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Accelerating Service Discovery in Ad Hoc Zero Configuration Networking

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1 Accelerating Service Discovery in Ad Hoc Zero Configuration Networking
Se Gi Hong, Suman Srinivasan, and Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University

2 Contents Wireless mobile ad-hoc networks
Overview of Zeroconf (Zero Configuration Networking) Zeroconf in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Analysis of the mean service loss probability Overview of joining process in Accelerating Zeroconf Implementation and performance

3 wireless mobile ad-hoc networks
No Infrastructure Allocate IP addresses without a DHCP server Translate between domain names and IP addresses without a DNS Server Find service without a directory service Service discovery The usage of service discovery has been increasing e.g., iTunes (Apple’s music file sharing), iChat Solution Zeroconf (Zero Configuration Networking)

4 What is Zeroconf? IETF Zero Configuration Networking (Zeroconf) WG
4 requirements IP interface configuration Auto-configuration of IPv4 link-local address without a central server (DHCP server) within the /16 subnet Translation between host name and IP address Auto-configuration of a host name without a central server (DNS server) IP multicast address allocation Range of IP multicast: to Service discovery Implementation Bonjour Apple’s implementation of zero-configuration networking iTunes, iChat Avahi Open source for Linux

5 What is Zeroconf? Service discovery
Users can discover available service instances of a service types. Bonjour Multicast DNS-Based service discovery (mDNS-SD) PTR, SRV and TXT records PTR lookup: <Service type>.<Domain> SRV records: port number, host name TXT records: additional information

6 What is Zeroconf? Service discovery SRV – 0 0 3689 segihong.local.
TXT – txtvers=1 segihong.local. A segi._daap._tcp.local. SRV? segi._daap._tcp.local. TXT? MDNS standard query: _daap._tcp.local. PTR? MDNS standard query response PTR: segi._daap._tcp.local. MDNS standard query response PTR: suman._daap._tcp.local.

7 Zeroconf in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
High mobile environment – frequently join/leave for a short time Zeroconf does not include algorithm to detect network topology changes To discovery services, services should be announced and looked up frequently -> overhead

8 Analysis of the mean service loss probability
Assumption: Node arrival rate to a local ad-hoc area follows an exponential distribution with rate  Node residence time follows exponential distribution with rate  Service announcing and browsing interval follows exponential distribution with rate  Current number of nodes in an area is n Service browsing of node k Service browsing of node i T Time X Node A arrives Node A’s next Service announcing Y Node A leaves

9 Analysis of the mean service loss probability
The service loss probability The mean service loss probability

10 Analysis of the mean service loss probability
Average number of users Average number of users (a) Average residence time is 60 minutes (b) Average residence time is 10 minutes

11 What do we need? Current Service Discovery of Zeroconf is not enough for high mobile environment since Zeroconf does not have the algorithm for detecting network topology changes We need a method to recognize new peers (services) in real-time while reducing overhead. Solution We can use the existing Beacon frames of

12 What happens when a device joins in a local ad-hoc network?
BSSID (Basic service set identification) is required for communication each other. TSF (Time Synchronization Function) keeps the timer for all node in same BSS for beacon period. BSSID and TSF timer value are same for all nodes in the same BSS (Basic Service Set) Beacon frames contains BSSID and TSF timer value How to join in the group? Initially, each device randomly chooses BSSID Sending probe request and scanning (listening) Beacon frames in all channels Adopt the information, such as BSSID and the TSF timer, only if the SSID is matched and the value of timestamp in the received beacon frames or probe requests is later than the node’s TSF timer

13 What happens when a device joins in a local ad-hoc network?
Node A joins BSS2 BSS1 Node A Node B Node C 802.11 MAC/PHY BSSID = 02:02:2D:0D:6B:0E TSF timer = 1000 BSSID = 00:35:0E:3S:5D:5E TSF timer = 2000

14 What happens when a device joins in a local ad-hoc network?
Node A joins 802.11 MAC/PHY Node B Node C Node A BSS2 BSSID = 00:35:0E:3S:5D:5E TSF timer = 2000

15 Accelerating Zeroconf
Monitoring current BSSID Changes of BSSID means that it joins in a new local ad-hoc network. If (old_BSSID != current_BSSID), then re-trigger service discovery. Standard wireless extensions in Linux ioctl(): SIOCGIWAP option – get BSSID Windows WLAN API WlanGetNetworkBssList()

16 Accelerating Zeroconf
Accelerating service discovery architecture User A User B Zeroconf Software Zeroconf Software Application Layer IP assign Naming Service Discovery Monitoring BSSID IP assign Naming Service Discovery Monitoring BSSID Data Link Layer Beacon Frames Beacon Frames

17 Performance Scenarios
Three laptops (A, B, and C) Laptop A joins a local ad-hoc networks Laptop A announces a service and B and C browse for the service Compare to theoretical analysis of delay in Zeroconf with periodic service announcing and browsing Service announcing and browsing interval: exponential distribution with rate D is the delay is the next announcing or browsing time of A, B and C Mean of the delay is

18 Performance Delay measurement of the service discovery protocol

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