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Instructions about how to transer a NMR spectrum recorded with The 60MHz, Jeol, JNM-MY60 spectrometer to IGOR, -for further manipulation of the data and/or.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions about how to transer a NMR spectrum recorded with The 60MHz, Jeol, JNM-MY60 spectrometer to IGOR, -for further manipulation of the data and/or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions about how to transer a NMR spectrum recorded with The 60MHz, Jeol, JNM-MY60 spectrometer to IGOR, -for further manipulation of the data and/or comparison with calculated NMR spectra:

2 An example about a data file including an NMRspectrum recorded with JNM-MY60: Open the file for example by using excel:

3 Copy and paste all intensity array (4096 numbers) into IGOR table: :

4 Display wave0 : Now x-axis needs to be corrected (see information in txt file above), i.e.: arbitrary


6 Make new wave for x-axis:Table -> Append Columns to Table... Select wave1 Do it

7 wave2 = (600/4096)*x+600, i.e.:

8 Now reverse the x-axis:

9 Double click on x-axis scale => Add Min Value = 600; Max Value: 0 Do it

10 This is now  / Hz scale

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