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AMMA data policy and data base (ADB) Objective: to make the AMMA data available for scientific studies within the AMMA objectives, with minimal restrictions,

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Presentation on theme: "AMMA data policy and data base (ADB) Objective: to make the AMMA data available for scientific studies within the AMMA objectives, with minimal restrictions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AMMA data policy and data base (ADB) Objective: to make the AMMA data available for scientific studies within the AMMA objectives, with minimal restrictions, but accounting for data protection / data exchange rules Access to data stringent question since SOP is now engaged and data are being stored in the ADB. Laurence Eymard (IPSL), Laurence Fleury (CNRM) and Laurence Mastrorillo (Medias/France)

2 STATUS Data policy discussed by ISCC and EUGB. –Near final version today –Registration required to protect data Data base: –During the first year, work has mainly concerned the data base structure, meta-data, and user interface to get data –Meta-data base : still missing non-EU informations –Independent work performed in different data centres : coordination needed to ensure similar access to every data (BADC activity)

3 DATA POLICY Two categories of participants to the AMMA international programme: –Scientists depending on an institution which is a member of the AMMA-EU consortium : « European » –Scientists outside this circle (e.g. US scientists) : « interested scientists » Both categories will sign a data chart, giving them access to all data collected during the field experiments: all participants in the AMMA project will have similar access to these data

4 Elements of the data policy : general issues The policy has been established considering the existing consortium agreement of the AMMA-EU and the rules of the European Union on the one hand and the free data access proposed for other instruments deployed on the other hand. The access given to the data only covers the usage of the knowledge for the scientific objectives of AMMA. This categorically excludes the redistribution of data to third parties and the usage for commercial applications. Should the AMMA participant also be a data producer (observations or models) then his results have to be in the data base 2 months after data acquisition. For complicated datasets requiring a lot of processing and quality control, exceptions will be permitted after examination by the ISSC. All knowledge will be disseminated at the very latest on 1st of January 2009.Should the AMMA participant also be a data producer (observations or models) then his results have to be in the data base 2 months after data acquisition. For complicated datasets requiring a lot of processing and quality control, exceptions will be permitted after examination by the ISSC. The data set can be updated at any time. All knowledge will be disseminated at the very latest on 1st of January 2009.

5 Elements of the data policy : general issues AMMA-EU This data use chart covers knowledge existing prior and parallel to the project, and those acquired during the project by institutions and individual scientists participating in the project. Any data is accessible on request and royalty free to AMMA participants within the limits of the scientific objectives of the project AMMA-INT This data use chart covers data collected during AMMA field experiments (2005 - 2007) by institutions and individual scientists participating in the project. All PEKH is excluded Any data is accessible on request and royalty free to all AMMA participants within the limits of the scientific objectives of the project

6 Elements of the data policy : acknowledgment rules The agencies which have built AMMA need to be acknowledged in any case with the sentence: “AMMA was initiated by an international scientific group and is currently funded by a large number of agencies, especially from France, UK, US and Africa. It has been the beneficiary of a major financial contribution from the European Community's Sixth Framework Research Programme. Detailed information on scientific coordination and funding is available on the AMMA International web site”. Users of the data base are expected to contact the producer/owner of the data in order to propose a collaboration. To ensure this happens, any access to a data set will automatically trigger an e-mail to the owner of the data so that he/she is aware of who intends to use the data and can contact that person if needed.

7 Elements for the data policy : publication rules Depending on the data type (operational or not), the « production age » and the actuality of a scientific collaboration, any publication will have to be either co-signed by the data provider or at least his contribution acknowledged. For research data collected less than 24 month ago a co-authorship has to be proposed to the owner of the data. Any publication related to AMMA has to be submitted to the Project Office as soon as it is submitted to the journal, conference or other organization.. At this point any partner can object to the publication and a conciliation procedure is followed.

8 Elements for the data policy: user registration form and chart (1) A dedicated web page, linked to AMMA-EU and AMMA-INT web sites, will allow all scientists to ask for user account to either the AMMA-EU EC (and concerned WP leader) or the ISSC, and sign the corresponding data chart, prior to access to the data base. If conflicts do occur, they will be resolved at the level of ISSC including through the AMMA-EU EC and other national and pan- national Committees of AMMA. If conflict is not solved, that will be addressed to IGB.

9 Elements for the data policy: user registration form and chart (2) Web Form Ms. Mr. Last Name: First Name: Affiliation: Postal Address: Zip Code: City: Country: Telephone: E-mail: Scientific project : Number of the Work Package ; title of the planned work. Data Chart text, followed by signature of: I fully accept the rules given in the data policy of AMMA Web Form Ms. Mr. Last Name: First Name: Affiliation: Postal Address: Zip Code: City: Country: Telephone: E-mail: Project abstract: Data Chart text, followed by signature of: I fully accept the rules given in the data policy of AMMA

10 ADB status and priorities for the next months Registration web form Acceptation by ISSC Data base access (user, passw.) to all data bases Defines the data authorized for the user Meta data, catalogue, interface tools satellitesIn situ dataHistorical data On-going German, US,... data bases UK DB On-going Link / mirror to establish Model outputs To be designed and built in 2006 On going On-going

11 AMMA data base status and requirements Data information (web or paper form) is being completed (action L. Mastrorillo and L. Fleury) But few forms including the way data will be provided to the data base! Warning: data must be provided within two months after being obtained. Additional delay only for data requiring complex data processing. Update of preliminary data is encouraged Please let the DB team know how and when the first data set will be provided, and when it will be updated

12 In situ data list and status : LOP

13 EOP data (1)

14 EOP data (2)

15 SOP 1 data (1)

16 SOP1 data (2)

17 Recommendations Data producers: –AMMA objectives cannot be achived without data! Data archival in the ADB is a high priority –ADB actors can help you finding the easiest way: don’t hesitate to contact them ( –Let them known when updated data set available –LM and LF will contact you if dead line overpassed. Data users : –Registration link available within one month from now –All participants must register (immediate answer for those who already register in the AMMA-EU web site) –User and password will be required to access data

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