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DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton1 University of Rochester Participation in CDF.

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1 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton1 University of Rochester Participation in CDF

2 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton2 Outline Introduction/Group Members Our Operational Responsibilities Physics Pursuits Top Physics Non-Standard Top Coupling, Dilepton signature, New physics search in Dileptons, Top to taus Electroweak Physics, W,Z production rates and asymmetries, extracting PDFs Search for heavy bosons

3 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton3 Current CDF Group Members Arie Bodek (50%): -Howard Budd (50%) -Pawel DeBarbaro (10%) -Willis Sakumoto -Yeon Sei Chung (95%) -Phil Yoon (4 th year) (acc. Phys., FNAL Support) -J.-Y. Han (entering w/ MS) -G.-B. Yu (entering w/ MS) PI’s Senior Res. Assoc. Postdoc. Fellows Grad Students Undergrads Kevin McFarland (75%): -Anthony Vaiciulis –Gilles deLentdecker –J. Chvojka (entering) –S. Demers (4th year) –B. Y. Han (1st year) –B. Kilminster(graduating) –Jedong Lee (3 rd year) –Chris Clark (REU) Three sub-groups function as one on many projects, but primary hardware/physics interests align us as follows: Paul Tipton (75%): –Eva Halkiadakis(90%) –Andy Hocker (90%) –M. Coca (5 th year) –R. Eusebi (70%, 3 rd year) –Andrew Ivanov (5 th year) –Sarah Lockwitz (REU) Color KEY:

4 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton4 The Rochester CDF Group CDF effort led by Bodek, Tipton, McFarland We are focused on: –Tests of the SM in and around the top candidate sample –Production and decay parameters of the Top Quark –Electroweak physics with W and Z Bosons –Search for new W and Z Bosons –Higgs Search –Much experience from Run I (top discovery, heavy Z searches, etc)

5 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton5 Rochester’s Three Areas of Focus and Operational Responsibility Run 2 forward calorimeter -- ‘endplug’ (Bodek) –Hadronic section a Rochester- led effort –Constructed at FNAL with Rochester physicists and technicians doing fabrication, QA. – Rochester in charge of test beam calibration, calibration at B0, installation, commissioning and operations. –Fermilab responsibility - phototubes and bases Note: A lot of Physics (e.g. W Asymmetry, W Mass, PDFs) needs the plug.

6 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton6 CDF Plug Operations Run 2 Problem: Degradation of both EM and Hadron Plug calorimeter response at forward plug  (eta) Investigated ->by our group using the laser monitoring system. Problem narrowed down to degradation of phototubes due to high current associated with beam. Solution ->(a) Lower the voltage to fix the problem. (b)Correct older data using the laser information Central-Plug Z mass constant after the application of Laser gain corrections

7 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton7 Rochester Silicon Operations Second area of Focus: Silicon Tracking Run 2 SVXII (Tipton) –Rochester group contributed to SVXII Ladder and Barrel fabrication –Silicon Cooling and Interlocks –Radiation Monitoring and Tevatron abort –Cabling and Power Supply Specifications

8 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton8 Rochester Silicon Operations, Cont. Cooling and Interlock Operations/On-Call (All) UR Person on call 24-7 for Cooling and Interlocks Tevatron Abort and Radiation Monitoring/Radiation Safety Officers (E. Halkiadakis, A.Hocker, R. Eusebi) Silicon Power Supply Working Group (A.Hocker, A.Ivanov) June 2002May 2003 Improved silicon coverage Silicon Leakage-current monitoring (Hocker, Eusebi) Silicon Online Monitoring (Halkiadakis, Coca) Typically take 95% of data with about 85% of silicon useful

9 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton9 3 rd Area of Focus: Level-3 / Data Hub (McFarland) Software trigger based on offline reconstruction –Current → Upgraded Bandwidth –Input rate: 80 → 150 MB/sec –Output: 20 → 60 MB/sec –Level-3 selections determine offline datasets after processing –Seeds both offline production and user analysis –“Data Hub” takes accepted Level-3 events, logs them and distributes to online monitoring system

