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The current crisis Points covered in this lecture: - Background to the crisis (debt; aftermath of recession in early 2000s). - Banks and mortgages. - Subprime,

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Presentation on theme: "The current crisis Points covered in this lecture: - Background to the crisis (debt; aftermath of recession in early 2000s). - Banks and mortgages. - Subprime,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The current crisis Points covered in this lecture: - Background to the crisis (debt; aftermath of recession in early 2000s). - Banks and mortgages. - Subprime, securitization and credit default swaps. - Collapse and bailout. - Globalization of the crisis.

2 The background Debt: real wage decline and increased indebtedness since 1970s. 2000-02: stock market crash prompting low interest rates. Rising house prices as collateral on loans.

3 The banking system 1933: Glass-Steagall Act (repealed 1999) “Old-style” banking 1999: Gramm-Leach-Blilely Act “New-style” banking and mortgage products

4 Subprime and securitization What happens to a mortgage once it has been made? Why do banks lend to high-risk customers? Who buys “toxic” assets and why?

5 Credit default swaps Insurance Gambling The demise if AIG (2008)

6 Why did it collapse and what happened in the aftermath? Housing market collapse and foreclosure “Bail-out”: was there an alternative and whom did it help? Were there alternatives?

7 Globalizing the crisis What does the future hold? The latest news …

8 Word list kilter (p. 2)unbridled (p. 3) lure (p. 6)parsing (p. 6) tout (p. 7)vilification (p. 10) glibly; pittance (p. 12)

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