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Learning Questions What Causes Phobias? How Can You Control Behavior?

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2 Learning

3 Questions What Causes Phobias? How Can You Control Behavior?

4 What Causes Phobias? A phobia is an irrational fear. Phobias can be caused by classical conditioning. A previously neutral stimulus becomes associated with another stimulus that normally causes a particular response.

5 What Causes Phobias? Without any learning, the Unconditional Stimulus (US) causes the Unconditional Response (UR). A Conditional Stimulus (CS) becomes associated with the US. After learning, the CS causes a Conditional Reponse (CR).

6 What Causes Phobias? Some stimuli naturally cause fear responses. If a previously neutral stimulus (CS) becomes associated with a fear-provoking stimulus, a fear-response (CR) can result from the CS. Generalization and Discrimination

7 What Causes Phobias? Classical conditioning can also reduce phobias. Extinction Spontaneous recovery

8 How Can You Control Behavior? Operant Conditioning allows us to learn from the consequences of our behaviors. Behavior can be controlled by altering the consequences.

9 How Can You Control Behavior? Reinforcement increases a behavior. Punishment decreases a behavior.

10 Add Something Remove Something Increase Behavior Decrease Behavior positive reinforcement negative punishment positive punishment negative reinforcement

11 Misconception Alert! Negative reinforcement is not a type of punishment.

12 How Can You Control Behavior? New behaviors can be taught through shaping: successive approximations. Timing is crucial.

13 How Can You Control Behavior? Behavior is less likely to be extinguished if reinforced intermittently – Fixed Ratio – Variable Ratio – Fixed Interval – Variable Interval

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