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Tracking Point-Curve Critical Distances Xianming Chen, Elaine Cohen, Richard Riesenfeld School of Computing, University of Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking Point-Curve Critical Distances Xianming Chen, Elaine Cohen, Richard Riesenfeld School of Computing, University of Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking Point-Curve Critical Distances Xianming Chen, Elaine Cohen, Richard Riesenfeld School of Computing, University of Utah


3 Critical Distance (CD)

4 Type Discriminant D

5 Example: Min Dist


7 Example: Max Dist


9 Example: Degenerate CD



12 Higher Order Degenerate CD

13 Distance Tracking Problem Given critical distances of P to the curve If P is perturb on the plane by –Create any new CDs if any –Annihilate any old CDs if any –Evolve the rest of CDs Distance tracking without global searching?

14 CD as a Space Point

15 Normal Bundle

16 Lifted Normal Bundle implicit surface = Locus of CDs

17 Lifting the Perturbation

18 Sectional Curve

19 Tangent Vector Field

20 Evolution

21 Transition

22 Transition Type Classification

23 An Example

24 2-Stage Detection Algorithm Line hits bounding box of evolute Line intersect diagonal of hit box

25 Extended Evolute From one of our other work

26 C 1 situation Extra transition events at C 1 breaks But only evolution algorithm is required Evolve CD wrt left and right segment –Keep valid result, and discard invalid one Resulting annihilation or creation accordingly

27 C 0 situation Convert to 2 collapsed C 1 breaks, connected by an imaginary arc of (positive or negative) infinite curvature



30 Conclusion Solve dynamic critical distances of plane point to static plane C 0 curve. –Implicit surface formulation, i.e., lifted normal bundle –Construct vector field T –Evolve CD following T –Track topology of CD by 2 nd order computation Covariant derivative of T wrt T –Classification of transition via pre-computed kk´ sign –Detection via intersecting line segment to evolute. Distance tracking without global searching

31 Thank you!

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