10 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton10 Level-3 / Data Hub Operations Both Level-3 and the Data Hub are critical online systems –require extensive pager coverage, hardware and software maintenance Level-3 Operations (deLentdecker, Demers, B-Y Han, KSM) –Rochester personnel create all Level-3 triggers in trigger DB –Responsible for testing new filter code –Maintain software I/O infrastructure (interface between filtering software and online system) Data Hub Operations (Vaiciulis, Kilminster, Lee) –Vaiciulis serves as Data Hub sub-project leader –Rochester group carries most of pager load –Hardware maintenance (RAID arrays), software upgrades –Data Hub is key DAQ monitoring point; frequent requests for minor updates

11 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton11 Current Level-3 / Data Hub Development Level-3 Output reduction (deLentdecker, Demers, McFarland) –Level3Summary replaces and summarizes Level-3 reconstruction results –reduces event size ~25%. Adds permanent record of Level-3 results ClarkData Hub Operations (Vaiciulis, Kilminster, Lee, Clark) –to improve yield for B physics (hadronic B s final states), CDF has recently proposed doubling the data rate out of Level-3 –requires a major increase in data hub bandwidth –recent internal review has advised developing a system with triple the bandwidth within one year –Vaiciulis, Clark (NSF REU) doing preliminary tests with IDE- RAID based networkp-attached fileservers –portion of McFarland CAREER award not for outreach purchased test hardware for data hub upgrade 3ware IDE RAID controller for low-cost NAS-based Data Hub

12 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton12 CDF Data-Taking Run 1 luminosity 290 pb -1 delivered ~220 pb -1 recorded Between ~67 and 125 pb  used in analyses presented here Typically run with 85-90% efficiency Ultimately collect 4-8 fb  ~195 of 225 pb  goal delivered y.t.d. In first 6 months of 2003, UR Scientists provided 150 8-hour data-taking shifts A. Hocker is current CDF Operations Manager

13 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton13 Great Progress in One Year L1/L2/L3 rates: 18k/250/75 Hz 6k/240/30Hz ~45e30 ~15e30 Biggest run: 1553 nb-1 (run 163064) 447 nb-1 (run 145005) taken May 17-18 th 17h w. Si. taken May 17, 11h w Si. Highest Init. Lum. 47.5e30 (May 17 th )20.6e30 (May 19 th ) Best store CDF int. Lum 1553 nb-1 (one run)602 nb-1 (4 runs) (store 2555, May 17th) (Store 1332, May 17 th ) Best “CDF-week” 9.1 (pb-1)/10.3 (pb-1) 2.97 (pb-1)/3.47 (pb-1) (most pb-1 to tape) (week of May 11th) (week of May 16th) Best Store Efficiency 94.2% with Si (1 run)93.2% no Si (4 runs) (May 17 th, 9.1 of 10.3 pb-1) (May 16 th, 506 of 543 nb-1) Now (2003) 1 year ago (2002)

14 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton14 Top Physics

15 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton15 SM V-A Theory: 30% F - 70% F 0 <0.04% F + (M b ) -1 Left handed F - (cos Ψ * l ) ~(1 – cos Ψ * l ) 2 0 Longitudinal F 0 (cos Ψ * l ) ~(1 - cos Ψ * l 2 ) +1 Right handed F + (cos Ψ * l ) ~(1 +cos Ψ * l ) 2 M 2 l b = ½ (M 2 T – M 2 W )(1 + cosΨ * l ) CDF Run I Preliminary Result: (Using ttbar dilepton, and lepton+jets events with 1 and 2 SVX b-tagged jets) f V+A = -0.21 +0.42 -0.25 ± 0.21 f V+A < 0.80 @ 95%CL 2000 pb -1 Run II : expected uncertainties ±0.1 (stat), ± 0.11 (sys) f V+A : 0: corresponds to all V-A, (0 % right-handed W’s) 1: corresponds to all V+A (30% right-handed W’s) H W = J P { = ^ Search for Non-Standard tbW Vertex KM,BJK

