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Lecture 3 Sediment transport. Processes of transport (And a few examples)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 3 Sediment transport. Processes of transport (And a few examples)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 3 Sediment transport

2 Processes of transport (And a few examples)

3 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law

4 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law U = r 2 g  /18  U = settling velocity r = radius of particle g = gravitational acceleration  difference in density  viscosity

5 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law U = r 2 g  /18  What will fall faster? Boulders or sand grains?

6 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law U = r 2 g  /18  What will fall faster? Heavier grains or lighter grains?

7 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law U = r 2 g  /18  What will fall faster? Grains in clear water or grains in turbid water?

8 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law U = r 2 g  /18  What will fall faster? Clasts on Earth or clasts on Mars?


10 The effect of turbulence Multiple grains also slow settling, because they increase the effective viscosity

11 Transport in fluids By settling: Stokes Law By rolling, jumping and suspension

12 Whether or not movement occurs is a function of...

13 …density, mass, shape, size, flow velocity, and turbulence. Consider, for example, the influence of flow velocity

14 Shear of the fluid near the bed produces lift. If the lift forces are greater than the gravitational forces on the grain, the grain moves off the bed.

15 Fine sand ~ 1 cm/sec Coarse sand ~ 2 cm/sec Medium pebbles ~ 8 cm/sec

16 This only applies to silt-sized and larger particles. Why?


18 Bedload, suspended load. Rolling, saltation and suspension.

19 Transport environments Gravity-dominated –Rock falls, taluses




23 Transport environments Gravity-dominated –Rock falls, taluses Water-dominated –Rivers, lakes, oceans, estuaries




27 Transport environments Gravity-dominated –Rock falls, taluses Water-dominated Ice-dominated



30 Transport environments Gravity-dominated –Rock falls, taluses Water-dominated Ice-dominated Atmosphere-dominated

31 An example from the Mono Craters Pyroclastic fall deposits

32 An example from the Mono Craters Near-source (proximal)


34 With Stokes Law in mind, how might one explain these types of grading?

35 An example from the Mono Craters Far from source (distal)


37 Pyroclastic surge deposits



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