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GOOGLE SEARCHING Work faster, more effectively, more successfully.

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Presentation on theme: "GOOGLE SEARCHING Work faster, more effectively, more successfully."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOOGLE SEARCHING Work faster, more effectively, more successfully

2 URL’s and Domain Names

3 URL’s and Domain Names If you click on a link and expect to be directed to the Bank of America website: LEGITIMATE  is a legitimate URL, since the host name is correct  is also a legitimate URL since the hostname is correct. The path of the URL points to a sub- page on small business. SUSPICIOUS  is not Bank of America’s website. Instead “bankofamerica” is a subdomain of the website  is still not Bank of America’s website. Instead, “bankofamerica” is a path within

4 URL’s and Domain Names

5 Designing an Effective Search  Keep it simple  Choose descriptive words  Not case sensitive  Spell carefully

6 Keyword Searching  Not too broad, not too narrow  Use nouns  Avoid verbs  Use modifiers only when they help to define your object more precisely  What is specific?  What can you eliminate? What are you NOT looking for?

7 Evaluating Your Searches  Learn from your results  Don’t spend too much time but also don’t default to first few results  Scan your results for more effective search terms  Keep an ongoing history of your searches.

8 Advanced Google Search Functions

9 Google Search Shortcuts  Synonym Search  Dictionary Definitions  Fill in the Blank

10 Google a Day

11 Fun & Useful Google Search Tools Fast Flip  Fast overviews of headline pages of top newspapers. Google News Timeline  A web application that organizes information chronologically. Google News Timeline allows users to view news, scanned newspapers and magazines, blog posts, sports scores, and more on a zoomable, graphical timeline. Google in Quotes

12 Fun & Useful Google Search Tools  Wonder Wheel  Timeline

13 Fun & Useful Google Search Tools  Image Search  “Sort by feature”  Art Project powered by Google Art Project powered by Google  Google Body Google Body

14 Yes, there are search engines other than Google (& why you might use them)  Understand the scope of topic  See related topics  Refine and narrow topic  Choose a controversial issue  Background  Authoritative sites chosen by an expert researcher  Primary sources  Peer-reviewed journal articles  Official government information  In-depth information about a country  Science, technology, engineering and mathematics research  Reputable health information  Legal documents  Creative & performing arts sources  Particular time frame  News from other countries’ perspectives  Specific type of media (maps, visual images, fine art, videos, radio, music, wounds, speeches, quotations, statistical data, books) Choose the Best Search Engine for Your Information Need

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