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Presentation on theme: "BASIC THEMES OF ISLAM. BASIC THEMES OF ISLAM."— Presentation transcript:




4 Allah’s Mercy Narrated by Hazrat Maavia (raa) said the Prophet (saw):
“For whomsoever Allah (swt) decides to do good, makes him ‘knowledgeable’ with His Guidance” (Bukhari & Muslim)

5 Guidance to Right Path “As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely guide them to Our paths” (Al-Ankaboot: 69)

6 مگر چند باتیں ابھی سمجھ لیں اور دو باتیں آخر میں

7 سورہ ابراہیم ۷ : اگر تم شکر کروگے تو میں تمھیں اور زیادہ دوں گا اور اگر ناشکری کروگے تو میرا عذاب سخت ہے۔ اللہ سے دعا ہے کہ وہ ہمیں استقامات عطا فرماءے

8 But … Where there is a will there is a way
OBSTACLES Satan Nafs Others But … Where there is a will there is a way

9 AIMS & OBJECTIVES To impart basic knowledge of Islam “the Complete Code of life", for molding our lives to: obey ethical, moral, family and cultural norms and; follow the socio-politico-economic system of this perfect Deen for achieving eternal bliss and happiness

10 Scope of Islam Scope of Islam Individual Life Collective Life Global
Family Global Society Morality Politics Spirituality Economy Ideology Society

11 Deen Religion Individual Life Collective Life Belief Social System
Modes of Worship Economic System Customs Political System Deen Religion

12 Course Outline Collective Matters Personal Matters 1. Wisdom System
2. Belief System 3. Education System 4. Spiritual System 5. Morality System 6. Human Rights 12. Revival & growth System 11. Political System 10. Economic System 9. Social System 8. Family System 7. Dealing System Collective Matters Personal Matters

13 WISDOM SYSTEM Lecture-1

14     Sources of guidance Consequences Prophets Judgment Senses
& Divine Books Nissa 136 Judgment Dahar 3 Shams 8 Balad 8-10 Agreement at the time of creation Araf Senses Isra 36 Consequences وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُوْلَئِكَ كَالأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ (A’raaf 179)

15 QURAN & MODERN SCIENCE Quran is the ultimate miracle verifiable in every age This is an age of Science Science is the study of universe Universe is the work of Allah Quran is the word of Allah No contradiction between the two

The Quraan is the truth from the Almighty Allah. As such, it is in harmony and predates modern scientific discoveries. The Quraan is primarily a book of faith rather than a book of science. Non-the-less, Allah has embedded signs in it that endorse its authenticity.

17 BELIEF SYSTEM Lecture-2

18 Types of Attributes of Allah
(Tauheed) Allah Ikhlas:112/1-4 Luqman:31/27 Guardian Quresh 3-4 Ruler

19 Functions of Prophets Speak according to Human beings
Revelation(Najam 2-3) Human beings (Kahf 110) Means of Obedience to Allah (Nisa 80;) Explainer of Books (Araf 157) Teacher (Juma 2) Practical model (Ale-imran 30-31;Ahzab 21) Legislator & Judge (Nisa 105) Final Witness (Nissa 165)

20 Mulk 79/1-2; Kahf 7-8; Qiyamah 36 Creation with Objectives
Need for Day of Judgment Infitar 13-14 Result Record Keeping Infitar: 10-12 Need of Justice Su’ad;38/ 28;HM Sajada 18-20 Testing Ground Mulk 79/1-2; Kahf 7-8; Qiyamah 36 Creation with Objectives Dukhan 38-40


22 … in the Light of Qur’aan
IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION/ KNOWLEDGE … in the Light of Qur’aan 1st Revelation (Al-’Alaq: 1-5) Excellence of Adam (as) (Al-Baqarah: 31) Higher ranks (Al-Mujadila: 11) Higher Grades (Az’Zumar: 9) Fear of Allah (Fatir: 28)

23 Benefit = Knowledge +Use
Laws of Nature Explained in756 Ayas of Quran Explained in 150 Ayas of Quran Benefit = Knowledge +Use Physical Laws (Science) Moral Laws (Religion) Work of God Words of God Result=Immediate Result=Longer Mind (To learn) Body (To Survive) Spirit (To Serve) Heart (To love) Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. --Albert Einstein USE …. SUCCESS Misuse …. Exploitation Non-use …. downfall


25 Shahadah Salaah Zakah Sawm Hajj

26 Fighting Vulgar & Evil Deeds Gaining Spiritual Strength
Most Important Benefits of Prayer for an Individual Fighting Vulgar & Evil Deeds Gaining Spiritual Strength = - - Resource -Input USe-output Outcome of Abandoning Prayer

