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3-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision Luca de Alfaro UC Santa Cruz Patrice Godefroid Bell Labs, Lucent. Radha Jagadeesan DePaul.

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Presentation on theme: "3-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision Luca de Alfaro UC Santa Cruz Patrice Godefroid Bell Labs, Lucent. Radha Jagadeesan DePaul."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision Luca de Alfaro UC Santa Cruz Patrice Godefroid Bell Labs, Lucent. Radha Jagadeesan DePaul University

2 Context of talk Abstractions for open systems

3 Foundations for closed systems Model: Transition systems Property spec: Temporal/modal logics Abstraction: Simulation s simulates t: Every transition from t is matched by a transition from s

4 Foundations for closed systems Model: Transition systems Property spec: Temporal/modal logics Abstraction: Simulation ``Simulation is sound for universal properties’’

5 Open systems

6 Open systems: models Games Transition systems Player 1: Player 2:

7 Open systems: Logics Games Transition systems Alternating-Time Logic Temporal/modal logics Game Logics Coalition Logics We will work with Alternating Mu-calculus [Alur-Henzinger-Kupferman]

8 Open systems: logics Strategy quantifier: At 1-states: existence of a move At 2-states: for all moves

9 Open systems: logics

10 Open systems: Abstraction Games Transition systems Alternating-time logic Temporal/modal logics Alternating simulation Simulation Alternating Simulation Abramsky Alur-Henzinger-Kupferman-Vardi

11 Open systems: alternating simulation Player 1 Player 2 1-simulated by For each 1-strategy, there is a 1-strategy on the right

12 Open systems: Abstraction Games Transition systems Alternating-time logic Temporal/modal logics Alternating simulation Simulation 1-Alternating simulation preserves

13 Question Study of abstraction methods to preserve all properties of the alternating mu-calculus. Why?

14 Question Study of abstraction methods to preserve all properties of the alternating mu-calculus Compositional verification nested strategy quantifiers Thus: need to preserve strategies for all players

15 Question Study of abstraction methods to preserve all properties of the alternating mu-calculus Compositional verification Feasible counter-examples [Pasareanu-Dwyer-Visser00] Counter-example guided refinement [Grumberg-Shoham03]

16 Results

17 Our results: models and logics Definition of abstract games alternating refinement between states of an abstract games

18 Our results: models and logics Definition of abstract games alternating refinement between states of an abstract games s ``alternating-refines’’ t all AMC formulas satisfied by t are satisfied by s Strategies for all players are preserved from t to s

19 Our results: expressiveness Are there useful abstractions captured by framework? Completeness?

20 Our results Any abstract interpretation on data-values Induces an alternating abstraction of games These abstract games are the most precise possible, for the given abstraction. [completeness, in abstract interpretation]

21 Our results: completeness for ``safety’’ If a state s of satisfies a property, there is a finite state abstraction that proves this For transition systems: Safety properties, Maniolis-Treffler01

22 Complexity of refinement and model-checking Linear time, logspace reduction to concrete games

23 Rest of the talk

24 Disjunctive Modal transition systems Larsen-Li 1991 Namjoshi 03, Dams-Namjoshi04, Grumberg-Shoham 2004 Abstract Games and alternating refinement 3-valued semantics of AMC Examples of abstraction

25 Disjunctive modal transition systems

26 Modal transition systems Larsen90, Larsen-Thomsen91 Two kinds of transitions: MAY, MUST transitions. Consistency: All MUST transitions are also MAY transitions. Concrete Systems: MAY = MUST.

27 Refinement of MTS MAY transitions go away or get converted into MUST transitions MUST transitions are preserved A R(efines) A’: A’_{may} simulates A_{may} via R A_{must} simulates A’_{must} via R^{-1}

28 Predicate abstraction of x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) refines [Isodd(j), Is(k>0)] x=3,z=5 x=3,z=4 x=4,z=3

29 Predicate abstraction of x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) refines [Isodd(j), Is(k>0)] x=3, z=4 x=4, z=4

30 Predicate abstraction of x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) refines [Isodd(j), Is(k>0)] x=3, z=5

31 Predicate abstraction of x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) refines [Isodd(j), Is(k>0)],

32 Predicate abstraction of x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) refines [Isodd(j), Is(k>0)], Oops! No must transition : |  x=3, z=4 x=4, z=4

33 Predicate abstraction of x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) refines [Isodd(j), Is(k>0)], Oops! No must transition : | 

34 x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) z>0 not(z>0) {odd(x), not(oddx)} Must hyperedge: Source [oddx,z>0] Target { [ odd(x), z>0], [not(odd(x)), z >0 ] }

35 Disjunctive Modal transition systems Two kinds of transitions: MAY, MUST transitions. Must transitions are hyperedges s  {t1…, tn} Consistency: At least one of s  ti is a may transition

36 Abstract Game Structures



39 A must transition (to U) achieves an objective in next state only if all states in U achieve it. Consistency: MUST Winning  MAY winning

40 Three-valued determinacy for linear objectives For a linear objective W: 1 has a winning must strategy for W 2 has a winning must strategy for not(W) Both 1 and 2 have winning MAY strategies for their objectives

41 Refinement

42 Refinement [Transitions] s refines s’: a. May transitions ``decrease’’ from s’ to s

43 Refinement s refines s’: a. b. Must transitions ``increase’’ from s’ to s.

44 Refinement s refines s’: a. b. Must transitions ``increase’’ from s’ to s.

45 Refinement Symmetric in both players 1- Alternating simulation: Player 2 has only MAY moves. Player 1 has only MUST moves. a. b. Must transitions ``increase’’ from s’ to s.

46 3-valued AMC

47 3-valued semantics of AMC x (OR) y true, if either is true, false, if both are false and bottom, otherwise.


49 s is a player 2 state s is a player 1 state

50 s is a player 2 state s is a player 1 state

51 Soundness and completeness of AMC for refinement s refines s’ IFOF Going from s’ to s makes values more definite

52 Abstraction: an example

53 Predicate Abstraction [P1,..,Pn] Abstract states are bivectors of length n s satisfies [] where:  bi =1 iff s satisfies Pi.

54 Transitions MAY Transition ([], [b’1..b’n]) if EXISTS s such that s satisfies [] EXISTS s’ satisfies [b’1..b’n] AND (s,s’)

55 Transitions MUST Transition ([], { [c11..c1n]….. [cm1,..,cmn])} if FORALL s such that s satisfies [], EXISTS s’ EXISTS j s’ satisfies [cj1..cjn] AND (s,s’)

56 x=z under [oddx, z>0] oddx not(oddx) oddx not(oddx) {odd(x), not(oddx)} Must transition from [oddx,z>0] to { [ odd(x), z>0], [not(odd(x)), z >0 ] }

57 A useful abstraction

58 Summary

59 Our results: models and logics Definition of abstract games alternating refinement between states s ``alternating-refines’’ t a. all AMC formulas satisfied by t are satisfied by s b. strategies for all players are preserved from t to s

60 Our results: expressiveness 0. Any abstract interpretation on data-values Induces an alternating abstraction of games 1. These abstract games are the most precise possible, for the given abstraction. 2. Compositionality of abstraction 3. Finite state abstractions for proving ``safety’’ properties.

61 Questions

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