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Web Technologies – CS381 Bogdan L. Vrusias 22 January 2004.

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1 Web Technologies – CS381 Bogdan L. Vrusias 22 January 2004

2 Aims The aim of this module is: to provide an overview and evaluation of client-server distributed systems. use the presented technologies in practice to gain experience in developing distributed applications.

3 Outcomes By the end of the module you should be able to: understand the concept of clients and servers and examine technologies used to support distributed applications. understand the architectural and programming paradigms used in distributed system development, and how middleware components mediate between clients and servers. categorise and evaluate these tools according to different criteria such as applicability and ease of use, and intelligently participate in the selection of appropriate tools and architectures, or combination, to solve simple web- related problems. use the presented technologies in practice to develop distributed applications.

4 Content Introduction to distributed systems: Architecture and programming paradigms for distributed system development. The concept of clients, servers and middleware. Distributed paradigms. Visualising and documenting distributed systems: UML (Unified Modelling Language).

5 Content II Client-side Web programming: Principles of applets. Client-side scripting languages: JavaScript.

6 Content III Programming Web Servers: Principles of servlets. Server-side scripting languages: JavaServer Pages (JSP). Developing applications for accessing relational databases. Programming Web services.

7 Content IV Processing XML (eXtensible Markup Language) based documents.

8 Prerequisites CS185 Programming Languages 1 CS186 Programming Languages 2 CS262 Algorithms & Data Structures CS263 Information Modelling Java programming language will be used as the basis of this module. Special workshops will be run for those who need introduction to Java (subject to demand).

9 Methods of Assessment The assessment will be based on two items of coursework: 20% – Client-side Programming  Handed out on Thursday week 2  Collected on Monday 12:00, week 5 40% – Programming Web Servers  Handed out on Thursday week 5  Collected on Thursday 12:00, week 9  Vivas in week 10 A two-hour written examination (40%).

10 Methods of Teaching/Learning The module will consist of 15 hours of lectures and 15 hours of lab sessions. NOTE: Attending the lab sessions is VERY important!

11 On-line Resources Generic CS381 Related !!!

12 Selected Texts The main course book for this module that contains most of the material is: Darrel Ince, Developing Distributed and E- commerce Applications, 2nd Ed., Addison- Wesley, 2003, ISBN: 0-321-15422-3.

13 Selected Texts II Recommended books are: Nick Todd, Mark Szolkowski, JavaServer Pages: Developer’s Handbook, or otherwise called, JavaServer Pages 2.0 Unleashed, Sams, 2003, ISBN: 0672324385. Kurata Deborah, Doing Web Development: Client-Side Techniques, Apress, 2002, ISBN 1-893115-87-9. Casey Kochmer and Erica Frandsen, JSP and XML: Integrating XML and Web Services in Your JSPTM Application, Addison-Wesley, March 2002, ISBN: 0-672- 32354-0. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design, 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, 2001, ISBN: 0-201-61918-0.

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