles, launching shock What is the eigenmode structure of an active region?

46 CAWSES December 10, 2005 45 SUMMARY There have been many new solar flare/CME results in the past (current?) maximum New analysis directions are beginning, with some surprises Another new wave of solar spacecraft is coming: Solar-B, STEREO, SDO. Alas, no HXR; double alas, no X-ray spectroscopy

47 CAWSES December 10, 2005 46 CARTOONS

48 CAWSES December 10, 2005 47 NUGGETS

49 CAWSES December 10, 2005 48 End

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