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1 Weather

2 Weather vs. Climate Weather changes from day to day
One day it may be hot and dry, the next day cold, wet, and stormy Climate is the average weather for a particular region over a long period of time As the saying goes, “Climate is what you expect and weather is what you get”

3 What is Weather? The state of our atmosphere on a ___to day basis, with respect to _______and_______ Answer Bank temperature day precipitation Liquid Absorbed Phase released

4 Evaporation Water exists in our atmosphere in a solid, liquid and gas form In order for a liquid like water to become a gas, energy must be absorbed! If enough energy is absorbed, the molecules can escape, and enter the gas phase

5 What is Evaporation? The cooling process by which water is converted from a liquid into a ____ (water vapor) Energy is ____ and it is a cooling process Answer Bank Evaporation gas Continuous Liquid Absorbed Phase released

6 Condensation Think of Condensation as evaporation in reverse
If water vapor in the air cools, it will turn back into a liquid So, Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water

7 What is Condensation? The process by which water vapor in the air is changed back into _____water Energy is______ Answer Bank Evaporation gas Continuous Liquid Absorbed Phase released

8 Humidity Water is in the air all around us But how much?
It all depends on how warm the air is The warmer the air, the more moisture it can hold or contain The cooler the air, the less water vapor it can contain

9 What is Humidity? A measure of the amount of _____in the air
Warmer air can hold more water vapor Critical thinking: Have you ever visited a tropical location?? Was the air humid or dry??? Answer Bank decrease surface altitude droplets Water vapor rises condensation

10 The ocean absorbs radiation (heat) from the sun The Water Cycle
Water is now stored in the atmosphere Stored water on land flows back to the ocean through rivers or groundwater As water vapor rises it cools, and condenses, turning back into A liquid, forming clouds The ocean absorbs radiation (heat) from the sun Evaporation causes water molecules to rise As the Clouds rise higher, they cool, dropping Precipitation (snow, hail, rain)

11 What is the Water Cycle? The _______movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth through evaporation and condensation Answer Bank Evaporation gas Continuous Liquid Absorbed phase

12 Summarize: ______ is the state of our atmosphere on a daily basis
_______ is when water is converted from a liquid into a gas and _______ when water vapor (gas) in the air is changed back into liquid water Humidity is A measure of the amount of _____in the air The ________ _________is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth through evaporation and condensation Answer Bank Humidity Evaporation Water cycle Weather Condensation water

13 Topic: Dew point and clouds
Objectives: I will know what the dew point is I will know what a cloud is and how we classify them

14 Dew Point  At the dew point temperature
Air begins to cool at night Eventually it will reach the Dew Point, Temperature when condensation begins  At the dew point temperature Fog, clouds or dew form Air can only hold so much moisture At a certain temperature, the dew point, condensation begins At the dew point temperature clouds, fog or Dew will form Air can only hold so much moisture

15 Dew Point Remember, humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air
When warm, saturated, humid air comes in contact with cooler surfaces, dew forms as a result of condensation Features such as grass, leaves, and spider webs often contain dew

16 At the dew point temperature
What is the Dew Point? The temperature air needs to cool for _______to begin If the temperature is _____then Dew Pt., then clouds, fog or Dew will form At the dew point temperature Fog, clouds or dew form Answer Bank decrease surface altitude droplets Water vapor rises Condensation below

17 Clouds Clouds are small collections of small water droplets or ice crystals that form through condensation or freezing Clouds can form either high in our atmosphere or near the surface

18 What is a Cloud? A collection of small water _____ or ice crystals suspended in the air, They form from ______when the temperature is below the_______ Answer Bank Dew point surface altitude droplets Water vapor rises Condensation below

19 Cloud Classification Clouds are classified by their shape and altitude
The 3 basic cloud types are: stratus, cumulus, and cirrus

20 Stratus Clouds Clouds with flat bottoms that are found close to the surface “Stratus” means sheet like or layered Right above fog are stratus clouds

21 Cumulus Clouds Cumulus clouds resemble big fluffy cotton balls
They have a flat base that show a well-defined condensation level

22 Cirrus Clouds Cirrus clouds have feathery appearance and are composed of ice crystals They form at high elevations Cirrus clouds are seen during sunny skies and are a sign that bad weather is on it’s way

23 What are the 3 types of clouds?
Stratus- low _____ clouds, with layered, sheet like shape Cumulus-middle altitude clouds, with flat, _____shape Cirrus- ____altitude clouds made of ____ crystals, giving them a feather like shape & associated with sunny, fair weather Answer Bank wedging Ice combination Altitude high convergence fluffy lifting

24 Condensation Nuclei Our atmosphere contains billions of particles of dust, pollen, ice, salt and other materials Because these particles are so small, they remain suspended in our air These small particles provide the “seed” needed for water to condense into water droplets

25 Condensation Nuclei Condensation nuclei are very small
Dust Particle Condensation nuclei are very small Water molecules are attracted the surface of these small particles The result is a typical cloud droplet that forms by condensation Salt Crystal