27 Objectives of Modes of Worship
Type of Worship Means (Direct outcome) Ends (Objectives) Prayer (Salat) Remembrance of Allah Spiritual strength to live individual Life according to Divine Guidance Collective strength To establish collective system of 2. Zakat (Charity) Purifies heart & eliminates love of money 3. Sawm (Fasting) Creating Taqwa (fear of Allah for His obedience) 4. Hajj (Pilgrimage) Combination of all other pillars and solitary of Ummah


Eemaan Good moral conduct is the outcome Forbids lewdness & bad conducts Teaches compassion and sympathy Drives towards Taqwa Guides us towards moral upbringing Salaat Zakaat Sawm Hajj

30 Fundamental Virtues Prayer Charity Trustworthiness Promise keeping
Nissa 103 Charity Baqra 274 Trustworthiness Nissa 58 Promise keeping Isra: 34, Baqra 177 Justice & Witness Nissa 135 Respect & Kindness Ale-imran 159 Care & Sympathy Nahal 90 Chastity Moaminoon 5; Isra 32

31 Virtues of Pious People
Worship with fear & Hope Sajada 15-16 Persistence HM Sijadda 30 Forgiveness Ale-imran 134 Modest lifestyle Furqan 67 Humbleness Furqan 63 Wisdom & Pondering Ale-imran 191 Promoting virtues Tauba 71/ Sabr & Shukar Luqman 17 & 12


33 Delivery of Rights = Islam = Discharge of Responsibility
What is Islam? Right holders Responsible Outcome Forgiveness Food Devotion Individuals Munificence Perseverance Creator (Allah) Care Contentment Help Self (Nafs) Smile Happiness Hard work Parents Din-ul-Haq (Delivery of Rights) knowledge Children Trust Services Spouse Medicine Sharing Obedience Relatives Commitment Humanity Servants/Slaves Affection Orphans/Widows Selflessness Dignity Travelers Faith Shelter Community Money Sick Compassion Mazloom Society State Freedom Devotion Guidance Animals Plants Resources Natural Piety Love Reliance Fellowship Health Positive Behavior Compassion Tawakal Education Delivery of Rights = Islam = Discharge of Responsibility

34 Rights Human Parents Spouse and children Relatives Neighbors
Entertainment of guests Needy people Sick and handicapped Orphan & poor Freeing of slaves Paying debt of people in trouble Welfare of new Muslims Human welfare Welfare of living creatures Charity in the name of Allah Charity for promotion of Islam Human Rights Anyone not spending despite ability is committing crime of violation of human rights


36 Fundamental Principles of fair dealing
1. Trustworthiness 2. Promise Keeping 3. Justice

37 Types of Trust Advice Authority Vote Wealth Secrets Office time Loans
Meetings Inheritance Office property

38 KINDS OF PROMISE … Pledge to / with: Oneself Mankind Allah
Intention of piety, repentance etc Mankind Implied agreements (Obligations to parents, neighbours etc) Written agreements (Rent, employment, business etc) Allah Lifetime obedience (Fulfilling purpose of creation i.e. Ibaadat)

39 FAMILY SYSTEM Lecture-8

40 Outcome of Socialist Experience
Founding Principle : Enforced Equality

41 Outcome of Capitalist Experience
Founding principles: Separation of Religion & State functions Concept of free will and Individual Liberty

42 Principles of Family Integration
1. Lid on adultery / Emphasis on Nikah 2. One up position of husband 3. Significance of love b/w spouses 4. Conflict resolution 5. Rights of parents & other relatives

43 Conflict Resolution: 3rd Side
Outsiders (neighbors, neutrals, bystanders) Insiders (family, friends, the parties themselves) Side 1 2 Health of our families, business, societies and our national environment depends on intricate webs of cooperation among individuals, families, friends, organizations and nations … all too often distrusted by quarreling and violence. The language of conflict is universal” I want it, No I want it, No, I am right, No I am right, you are wrong. When dispute erupts, there always others around – relatives, neighbors, allies, neutrals, friends and onlookers. Every conflict occurs with a community that constitutes the “third side” of any dispute which serves as a container for the escalating conflict. Within the container, conflict can gradually be transformed from confrontation into cooperation. Thus, third side serves as a kind if social immune system preventing the spread of virus of violence. Individually people many not prove very influential. But collectively, they are more powerful then any two conflicting parties. Organizing themselves into coalition, they can balance the power between parties and protect the weaker one. One stick breaks easily, but if you combine lost of the stick, you can’t break them. The secret of natural system is vigilant, active and construction involvement of the surrounding member of the community. Entire community should get involved.

