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Cryospheric and Hydrologic Contributions to Global Sea Level Change M. Tamisiea Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory R. Steven Nerem University of Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "Cryospheric and Hydrologic Contributions to Global Sea Level Change M. Tamisiea Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory R. Steven Nerem University of Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryospheric and Hydrologic Contributions to Global Sea Level Change M. Tamisiea Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory R. Steven Nerem University of Colorado AGU Meeting of the Americas, August 8-11, 2010

2 G RAVITY Measurements of Sea Level Change

3 Trend = 3.3 mm/year Global Mean Sea Level

4 Mean Sea Level

5 Area-Weighted Contribution to GMSL

6 MSL Rates in 10° Latitude Bands

7 Spatial Variations in Sea Level Rise 1993-2010

8 Detrended GMSL and MEI

9 Hydrology Model vs GRACE [Llovel et al., 2010]

10 Hydrology Model vs Altimeter GMSL [Llovel et al., 2010]

11 Hydrology Model vs Tide Gauge GMSL [Llovel et al., 2010]

12 GRACE Secular Trends (2002-2009) [Wahr, 2009] GIA Model Removed

13 Rate of Ice mass change: All Greenland: -239 Gton/yr South Greenland: -162 Gton/yr North Greenland: -77 Gton/yr Total Greenland ice volume April, 2002 – June, 2010 -239 Gton/yr = 0.66 mm/yr sea level rise (1 Gton = 1 km 3 of water) Greenland Ice Mass Changes from GRACE [Wahr, 2010]

14 Rate of ice mass change: All Antarctica: -143 Gton/yr West Antarctica: -155 Gton/yr East Antarctica: +15 Gton/yr Uncertainty of GIA correction: All Antarctica: ± 80 Gton/yr West Antarctica: ± 20 Gton/yr East Antarctica: ± 55 Gton/yr -143 Gton/yr = 0.40 mm/yr sea level rise Total Antarctic ice mass April, 2002 – June, 2010 (noisy because of atmospheric pressure errors) Antarctica Ice Mass Variations from GRACE [Wahr, 2010]

15 Rate of mass change between April, 2002 and May, 2010 Rate of mass change: -55 Gton/yr = 0.15 mm/yr sea level rise. Alaskan Glaciers from GRACE [Wahr, 2010]

16 Summary of GRACE Ice GMSL Contributions GRACE provides mass loss estimates for entire ice sheets. Between April 2002 and May/June 2010: Greenland lost ice at a rate of 239 Gton/yr. Antarctica lost ice at a rate of 143 Gton/yr. Antarctica lost ice at a rate of 143 Gton/yr. Alaskan glaciers lost ice at a rate of 55 Gton/yr. Alaskan glaciers lost ice at a rate of 55 Gton/yr. Total: 437 Gt/yr, equivalent to 1.2 mm/yr sea level rise.

17 Global Ocean Mass from GRACE


19 GIA Correction to GRACE Ocean Mass Rate

20 Current Sea Level Budget Thermal Expansion: ~ 1.1 mm/year Mountain Glaciers: ~ 1.2 mm/year Greenland Ice Melt: ~ 0.6 mm/year Antarctic Ice Melt: ~ 0.4 mm/year Land Water Storage: ? Total: ~ 3.3 mm/year + + + =

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