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Enzymes are used everywhere

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1 Enzymes are used everywhere
Alcohol Detergent Biofuel Leather Juice Animal feed Enzymes are used in a wide range of application in daily life.

2 Enzyme Technology Enzymes are natural proteins acting a catalysts speeding up all the biochemical processes in life. Cut (degradation) Build (synthesis) Change (modification)


4 Sources of enzymes There are three major sources of enzymes :
Plants ( 4%) (papain, bromilain) Animals ( 8%) (renet) Microorganisms (>80%) (yeast, fungi and bacteria) Biocatalysis.Wiley-VCH Weinheim, chapter 3, pp

5 Types of Enzymes Used in Industries

6 Enzyme in biotechnology industry
Enzymes play an important role in today’s biotechnology industry ranging from conventional industries to modern bioindustries. A wide variety of industrial processes and products are conducted by a range of enzymes.

7 Global enzyme market status
According to Freedonia, Global enzyme market value grows 7.6%/ year to US$ 6 billion in 2011

8 Food Industry -Baking -Food processing -Juice making
-Beer and wine making -Diary and Cheese making -Medicine and cosmetics

9 Enzymes Used in Food Industries
Enzymes used in food industry are subjected to strict regulations (must be proven to be safe)

10 Enzymes in Baking Industry

11 Enzymes in Baking Industry
Amylase Starch  small sugars amylase

12 Enzymes in Baking Industry
Amylase Produce sugars for yeast during dough making Starch  sugars  CO2  dough rise amylase yeast

13 Additional enzymes Xylanases Lipases Proteases
Affect water absorption and improve strength of gluten (protein network  elasticity) Improve quality (good texture) Better dough handling Lipases Provide emulsifying effect  create fine texture and crumb Proteases Reduce gluten for making biscuits and cookies

14 Advantages of Using Enzymes in Baking
Desirable texture Longer shelf-life, anti-staling Better dough handling

15 Starch-processing Industry
amylase (thermostable) amylase Starch  short carbohydrate mixes  sugars

16  High Fructose Syrup Glucose isomerase:
Convert glucose to fructose from starchy materials to produce high fructose syrups Glucose isomerase Glucose Fructose High fructose syrup = enhanced sweetness and lower calories compared to sucrose

17 Meat Tenderizer Papain ( a protease found in papaya) is used as meat tenderizer to soften meat for cooking

18 Enzymes Used in Juice Making

19 Fruits contain pectins
Pectins: components of fruit pulp and cell wall : glue cells together : can form gel and can make juice cloudy and sticky

20 Components of Some Fruits
Fruit cell composition pectin hemicellulose cellulose glycoproteins cherry 0.51 0.06 0.17 0.32 pineapple 0.21 0.35 0.27 0.12 mango 1.02 0.23 0.59 apple 0.54 0.34 0.70 0.15 pear 0.42 0.22 0.40

21 Enzymes Used in Juice Making
Pectinases: digest pectins Helps release more juice Reduce juice cloudiness and stickiness Are especially necessary for production of clear concentrated juice Give smooth textures, while preserve color and vitamins

22 Enzymes Used in Juice Making
Xylanases and b-glucanases Helps further release more juice reduce juice cloudiness and stickiness Some amylases are used if fruits contain starch (e.g. some variety of apple) Combinations of these enzymes are used to get more juice which are stable and contain good taste.

23 Enzymes for Beer and Wine Making
Grain (e.g barley) Malt Dried and roasted Crushed Mixed with heated water Activated various enzymes Boiled with hops (add flavor, aroma, bitterness) Fermented with yeast alcohol

24 Enzymes for Beer and Wine Making
Protease at 49-55C Removes cloudiness formed during beer processing and storage b-glucanase (heat-stable) at 60C :Degrades celluloses, helps saccharification (get sugars), and reduces viscosity Amylase (heat-stable) at 65-71C :Breaks down starch and releases sugars in malt

25 Enzymes Used in Cheese Making

26 Enzymes Used in Cheese Making
Rennet is a type of proteases which solidify milk Cut casein proteins in milk into smaller pieces Produced from stomach of cows

27 Lipases Lipases are used for enhancement of cheese flavor
Lipases releases free fatty acids from fats  gives flavor

28 Proteases Short peptides containing hydrophobic amino acids give bitter taste Proteases can degrade bittering peptides into amino acids Proteases are used to reduce bitterness in cheese

29 Protease Usage in Dairy Products
Make creamier yogurt products Used to hydrolyze whey proteins to make dairy products less allegic

30 Baby Food Trypsin (a protease) is used to predigest proteins in baby food  make the food easier to be digested

31 Lactase Usage in Diary Products
Hydrolyze lactose from milk into galactose and glucose sugars Useful for lactose-intolerant people Make ice-cream creamier and sweeter-tasting

32 Edible Oil Industry

33 Lipase

34 Omega Fatty Acids -Have high value -Polyunsaturated fat
-Reduce bad cholesterol

35 Lipase Specific lipase can change low-value fat to high-value fat
inexpensive lipids Omega-3

36 Artificial Flavors Some lipases are also used to make flavor esters from alcohol and fatty acids Chemical Odor Diacetyl Buttery Isoamyl acetate Banana Cinnamic aldehyde Cinnamon Ethyl propionate Fruity Limonene Orange Ethyl- (E, Z) -2,4-decadienoate Pear Allyl hexanoate Pineapple Ethyl maltol Sugar, Cotton candy Methyl salicylate Wintergreen Benzaldehyde Bitter almond

37 Phospholipase Phospholipases are used for
-de-gumming of oil  refined oil  longer storage and better processing -treatment of egg yolk  mayonaise and other products

38 Enzymes in Cosmetics and Medicine
Reaction Treatment Collagenase Collagen hydrolysis Skin ulcers Glutaminase L-Glutamine H2O  L-glutamate + NH3 Leukaemia Lysozyme Bacterial cell wall hydrolysis Antibiotic α-Lactamase Penicillin  penicilloate Penicillin allergy Streptokinase Plasminogen  plasmin Blood clots Trypsin papain Protein hydrolysis Inflammation Breaking down venom Urokinase e.g. protease from spider’s stomach is used in facial cream!


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