44 SOCIAL SYSTEM Lecture-9

45 Process of downfall of nations
6. Regression and lack of self-confidence 7. Despair & Resignation 5. Decline in sense of responsibility 3. Misuse of Resources 4. Character Disorder 2. Spiritual Imbalance 1. Rise of Ignorance Pit of Hunger & Fear

46 Lessons from History of mankind
Downfall of Great powers Hajj 45 Dangers of Ignoring history Hajj 46 Result of Bad deeds Ankboot 40

47 Characteristics of Islamic Society Enjoining good/ forbidding bad
Focal point Of faith Human Equality Universal Brotherhood Sympathy/ Altruism Sense of Responsibility Moral Conduct Segregation of Sexes Enjoining good/ forbidding bad Moderation

48 Target of Islam Activity Resource Output
Prayer Charity Fasting Hajj Activity Spiritual Power Economic Power Piety Unity Resource Human Welfare Moral Welfare Spiritual Welfare System Welfare Output


50 Economic Principles of Islam
Earning Side Usage Side Individual Sharing State Distribution Business Usury + -

51 Islamic Economic System
Legal System Limited Capitalism (surplus wealth for personal use) Spiritual System Spiritual Socialism (human rights on surplus wealth) Restricting evils/crimes Elevating ethical/ spiritual values Inter-dependent & Inter-connected (Synthesis) Treatment system (Repair/Maintenance) Restricting wealth accumulation Immune System (Regulatory) Channeling excess wealth to needy Primary focus of Islam is on the spiritual System (test of Taqwa/free will) Legal system provides only safety valve for safeguarding basic human rights Keeping excess wealth and generating income from it is allowed legally but spiritually is it detested.

52 Faceless dragon eating humanity
Responding to the pressures of financial markets, corporations: Depletes social capital Deplete human capital Deplete natural capital Depletes institutional capital Depletes business capita Resources Credit Judges Law Politicians Jobs Media Trade Commerce Production Corporate Capitalist Citizen (limited liability) (1886) Today's business corporation is an artificial creation, shielding owners and managers while preserving corporate privilege and existence. Artificial or not, corporations have won more rights under law than people have -- rights which government has protected with armed force. Corporations owned resources, production, commerce, trade, prices, jobs, politicians, judges and the law. Over the next half century, as a United States congressional committee concluded in 1941, "The principal instrument of the concentration of economic power and wealth has been the corporate charter with unlimited power . . .“ Responding to the pressures of financial markets, corporations: Deplete social capital by moving production to places where they can pay less than a living wage or use the threat of moving jobs to break up labor unions and bargain down wages. Gains from productive activity are thus shifted from working people to money people. Furthermore, the stress of attempting to maintain self and family on insecure jobs paying less than a family wage results in family breakdown and violence, depleting the social capital of society. Deplete human capital by hiring young women in places like the Mexican maquiladorasunder conditions that lead to their physical burnout after three or four years. Once eyesight problems, allergies, kidney problems, and repetitive stress injuries deplete their efficiency, they are replaced by a fresh supply of younger women. Such practices destroy lives and deplete society's human capital. Deplete the Earth's natural capital through strip mining forests, fisheries, and mineral deposits, dumping wastes, and aggressively marketing toxic chemicals. Deplete institutional capital by fighting environmental and other regulations essential to the long-term health and viability of society. Corporations further demand direct public subsidies, subsidized infrastructure, and relief from their fair share of taxes. This shifts a greater share of the tax burden onto working people and undermines the credibility and performance of government in its essential functions, thus eroding the legitimacy of democratic government. Deplete business capital. Corporate managers are forced into a short-term view even in regard to their own operations. They cut investment in research and training essential to their own future prospects. As they downsize, the sharp employee quickly learns to use the job only to build a resume to attract a higher bidder. These actions erode the corporation's own human, intellectual, social, and physical capital.

53 Short-term approach Long-term approach
Modern Economic Principles Government Companies Individuals GDP growth Money Credit Tax on income/ Consumption Deficit financing Sales growth Money Credit Consumption Quick Profit Income growth Money Credit Consumption Wealth making X Y Short-term approach Long-term approach Islamic Economic System Economics is a Science of wealth (to teach selfishness). K.K Dewett Economic is made to study “wealth” rather than “welfare”. Whatever the economics is concerned with it is not concerned with: Study of relation of real goods (physical science) and wealth (monetary science) Study of relation of material welfare (of individual) and general welfare (of humanity). Study of relation of “short term needs: and “long-term needs” Wealth Tax (عبادت) Guarantee basic human needs Restricting wealth accumulation Earned income (محنت) Restricts consumption (اعتدال) Distribute surplus wealth (عبادت)


55 Systems of Life Human (Jahaliat) Divine Nafs Divine Guidance Intellect
Authority Human (Jahaliat) (Sovereignty of Satan) Divine (Sovereignty of Allah) Nafs (Satan) Divine Guidance Compliance Resource Intellect (Best use) (Misuse) Focus Materialism (Short-term benefits) Spiritualism (Long-term Benefits)