26 Condensation Nuclei To give you an idea of how small these particles are, we can compare the size of a rain drop and cloud droplet to the size of a condensation nuclei

27 Water Molecules love Condensation Nuclei!
Dust grain: Condensation Nuclei

28 Condensation Nuclei Smoke particles can serve as condensation nuclei
Here, a cloud forms over a small fire

29 What are Condensation Nuclei?
A solid particle (dust, pollen, salt) in the atmosphere that provides the _____on which water vapor condenses Answer Bank decrease surface altitude droplets Water vapor rises Condensation below

30 Summarize ____ clouds are low elevation clouds and have a flat shape to them _____ clouds are fluffy and slightly higher than stratus clouds ______ clouds are high elevation clouds made of ice crystals _____ _____ is the temperature at which clouds, fog, and dew forms A ________ is collection of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air ______ ______ provide a surface for water droplets to condense on Answer Bank Dew point cloud Humidity Water vapor rises Cumulus Cirrus Stratus Condensation nuclei

31 Summary Humidity is . . . . . Dew Point is when . . . .
A cloud is just a Adiabatic cooling is the result of . . .

32 Topic: Cloud Foramtion
Objectives: I will know the 4 ways clouds can form I will understand coalescence and the 4 kinds of precipitation

33 Cloud Formation When air rises it cools, condenses and reaches the DEW POINT temperature Whenever humid air rises, clouds form

34 Convective Lifting Dew Point Temperature As air rises it cools!!!!!
Temperature air needs to cool In order for clouds, fog & dew to form As air rises it cools!!!!!

35 Orographic Lifting Dew Point Temperature
Mountains force air to rise, as it rises it cools and condenses!!!!!

36 Covergence Dew Point Temperature
Temperature air needs to cool In order for clouds, fog & dew to form As air rises it cools and condenses!!!!!

37 Frontal Wedging Dew Point Temperature Warm Light Air Cold Heavy Air
Temperature air needs to cool In order for clouds, fog & dew to form Warm Light Air Cold Heavy Air As air rises it cools and condenses!!!!!

38 Cloud Formation Convective Lifting - The hot surface causes the air above it to rise above the condensation level

39 What caused this band of clouds to form over the equator?

40 Frontal Wedging Cold air lifting warm air, resulting in clouds


42 How did this cloud form? 2 ways
Convergence -2 air masses coming together Orographic Lifting - mountains lifting air

43 What are the 4 ways clouds can form?
When air rises it cools, condenses forming water droplets 4 ways air rises: - Orographic lifting -mountains lift air - Frontal_____- warm air is lifted above colder air -____________- air converges and is forced upward - Convective______- hot air rises over hot land Answer Bank wedging combination Altitude high convergence fluffy lifting

44 Precipitation Any moisture that falls from the air to Earth’s surface is called Precipitation The 4 major types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, hail

45 What is Precipitation? Any _______ that falls from the air to Earth’s
surface is called Precipitation 4 types exist: ______, snow, sleet, hail Answer Bank wedging rain Altitude moisture convergence fluffy

46 Coalescence Ever wonder how rain drops form?
They form through a process call coalescence A rain drop is the combination of smaller cloud droplets coming together to form a large rain droplet As larger droplets grow, they fall picking up even more small droplets in the process Growth of a Raindrop

47 Coalescence How do we go from a small cloud droplet, to a typical, large raindrop

48 Gravity pulls the heavy
Coalescence Rain Droplet Cloud Droplets Gravity pulls the heavy Large raindrop down

49 What is Coalescence? Answer Bank wedging Ice combination Altitude high convergence fluffy lifting The formation of a large rain droplet by the ______ of smaller droplets Growth of a Raindrop

50 Summarize The 4 ways clouds can form are _______, ________, _________, and __________. ________ is the formation of a large rain droplet by the combination of smaller droplets ______ is any moisture that falls from the air to Earth’s 4 kinds of precipitation are _____, ______, _____ and _____

51 Topic: Fronts & High/Low Pressure
Objectives: I will know the difference between a cold and warm front I will understand the difference between high and low pressure systems

52 How Air Moves If you recall, The sun drives our winds due to the uneven heating of earth This unequal heating creates our global wind patterns Remember, hot equatorial air moves to the cold poles by convection, resulting in our wind Then, the Coriolis Effect causes our wind to curve and spin But, air also moves as a result of pressure differences in our atmosphere

53 How Air Moves Air moves from areas of high pressure (H), to areas of low pressure (L) During High Pressure, air sinks During Low Pressure, air rises

54 High vs. Low Low Pressure High Pressure As air sinks, it
As air rises, it spins Counter clockwise As a result, cloudy stormy weather forms High Pressure As air sinks, it spins clockwise As a result sunny, clear weather forms

55 L H During High Pressure, (H) air spins clockwise as it sinks
During Low Pressure, (L) air spins counter-clockwise as it rises L H

56 Where in the U. S. is sunny High pressure. Where in the U. S
Where in the U.S. is sunny High pressure? Where in the U.S. is stormy Low pressure? L L H H H L