16 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton16  tt Dilepton Channel: tt  l l bb  tt = 13.2  5.9 stat  1.5 sys  0.8 lum pb NLO @  s=1.96 TeV for M top = 175 GeV ‡ : 6.70 +0.71 –0.88 pb ‡ MLM  vs. E T N jets  2 / CDF Run II Preliminary Run II Top Dilepton Summary Table: ‡ hep-ph/0303085(ML Mangano et al) - - Tipton’s Group contributed to all aspects of this analysis

17 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton17 Approximately doubles our acceptance and Uses ~125pb -1 Theoretical prediction: (6.7 +/- 0.5) pb New Results in the Dilepton Channel A. Hocker new co-leader of Top Dilepton Group Not Yet ‘Blessed’

18 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton18 Tau Dileptons: (e or  )  + jets Motivation: t  b   may have contributions not apparent in first and second generation dileptons –from either non-standard amplitudes or even from things other than top (e.g., high tanβ SUSY) Problems: –jet to  fake rates are 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than e or μ –  not fully reconstructed, Z+jets background higher McFarland’s Rochester group responsible for analysis (Demers’ thesis, Vaiciulis, Insler & Petruccelli – former REU students) Z→  +jets pseudo M  reconstruction Recent progress: –reduced largest background in Run 1 by an order of magnitude by pseudo- reconstruction of the ditau mass (Demers, Petruccelli) –optimization of cuts to lower jet fake rate (Vaiciulis) Expect 1 st result this fall

19 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton19 Testing SM with Dilepton Kinematics:The PKS test 1: 1: We plan to use the product of KS tests (PKS) to determine how consistent the kinematic features of the dilepton events are with the SM. 2: 2: We devised an a-priori technique to handle a possible excess of events in the high- energy tails of kinematic distributions, like it was in Run I. The PKS method isolates a subset of most unlikely events and determines its significance. Missing Et : Run I dilepton sample

20 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton20 Chosen kinematic variables. ttbar versus SUSY  lm Missing Et Pt of the leading lepton Angle between them Top Dilepton topological variable (goodness-of-fit from NWT)

21 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton21 Electroweak Physics

22 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton22 . B(W  e e )  Candidates: 38625 in ~ 72 pb -1  Backgrounds ~ 6 % (dominated by QCD) ‡ Nucl. Phys. B359,343 (1991) Phys.Rev. Lett. 88,201801 (2002)  ·B(W  e ) = 2.64  0.01 stat  0.09 sys  0.16 lum nb NNLO @  s=1.96 TeV ‡ : 2.69  0.10 nb W. Sakumoto,E. Halkiadakis, J.D. Lee, M.Coca, A. Hocker

23 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton23 . B(Z 0  l + l - )  Candidates: 1830 in ~ 72 pb -1  Backgrounds ~ 0.6 %  ·B(Z 0  ee) = 267  6 stat  15 sys  16 lum pb  ·B(Z 0  ) = 246  6 stat  12 sys  15 lum pb ‡ Nucl. Phys. B359,343 (1991) Phys.Rev. Lett. 88,201801 (2002)  Candidates: 1631 in ~ 72 pb -1  Backgrounds: ~ 0.9 % NNLO @  s=1.96 TeV ‡ : 252  9 pb VERY CLEAN Sakumoto, J.D.Lee, E. Halkiadakis

24 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton24 W & Cross Sections vs. E CM Our new measurements NNLO