56 Evaluation of two life Support Systems
Man-made Laws Divine Laws Solution of eternal problems Solution of immediate problems Safeguards interests of humanity Safeguards interests of few people/nation. Free from personal prejudices Dominated by prejudices Dominated by spiritual reward & punishment system Does not possess spiritual reverence and reward system Nourishes ethical and moral values and have legal code Acts on violation of rights (Rape etc.) There is no change in law of Allah Subject to frequent change to solve new problems/issues

57 Justice Principles for Islamic State Sovereignty of Allah Shoora
(Caliphate) Social Welfare (spiritual & physical needs) Constitution (Bounds of Allah & Rasul) Protection (human rights) Principles for Islamic Shoora (no dictatorship /inheritance) State Obedience (Maroof) Justice (Equality)

58 Primary duties of Islamic State
Prayer System (Salat) Social Welfare system (Zakat) System of elimination of Crimes/ social evils System of promotion of virtues Source: Sura Al-haj (41)


60 Output/Resource (قوت)
Target of Islam Prayer Charity Fasting Hajj Work (كام) Spiritual Power Economic Power Piety Unity Output/Resource (قوت) Human Welfare Social Welfare Spiritual Welfare Political Welfare Outcome (مقصد)

61 Responsibility of every Muslim
Personal Welfare Human Welfare Moral Welfare Spiritual Welfare System Welfare

62 Responsibility towards humanity
Helping mankind in worldly affairs Baqra 177 Danger Zone Saving mankind from hellfire of hereafter Ale-imran 110 Danger Zone

63 Our Focus Islam is the complete code of life
Islam is the dynamic system of life Wisdom behind Islamic guidelines Balance b/w the worldly life & spiritualism Islam is the solution to all our problems Only system of Social Justice and fairplay

64 إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ‏اللّهِ الإِسْلاَمُ دین تو خدا کے نزدیک اسلام ہے) آل عمران ۱۸)
وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلاَمِدِيناً فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ اور جو شخص اسلام کے سوا کسی اور دین کا طالب ہوگا وہ اس سے ہرگز قبول نہیں کیا جائے گا اور ایسا شخص آخرت میں نقصان اٹھانے والوں میں ہوگا (آل عمران ۸۵) Objective Of This Course Is To Present Islam As A Way Of Life And Show People How To Practically Implement It

65 “Verily! Allah (swt) will glorify nations
Our Priority Learning & teachings of Qur’aan Saying of the Holy Prophet (saw): “Verily! Allah (swt) will glorify nations if they abided by the Book and disgrace them on account of avoiding it.” (Muslim)

66 FINALLY To be a part of the struggle for revival of Islam. According to a Hadith: “The one who faces death during the quest of knowledge, and object of the quest was to revive Islam with that knowledge, he will rank one step before the prophets in heaven.” (Darmi)

67 Course Proceedings (Proposed)
Lecture mins Q/A session mins Short Quiz mins Total Time mins Group discussion: Class participation in discussion on lecture points. Group findings & Q/A session: Interactive section covering the presentation of group findings & answers to the relevant written questions.

68 Course Evaluation (Proposed)
Category Each class Total Attendance (12 classes) 10 120 Home Assignments (11) 110 Final Examination (week 12) - 60 Total marks 290 Group Assignments: Refers to class participation in group discussions, discussed earlier. Take-home Exercises: Short Q/A paper Final Exams: A test of understanding of the lectures. Participants securing at least 70% marks will receive a certificate.

69 مقصد ایک ہی ہو ؛ اللہ کی رضا
غیر جانبداری سوچنے سمجھنے کی صلاحیتوں کو استعمال کرنا ہے حاضری ، برداشت، اخلاق خود پر رحم کریں، کسی پر احسان نہیں۔ مقصد ایک ہی ہو ؛ اللہ کی رضا

70 اگلے بارہ لیکچرز میں میں بحثیت معلم ، استاذ، یہی سمجھ کر اور مان کے مجھے برداشت کیجئے۔ سخت باتیں ۔۔۔
یہ نہ دیکھئے کون کہہ رہا ہے، کیا الفاظ استعمال کررہا ہے، یہ سمجھئے کہ کیا کیا کہا جارہا ہے۔ کس کا فائدہ ہے۔ اور سچے کو اپنی بات سمجھانے کے لئے منطق کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ مجبوری ہے کہ ان تمام چیزوں کو استعمال کرنا پڑ رہا ہے۔ اس لئے یہ انتظامات آپ کے لئے ہیں، فائدہ اٹھایئے

71 Jazak Allah


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