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Teaching Box: Dynamic Weather (Overview) (Grade) (Instructional Approach) (Careers and technologies) View Concept Map [Link] (Link to topic) View Proposed.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Box: Dynamic Weather (Overview) (Grade) (Instructional Approach) (Careers and technologies) View Concept Map [Link] (Link to topic) View Proposed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Box: Dynamic Weather (Overview) (Grade) (Instructional Approach) (Careers and technologies) View Concept Map [Link] (Link to topic) View Proposed Teaching Sequence [Link]

2 Topic (1) : Intro Unit Approach Topic (2) : Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere Topic (3) : … Topic (4) : … Proposed Teaching Sequence [Note: Clicking on Topic 2 takes us to the next page. We have two options of viewing the information under The topic: Either by resource type (e.g. background info, Activities, etc.) or by subtopic.]

3 Topic: Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere (Subtopics: Layers, water vapor, humidity, clouds) Concepts:. _______.________ National Standards :._______._______ Suggested Teaching Sequence: ___________________________ _____________________________________________________ Select your own resources from: [Following are headings followed by information and urls) Background: Subtopic, Title and Url w/ short description and any technical requirements + In DLESE? [This information is listed under each of the headings below] Demos: Classroom Activities + Labs: Computer activities: Computer Images: Assessments: Student tutorials:

4 On-going Investigation + Culminating Activity Structure + Composition Of the Atmosphere Layers of Atmosphere Water Vapor Humidity Clouds (types + formation) - Mention tornadoes (an aside) The Sun’s Role In weather Convection Differential Heating Latitude Tilt of earth Fronts/Storms Coriolis (mention hurricanes … an aside Development and Movement of Air Masses H/L Pressure Winds/Jet-Stream Climate Zones Regional + Daily Weather Forecasting and forecasting tools Topographic Effects El Nino + La Nina - (drought, flood) Subject to change Note: Members of the team have been assigned to find relevant resources for each of these topics following the template from the last slide. Suniqua Eric Jorge Dawn Topics Dawn + Suniqua

5 (My version) Topic: Structure and Contents of the Atmosphere Overview: This teaching box(nested within larger box?) covers the following concepts (or subtopics?): Humidity High Winds, etc. Concept 3 Concept 4 View Proposed Sequence to teach these concepts (Heading) Background For Teachers Teachers should know info A, info B, etc. Website 1 Title, URL (Link) Website 2 Title, URL (Link) (Heading) Demos (Heading) Labs (Heading) Activities….

6 (Notes As Is _old) Topic: Structure and Contents of the Atmosphere Overview: This teaching box(nested within larger box?) covers the following concepts: Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4 (Heading) Proposed Sequence to teach these concepts (Heading) Background Info URL (Link) (Heading) Demos (Heading) Labs (Heading) Activities….

7 (My version)Topic: Structure and Contents of the Atmosphere Proposed Teaching Sequence Our rationale for approaching these concepts (1-4) was as follows: We suggest teaching these concepts in the following way: Concept 1 and 2 State the concepts here (Concepts under the subtopic, etc.). Introducing students to the topic of tornadoes by presenting this video clip (link) because … etc. Follow with an activity (link) that shows them how tornadoes form, etc.

8 (Notes As Is)Team 2: Plate Tectonics (tying in concepts and standards) Plate Tectonics: What are the lines of evidence? Contents (Table of Contents) Overview Standards Grade Level (How does this box work) How to get general DLESE Info Suggested Sequence EarthquakesVolcanoesFossilsRocks Concept “Map”Concept” Map” Concept “Map” National Standards Tools to Achieve Student Understanding Teaching Sequence Resources are Arranged In an order

9 (Mine) Team 2: Plate Tectonics (Teaching Box Approach) Concept 1 Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 2 Standard 1 (Opens up page with that standard)

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