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Mediterranean Sea Workshop SEANERGY 2020 project Athens, Greece, 24 May 2011 European Wind Energy Association, Dorina Iuga Supported by.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediterranean Sea Workshop SEANERGY 2020 project Athens, Greece, 24 May 2011 European Wind Energy Association, Dorina Iuga Supported by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediterranean Sea Workshop SEANERGY 2020 project Athens, Greece, 24 May 2011 European Wind Energy Association, Dorina Iuga Supported by

2 1.Project background 2.Project objectives 3.Work structure 4.Partners 5.Mediterranean Sea Workshop objective OUTLINE

3 Offshore renewables: 2009 RES Directive: - with binding EU targets of 20% share of RES by 2020, - 34% of EU’s total electricity to be met by renewable, (including 495 TWH to come from wind equal to 14% of consumption), - 43 GW ² of offshore wind by 2020. EU Economic Recovery Plan– €500 m for offshore wind projects; Maritime spatial planning : Roadmap (2008) for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) developing an European approach, New EU COM (2010) 771 on MSP developments since 2008 Roadmap, EC Consultation on the need for and possible content of an MSP Directive. 1. Project background Policy Context

4 Offshore RES faces a multitude of conflicting uses and rules: Growing competition between sectoral interests, Different sectoral regulations, Different spatial planning regimes in EU-MS, Europe’s maritime space regulated at two levels: - national and international. Limited EU offshore electrical grid, Absence of EU planning approach. 1. Project Background Why this project?

5 Maritime Spatial Planning to : Prevent and reduce conflicts amongst sectoral interests in the maritime area; Support better deployment of offshore RES; Establish transparent and accountable decision making mechanisms for effective coordination. 1. Project Background Why this project?

6 Formulate policy recommendations on how to remove MSP obstacles to the deployment of offshore RES and grid infrastructure; Promote an integrated approach to MSP to support implementation of RES Directive. 2. Main objectives

7 Underline the need for MSP, Highlight best national practices, Provide recommendations to improve the national MSP regulatory framework, Ensure a better coordination of MSP between EU-MS, Provide recommendations to improve international MSP instruments, Provide recommendations to combine national and transnational MSP approaches in European sea basins, Disseminate results and convince different target groups (regional/national/European decision makers) of the need for an MSP. 2. Specific objectives

8 3. Work Structure WP1 – Project Management (EWEA) WP7: IEE Dissemination activities (EWEA) WP6: Communication and dissemination (EWEA) WP2: National MSP regimes (SOW) WP3: International MSP instruments (3E) WP4: Integrated approach. Project recommendations (ECN) WP5: Promotion and capacity building (EWEA) 19.05.2011

9 3. Work structure WP1: Management (EWEA) 2 Advisory Boards (target groups vs stakeholder groups) WP2: National MSP regimes (SOW) Definition of the MSP indicators Analysis of MSP in the North Sea, Analysis of MSP in the Baltic Sea, Analysis of MSP in the Atlantic Coast and Irish Sea, Analysis of MSP in the Mediterranean Sea: France, Greece, Italy, Spain Comparison of best practices, Recommendations. WP3: International MSP instruments (3E) Analysis of international MSP instruments, Analysis of offshore RES energies siting plans, Analysis of the outcomes of planned and suggested offshore electricity infrastructure, Recommendations on international MSP instruments for an efficient deployment of offshore RES energies.

10 WP4: Assessment of the different level of MSP policies and their compatibility Inventory of barriers to national and trans-national MSP approaches, Assessment of spatial demands in the different sea basins, potential conflicts and benefits of a coordinated transnational MSP, Case study illustrating the benefits of MSP and cross-border coordination, Production of project recommendations. WP5: Promotion and capacity building Working meetings with EU representatives and international key players, Working meetings with representatives of national/regional authorities, Working meetings with representatives of national/regional authorities willing to adopt the MSP approach. 3.Work Structure

11 WP6: Communication and dissemination Website: http://www.seanergy2020.eu Regional and final workshops: - Four regional workshops - Final workshop to be organised in April 2012 WP7: IEE dissemination activities 3. Work structure

12 4.Project Partners Participant nameCountry code European Wind Energy AssociationBE University of BirminghamUK 3EBE Stiftung Offshore WindenergieDE Laboratório Nacional de Energia e GeologiaPT Energieonderzoek Centrum NederlandNL Klaipeda University Coastal Research and Planning Institute LT Center for Renewable Energy SourcesEL

13 To obtain feedback on: Work Package 2 results: Mediterranean Sea countries France, Greece, Italy, Spain Work Package 3: MSP international instruments and potential impact on offshore renewable deployment 5. North Sea Workshop objective


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