25 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton25  (W)  (pp  Z)  (W)  (Z  ee)  (pp  W)  (W  e )  (Z) R R = Theoreticalprediction PDGSMPDG combined Exp Measure Extract R  (W) [GeV] e 9.88  0.24 stat  0.47 sys 9.88  0.24 stat  0.47 sys 2.29  0.06 stat  0.10 sys  10.69  0.27 stat  0.33 sys 2.11  0.05 stat  0.07 sys 2.11  0.05 stat  0.07 sys e+  10.54  0.18 stat  0.33 sys 2.15  0.04 stat  0.07 sys 2.15  0.04 stat  0.07 sys

26 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton26 Analyses with W/Z/Drell-Yan Rates and Asymmetries Run 1 (0.1 fb -1 ) Achievements of Rochester group –W lepton charge asymmetry (Bodek, Fan) Reduced error on W Mass from PDF uncertainties from 100 to 15 MeV Makes possible precision measurement of W mass at hadron colliders! –Use of Silicon to measure charge of forward electron tracks using extrapolation of track stubs in sillicon to shower centroid (Bodek, Fan) –Extended Z and Drell-Yan forward-backward asymmetry and rapidity distributions (Bodek, Sakumoto, Chung) Asymmetry sensitive to Z’ or other high mass states (2 sigma discrepancy at high mass in Run 1 data) Z rapidity constrains PDFs Run 2 (2 fb -1 ) we are continuing this tradition of novel analyses with these samples –repeat Z rapidity (gain in statistics important) –high mass Drell-Yan (Z’ search), new W asymmetry technique

27 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton27 Z/Drell-Yan FB Asymmetry Run I analysis - Bodek/Chung example of 500 GeV Z’ (E6 model) little observable rate effect, but large asymmetry change (Bodek, Baur)

28 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton28 Drell-Yan: Z’ Search, Z-q couplings Starting from this hint, we are proposing to combine rate AND asymmetry information to search for Z’ signal in Drell-Yan (Lee thesis, deLentdecker, McFarland) –leads to increased sensitivity Can also use Drell-Yan FB asymmetry to probe for non-standard NC couplings of quarks (deLentdecker, McFarland) –complementary to NuTeV and atomic parity violation as precise probes of Z coupling to light quarks rate only rate and asymmetry Discovery probability

29 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton29 Z Rapidity Distribution Run I analyses (Z- Bodek/Liu), (W - Bodek/Fan). Using plug electrons together with SVX tracking (Rochester plug- Rochester SVX group), MC shows definitive measurements of PDFs Z rapidity distributions and W asymmetry. 2 fb-1 Run II Analysis Bodek/Chung/J.Han Run 1 results are statistically limited; Chung/J. Han working on Run 2, particularly forward acceptance.

30 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton30 W Charge Asymmetry 2 fb-1, Run II analysis Bodek/McFarland/B.Han/Gyu Run 1 (Bodek, Fan): established d/u ratio of proton. However, measurements at high rapidity are difficult to interpret; sensitive to W p T Run 2 (Bodek, McFarland, B. Han, G.Yu): statistics will improve, but interpretation difficult. Need a new technique direct measurement of W rapidity!

31 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton31 Constraining PDFs : (d/u) with W asymmetry; (d+u) with y distribution for Z’s and W’s New technique to unfold the two y w solutions to get the true W production asymmetry -being developed by Bodek, McFarland- expected errors. Shown: Measure W decay lepton charge asymmetry - V-A has opposite asymemtry. Unkown neutrino Z momentum yields two solutions for y w Needed to Limit the Error on W Mass from PDFs uncertainties U-quark carries more momentum than d-quark New technique

32 DOE, July 23, 2003, P.Tipton32 Conclusions U or R continues to play an indispensable role in CDF –Our Contributions to Operations for Calorimetry, Silicon and Trigger/DAQ are essential to CDF data-taking –These put us at the top of CDF University groups with critical operational commitments CDF physics program for Run II is broad and compelling, even if only 4fb -1 are collected –Many ways to make precision tests of the Standard Model in top and EWK sector. UR led CDF physics program is also broad and compelling – marked by continued innovation

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