57 Where is the stormy weather?

58 High vs. Low High = 1020mb Low = 990mb
Wind flows from High Pressure to Low Pressure The greater the pressure difference, the faster the wind High = 1020mb Low = 990mb Air_____, spinning clockwise creating Sunny clear weather Air_____, spinning counter-clockwise creating, cloudy stormy weather Answer Bank temperature tropical cumulus funnel Sinks thunder stratus warm moisture rises

59 Air Masses When air doesn’t move, it starts to take on a characteristic temperature and humidity for that region An air mass is a large body of air throughout which temperature and moisture content are similar

60 Cold, Dry air mass Warm Humid Air Mass

61 What is an Air Mass? 4 types exist:
A large body of air throughout which temperature and moisture content are similar 4 types exist: -Continental – form over land -Maritime – form over the ocean -Tropical – Warm, humid -Polar – Cold, Dry Answer Bank temperature tropical cumulus funnel Sinks thunder stratus warm moisture rises

62 Fronts When 2 air masses meet they don’t mix, they form Fronts Why?!
Because they have different Temperatures and Densities A cold air mass is dense and does not mix with a warm air mass There are 2 types of fronts: Cold Front and a Warm Front

63 Cold Fronts When a cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass, a cold front forms The moving, heavier, cold air lifts the warm air If the warm air is moist, Clouds will form Large cumulus and cumulonimbus form along cold fronts A cold front is defined as the area or zone where a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air mass

64 Cold Fronts The side with the “teeth” has the warmer air
The colder air is pushing the warmer air up

65 A Cold Front Approaching: Notice the large cumulus clouds

66 Warm Fronts When a cold air mass retreats from an area, a warm front forms This warmer, lighter, less dense air rises over the cooler air A warm from has a gradual slope, with clouds that form as the warm air rises along the front A warm front can cause rain, and even sever thunderstorms A warm front is defined as the area or zone where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass

67 Warm Front On a weather map, Colder temperatures are on the side of the semi circles

68 Where is the warm front? Where is the cold front?

69 What is the difference between Cold Front and Warm Front?
A cold front is when a cold air mass is ______ a warmer air mass and ______ Clouds form as warm air is forced upward A warm front is an area where a ____ air mass is replacing a cold air mass and _______ clouds form as warm air is forced upward Answer Bank replacing tropical cumulus funnel Sinks thunder stratus warm moisture rises

70 Severe Weather Severe weather is any weather that may cause property damage or loss of life Severe weather may include large quantities of rain, lightning or hail, strong winds, or tornadoes Severe weather causes billions of dollars in damage each year

71 Thunderstorms A thunderstorm is accompanied by rain, thunder, lightning, and strong winds A thunderstorm is an extreme low pressure system

72 What is a Thunderstorm? A brief heavy storm (low pressure) that consists of rain, strong winds, lightning, and________ Answer Bank temperature tropical cumulus funnel Sinks thunder stratus warm moisture rises

73 Tornadoes A tornado is the most violent, and shortest lived severe storm or low pressure system It is basically a destructive rotating column of air that has very high winds producing a funnel shaped cloud

74 Tornadoes The winds of a tornado may reach speed of over 400 kilometers! Usually everything in a tornado’s path is destroyed

75 Tornado Formation Cold, dry air mass from Canada A tornado is the result of warm tropical air coming up from the gulf of Mexico meeting cold dry air coming down from Canada Warm, humid air mass from Gulf of Mexico

76 What is a Tornado? A destructive, rotating column of air that has very high wind speeds and that maybe visible as a funnel shaped cloud Tornadoes form when a cold dry, polar air mass from Canada meets warm, wet tropical air mass from the Gulf of Mexico Answer Bank temperature tropical cumulus funnel Sinks thunder stratus warm moisture rises

77 Hurricanes A hurricane is a tropical storm
Hurricanes do not have warm and cold fronts Hurricanes develop over warm tropical water where evaporation & condensation release a tremendous amount of heat (latent heat)

78 Hurricanes Hurricanes are about 700 kilometers in diameter and can have winds that can reach up to 275 kilometers an hour along the eye wall Hurricanes are the most destructive storms on earth

79 temperatures cause massive amounts of evaporation
Hurricanes form of the coast of Africa where warm ocean temperatures cause massive amounts of evaporation The trade winds blow the hurricane toward the gulf of Mexico & the United States

80 What is a Hurricane? A severe storm that develops over _____ oceans and whose strong winds of over 120 km/h spiral in toward the low-pressure storm center Answer Bank temperature tropical cumulus funnel Sinks thunder stratus warm moisture rises

81 Summarize A _____ ______ is when a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air mass and ______ Clouds form A _____ ______ is an area where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass and _____ clouds form Wind flows from _____ Pressure to ____ Pressure The greater the pressure difference, the ______ the wind High pressure systems spin_____ and low pressure systems spin ______ Answer Bank cumulus Cold low clockwise Counter-clockwise Warm Faster high stratus

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